Special characters
Special characters
- a64l subroutine
- abort subroutine
- abs subroutine
- absinterval subroutine
- absolute path names
- absolute value subroutines
- absolute values
- access control attributes
- access control information
- access control subroutines
- access subroutine
- accessx subroutine
- accounting subroutines
- accredrange Subroutine
(1), (2)
- acct subroutine
- acct_wpar Subroutine
- acl_chg subroutine
- acl_fchg subroutine
- acl_fget subroutine
- acl_fput subroutine
- acl_fset subroutine
- acl_get subroutine
- acl_put subroutine
- acl_set subroutine
- aclx_convert subroutine
- aclx_fget subroutine
- aclx_fput subroutine
- aclx_get subroutine
- aclx_gettypeinfo subroutine
- aclx_gettypes subroutine
- aclx_print subroutine
- aclx_printStr subroutine
- aclx_put subroutine
- aclx_scan subroutine
- aclx_scanStr subroutine
- acos subroutine
- acosd128 subroutine
- acosd32 subroutine
- acosd64 subroutine
- acosf subroutine
- acosh subroutine
- acoshd128 subroutine
- acoshd32 subroutine
- acoshd64 subroutine
- acoshf subroutine
- acoshl subroutine
- acosl subroutine
- addproj subroutine
- addprojdb subroutine
- address identifiers
- addssys subroutine
- adjtime subroutine
- advance subroutine
- Advanced Accounting subroutines
- agg_arm_stat subroutine
- agg_lpar_stat subroutine
- agg_proc_stat subroutine
- aio_cancel subroutine
- aio_error subroutine
- aio_fsync subroutine
- aio_nwait subroutine
- aio_nwait_timeout subroutine
- aio_read subroutine
- aio_return subroutine
- aio_suspend subroutine
- aio_write subroutine
- alarm subroutine
- alloca subroutine
- alloclmb Subroutine
- application code
- Application Programming Interface
- perfstat
- cpu
(1), (2), (3), (4)
- cpu_total
(1), (2), (3)
- disk_total
(1), (2), (3)
- diskpath
- logical volume
- memory
(1), (2), (3)
- netbuffer
- pagingspace
- protocol
- reset
- tape
(1), (2)
- volume group
- arc sine subroutines
- arc tangent subroutines
- archive files
- ARM Subroutines
- ASCII strings
- asctime_r subroutine
- asctime subroutine
- asctime64_r subroutine
- asctime64 subroutine
- asin subroutine
- asind128 subroutine
- asind32 subroutine
- asind64 subroutine
- asinf subroutine
- asinh subroutine
- asinhd128 subroutine
- asinhd32 subroutine
- asinhd64 subroutine
- asinhf subroutine
- asinhl subroutine
- asinl subroutine
- assert macro
- asynchronous I/O
- asynchronous I/O requests
- atan subroutine
- atan2 subroutine
- atan2d128 subroutine
- atan2d32 subroutine
- atan2d64 subroutine
- atan2f subroutine
- atan2l subroutine
- atand128 subroutine
- atand32 subroutine
- atand64 subroutine
- atanf subroutine
- atanh subroutine
- atanhd128 subroutine
- atanhd32 subroutine
- atanhd64 subroutine
- atanhf subroutine
- atanhl subroutine
- atanl subroutine
- atexit subroutine
- atof subroutine
- atoff subroutine
- atojis subroutine
- atol subroutine
- atoll subroutine
- atomic access subroutines
- attribute object
- audit bin files
- audit records
- audit subroutine
- audit trail files
- auditbin subroutine
- auditevents subroutine
- auditing modes
- auditing subroutines
- auditlog subroutine
- auditobj subroutine
- auditpack subroutine
- auditproc subroutine
- auditread, auditread_r subroutines
- auditwrite subroutine
- authenticate
- authenticatex subroutine
- authentication subroutines
- authorization database
- modifying attribute
- modifying authorization
- authorizations
- authorizations, compare
- auxiliary areas
- packet capture device
- PAG Services
- paging memory
- pam_acct_mgmt subroutine
- pam_authenticate subroutine
- pam_chauthtok subroutine
- pam_close_session subroutine
- pam_end subroutine
- pam_get_data subroutine
- pam_get_item subroutine
- pam_get_user subroutine
- pam_getenv subroutine
- pam_getenvlist subroutine
- pam_open_session subroutine
- pam_putenv subroutine
- pam_set_data subroutine
- pam_set_item subroutine
- pam_setcred subroutine
- pam_sm_acct_mgmt subroutine
- pam_sm_authenticate subroutine
- pam_sm_chauthtok subroutine
- pam_sm_close_session subroutine
- pam_sm_open_session subroutine
- pam_sm_setcred subroutine
- pam_start subroutine
- pam_strerror subroutine
- PAM subroutines
- passwdexpired
- passwdexpiredx subroutine
- passwdpolicy subroutine
- passwdstrength subroutine
- password maintenance
- password subroutines
- passwords
- pathconf subroutine
- pause subroutine
- pcap_close
- pcap_compile
- pcap_datalink
- pcap_dump
- pcap_dump_close
- pcap_dump_open
- pcap_file
- pcap_fileno
- pcap_geterr
- pcap_is_swapped
- pcap_lookupdev
- pcap_lookupnet
- pcap_loop
- pcap_major_version
- pcap_next
- pcap_open_live
- pcap_open_live_sb
- pcap_open_live_sb Subroutine
- pcap_open_offline
- pcap_perror
- pcap_setfilter
- pcap_snapshot
- pcap_stats
- pcap_strerror
- pclose subroutine
- pdmkdir subroutine
- performance monitor API
- Performance Monitor APIs
- Performance Monitor APIs Library
- Performance Monitor data
- reset system-wide data
- reset WPAR data
- Performance Monitor settings
- delete system-wide
- delete WPAR wide
- performance monitor subroutines
- perfstat
- perfstat_cpu_rset subroutine
(1), (2)
- perfstat_cpu subroutine
- perfstat_cpu_total subroutine
- perfstat_cpu_total_wpar subroutine
- perfstat_disk subroutine
- perfstat_disk_total subroutine
- perfstat_diskadapter subroutine
- perfstat_diskpath subroutine
- perfstat_logicalvolume subroutine
- perfstat_memory_page subroutine
(1), (2)
- perfstat_memory_total subroutine
- perfstat_memory_total_wpar subroutine
(1), (2)
- perfstat_netbuffer subroutine
- perfstat_netinterface subroutine
- perfstat_netinterface_total subroutine
- perfstat_pagingspace subroutine
- perfstat_partial_reset subroutine
- perfstat_partition_total subroutine
- perfstat_protocol subroutine
- perfstat_reset subroutine
- perfstat_tape subroutine
- perfstat_tape_total subroutine
- perfstat_volumegroup subroutine
- permanent storage
- perror subroutine
- pglob parameter
- physical volumes
- pipe subroutine
- pipes
- plock subroutine
- pm_delete_program_pgroup subroutine
- pm_delete_program_pthread subroutine
- pm_delete_program subroutine
- pm_delete_program_wp subroutine
- pm_get_data_lcpu_wp_mx subroutine
- pm_get_data_lcpu_wp subroutine
- pm_get_data_pgroup_mx subroutine
- pm_get_data_pgroup subroutine
- pm_get_data_pthread_mx subroutine
- pm_get_data_pthread subroutine
- pm_get_data_wp_mx subroutine
- pm_get_data_wp subroutine
- pm_get_proctype subroutine
- pm_get_program_group_mm subroutine
- pm_get_program_group_mx subroutine
- pm_get_program_mm subroutine
- pm_get_program_mx subroutine
- pm_get_program_mygroup_mm subroutine
- pm_get_program_mygroup_mx subroutine
- pm_get_program_mythread_mm subroutine
- pm_get_program_mythread_mx subroutine
- pm_get_program_pgroup_mm subroutine
- pm_get_program_pgroup_mx subroutine
- pm_get_program_pgroup subroutine
- pm_get_program_pthread_mm subroutine
- pm_get_program_pthread_mx subroutine
- pm_get_program_pthread subroutine
- pm_get_program_thread_mm subroutine
- pm_get_program_thread_mx subroutine
- pm_get_program_wp
- pm_get_program_wp_mm Subroutine
- pm_get_tdata_lcpu_wp_mx subroutine
- pm_get_tdata_lcpu_wp subroutine
- pm_get_Tdata_lcpu_wp subroutine
- pm_get_tdata_pgroup_mx subroutine
- pm_get_tdata_pgroup subroutine
- pm_get_Tdata_pgroup subroutine
- pm_get_tdata_pthread_mx subroutine
- pm_get_tdata_pthread subroutine
- pm_get_Tdata_pthread subroutine
- pm_get_tdata_wp_mx subroutine
- pm_get_tdata_wp subroutine
- pm_get_Tdata_wp subroutine
- pm_get_wplist subroutine
- pm_initialize subroutine
- pm_reset_data_pgroup subroutine
- pm_reset_data_pthread subroutine
- pm_reset_data subroutine
- pm_reset_data_wp subroutine
- pm_set_program_group_mm subroutine
- pm_set_program_group_mx subroutine
- pm_set_program_mm subroutine
- pm_set_program_mx subroutine
- pm_set_program_mygroup_mm subroutine
- pm_set_program_mygroup_mx subroutine
- pm_set_program_mythread_mm subroutine
- pm_set_program_mythread_mx subroutine
- pm_set_program_pgroup_mm subroutine
- pm_set_program_pgroup_mx subroutine
- pm_set_program_pgroup subroutine
- pm_set_program_pthread_mm subroutine
- pm_set_program_pthread_mx subroutine
- pm_set_program_pthread subroutine
- pm_set_program_thread_mm subroutine
- pm_set_program_thread_mx subroutine
- pm_set_program_wp_mm
- pm_set_program_wp subroutine
- pm_start_pgroup subroutine
- pm_start_pthread subroutine
- pm_start_wp subroutine
- pm_stop_pgroup subroutine
- pm_stop_wp subroutine
- pm_tstart_pgroup subroutine
- pm_tstart_pthread subroutine
- pm_tstart_wp subroutine
- pm_tstop_pgroup subroutine
- pm_tstop_wp subroutine
- poll subroutine
- pollset_create subroutine
- pollset_ctl subroutine
- pollset_destroy subroutine
- pollset_poll subroutine
- pollset_query subroutine
- pollset subroutines
- popen subroutine
- posix_openpt Subroutine
- POSIX Realtime subroutines
- posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose subroutine
- posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2 subroutine
- posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen subroutine
- posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy subroutine
- posix_spawn_file_actions_init subroutine
- posix_spawn subroutine
- POSIX SPAWN subroutines
- posix_spawnattr_destroy subroutine
- posix_spawnattr_getflags subroutine
- posix_spawnattr_getpgroup subroutine
- posix_spawnattr_getschedparam subroutine
- posix_spawnattr_getschedpolicy subroutine
- posix_spawnattr_getsigdefault subroutine
- posix_spawnattr_getsigmask subroutine
- posix_spawnattr_init subroutine
- posix_spawnattr_setflags subroutine
- posix_spawnattr_setpgroup subroutine
- posix_spawnattr_setschedparam subroutine
- posix_spawnattr_setschedpolicy subroutine
- posix_spawnattr_setsigdefault subroutine
- posix_spawnattr_setsigmask subroutine
- posix_spawnp subroutine
- posix_trace_attr_destroy subroutine
- posix_trace_attr_getclockres subroutine
- posix_trace_attr_getcreatetime subroutine
- posix_trace_attr_getgenversion subroutine
- posix_trace_attr_getinherited subroutine
- posix_trace_attr_getlogfullpolicy subroutine
- posix_trace_attr_getlogsize subroutine
- posix_trace_attr_getmaxdatasize subroutine
- posix_trace_attr_getmaxusereventsize subroutine
- posix_trace_attr_getname subroutine
- posix_trace_attr_getstreamfullpolicy subroutine
- posix_trace_attr_getstreamsize subroutine
- posix_trace_attr_init subroutine
- posix_trace_attr_setinherited subroutine
- posix_trace_attr_setlogfullpolicy subroutine
- posix_trace_attr_setlogsize subroutine
- posix_trace_attr_setmaxdatasize subroutine
- posix_trace_attr_setname subroutine
- posix_trace_attr_setstreamfullpolicy subroutine
- posix_trace_attr_setstreamsize subroutine
- posix_trace_clear subroutine
- posix_trace_close subroutine
- posix_trace_create subroutine
- posix_trace_create_withlog subroutine
- posix_trace_event subroutine
- posix_trace_eventid_equal subroutine
- posix_trace_eventid_get_name subroutine
- posix_trace_eventid_open subroutine
- posix_trace_eventset_add subroutine
- posix_trace_eventset_del subroutine
- posix_trace_eventset_empty subroutine
- posix_trace_eventset_fill subroutine
- posix_trace_eventset_ismember subroutine
- posix_trace_eventtypelist_getnext_id subroutine
- posix_trace_eventtypelist_rewind subroutine
- posix_trace_flush subroutine
- posix_trace_get_attr subroutine
- posix_trace_get_filter subroutine
- posix_trace_get_status subroutine
- posix_trace_getnext_event subroutine
- posix trace library
- posix_trace_open subroutine
- posix_trace_rewind subroutine
- posix_trace_set_filter subroutine
- posix_trace_shutdown subroutine
- posix_trace_start subroutine
- posix_trace_stop subroutine
- posix_trace_timedgetnext_event subroutine
- posix_trace_trid_eventid_open subroutine
- posix_trace_trygetnext_event subroutine
- pow subroutine
(1), (2)
- powd128 subroutine
- powd32 subroutine
- powd64 subroutine
- power functions
- powf subroutine
- powl subroutine
- pre-editing space
- print formatter subroutines
- print lines
- printer initialization
- printf subroutine
- priv_clr subroutine
(1), (2)
- priv_clrall subroutine
(1), (2), (3)
- priv_comb subroutine
(1), (2), (3)
- priv_copy subroutine
(1), (2), (3), (4), (5)
- priv_isnull subroutine
(1), (2), (3)
- priv_lower subroutine
(1), (2), (3)
- priv_mask subroutine
- priv_raise subroutine
(1), (2), (3)
- priv_rem subroutine
- priv_remove
(1), (2)
- priv_remove subroutine
(1), (2), (3)
- priv_setall subroutine
- priv_subset subroutine
(1), (2), (3)
- privbit_clr subroutine
- privbit_set subroutine
- privbit_test subroutine
(1), (2), (3)
- privilege
- adding to privilege set
- copying
- determining
- priv_setall
- removing
- removing from privilege set
- setting
- privilege bits
- privilege set
- adding privilege
- computing
- determining empty
- removing and copying
- removing privilege
- storing intersection
- privilege subroutine
- privilege subroutines
- privileged command database
- modifying command security
- privileged device database
- modifying device attribute
- modifying device security
- privileged file database
- accessing privileged file security
- privileged file security
- privileged files database
- proc_rbac_op subroutine
- process accounting
- process credentials
- process environments
- process group IDs
- returning
(1), (2)
- supplementary IDs
- process identification
- process IDs
- process initiation
- process locks
- process messages
- process priorities
- process program counters
- process resource allocation
- process resource use
- process signals
- process subroutines (security and auditing)
- process user IDs
- processes
- processes subroutines
- processor type
- profil subroutine
- program assertion
- proj_execve subroutine
- projdballoc subroutine
- projdbfinit subroutine
- projdbfree subroutine
- psdanger subroutine
- psignal subroutine
- pthdb_attr_
- pthread_atfork subroutine
- pthread_attr_destroy subroutine
- pthread_attr_getdetachstate subroutine
- pthread_attr_getguardsize subroutine
- pthread_attr_getinheritsched subroutine
- pthread_attr_getschedparam subroutine
- pthread_attr_getschedpolicy subroutine
- pthread_attr_getscope subroutine
- pthread_attr_getsrad_np subroutine
- pthread_attr_getstackaddr subroutine
- pthread_attr_getstacksize subroutine
- pthread_attr_getukeyset_np subroutine
- pthread_attr_init subroutine
- pthread_attr_setdetachstate subroutine
- pthread_attr_setguardsize subroutine
- pthread_attr_setinheritsched subroutine
- pthread_attr_setschedparam subroutine
- pthread_attr_setschedpolicy subroutine
- pthread_attr_setscope subroutine
- pthread_attr_setsrad_np subroutine
- pthread_attr_setstackaddr subroutine
- pthread_attr_setstacksize subroutine
- pthread_attr_setsupendstate_np and pthread_attr_getsuspendstate_np subroutine
- pthread_attr_setukeyset_np subroutine
- pthread_cancel subroutine
- pthread_cleanup_pop subroutine
- pthread_cleanup_push subroutine
- pthread_cond_broadcast subroutine
- pthread_cond_destroy subroutine
- pthread_cond_signal subroutine
- pthread_cond_timedwait subroutine
- pthread_cond_wait subroutine
- pthread_condattr_destroy subroutine
- pthread_condattr_getclock subroutine
- pthread_condattr_getpshared subroutine
- pthread_condattr_setclock subroutine
- pthread_condattr_setpshared subroutine
- pthread_create subroutine
- pthread_create_withcred_np subroutine
- pthread_delay_np subroutine
- pthread_equal subroutine
- pthread_exit subroutine
- pthread_get_expiration_np subroutine
- pthread_getconcurrency subroutine
- pthread_getcpuclockid subroutine
- pthread_getiopri_np subroutine
- pthread_getrusage_np subroutine
- pthread_getschedparam subroutine
- pthread_getspecific subroutine
- pthread_getunique_np subroutine
- pthread_join subroutine
- pthread_key_create subroutine
- pthread_key_delete subroutine
- pthread_kill subroutine
- pthread_lock_global_np subroutine
- pthread_mutex_destroy subroutine
- pthread_mutex_init subroutine
- pthread_mutex_lock subroutine
- pthread_mutex_timedlock subroutine
- pthread_mutex_trylock subroutine
- pthread_mutexattr_destroy subroutine
- pthread_mutexattr_getkind_np subroutine
- pthread_mutexattr_gettype subroutine
- pthread_mutexattr_init subroutine
- pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np subroutine
- pthread_mutexattr_settype subroutine
- pthread_once subroutine
- pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock subroutine
- pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock subroutine
- pthread_self subroutine
- pthread_setcancelstate subroutine
- pthread_setiopri_np subroutine
- pthread_setschedparam subroutine
- pthread_setschedprio subroutine
- pthread_setspecific subroutine
- pthread_signal_to_cancel_np subroutine
- pthread_spin_destroy subroutine
- pthread_spin_init subroutine
- pthread subroutines
- pthread_suspend_np, pthread_unsuspend_np and pthread_continue_np subroutine
- pthread_unlock_global_np subroutine
- pthread_yield subroutine
- pthreads subroutines
- ptrace subroutine
- ptracex subroutine
- ptsname subroutine
- putauthattr subroutine
- putauthattrs subroutine
- putc subroutine
- putc_unlocked subroutine
- putchar subroutine
- putchar_unlocked subroutine
- putcmdattr subroutine
- putcmdattrs subroutine
- putconfattr subroutine
- putconfattrs subroutine
- putdevattr subroutine
- putdevattrs subroutine
- putdomattr subroutine
- putdomattrs subroutine
- putenv subroutine
- putgrent subroutine
- putgroupattr subroutine
- putgroupattrs subroutine
- putgrpaclattr Subroutine
- putobjattr subroutine
- putobjattrs subroutine
- putpfileattr subroutine
- putpfileattrs subroutine
- putportattr Subroutine
- putpwent subroutine
- putroleattr Subroutine
- putroleattrs subroutine
- puts subroutine
- puttcbattr subroutine
- putuserattr subroutine
- putuserattrs subroutine
- putuserpw subroutine
- putuserpwhist subroutine
- putuserpwx subroutine
- putusraclattr Subroutine
- pututline subroutine
- putw subroutine
- putwc subroutine
- putwchar subroutine
- putws subroutine
- querying process
- queues
- quotient and remainder
- telldir subroutine
- telldir64 subroutine
- terminal baud rate
- text area
- text locks
- text strings
- Thread-safe C Library
- Thread-Safe C Library
(1), (2), (3), (4), (5)
- threads
- Threads Library
- condition variables
- DCE compatibility subroutines
- getting user key set
- mutexes
- process creation
- pthread_attr_getguardsize subroutine
- pthread_attr_setguardsize subroutine
- pthread_getconcurrency subroutine
- pthread_mutex_destroy
- pthread_mutex_init
- scheduling
- dynamic thread control
(1), (2)
- thread creation attributes
(1), (2)
- setting user key set
- signal, sleep, and timer handling
- thread-specific data
- threads
- cancellation
(1), (2)
- creation
- creation attributes
(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11)
- ID handling
(1), (2)
- initialization
(1), (2)
- termination
(1), (2), (3)
- time
- time format conversions
- time manipulation subroutines
- time subroutine
- time subroutines
- timer
- timer subroutines
- times subroutine
- toascii subroutine
- tojhira subroutine
- tojkata subroutine
- tojlower subroutine
- tojupper subroutine
- tolower subroutine
- toujis subroutine
- toupper subroutine
- trace
- trace attributes
- trace event
- trace event name
- trace event type
- trace log
- clearing
- closing
- re-initializing
- trace name
- trace point
- trace status
- trace stream
- tracing subroutines
- transforming text
- trunc subroutine
- Trusted AIX
(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14)
- trusted processes
- tty description file
- tty subroutines
- tzset subroutine
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