newpass Subroutine


Generates a new password for a user.


Security Library (libc.a)


#include <usersec.h>
#include <userpw.h>

char *newpass( Password)
struct userpw *Password;


Note: This subroutine has been depreciated and its use is not recommended. The chpass Subroutine should be used in its place.

The newpass subroutine generates a new password for the user specified by the Password parameter. This subroutine displays a dialogue to enter and confirm the user's new password.

Passwords can contain almost any legal value for a character but cannot contain (National Language Support (NLS) code points. Passwords cannot have more than the value specified by MAX_PASS.

If a password is successfully generated, a pointer to a buffer containing the new password is returned and the last update time is reset.

Note: The newpass subroutine is not safe in a multithreaded environment. To use newpass in a threaded application, the application must keep the integrity of each thread.


Item Description
Password Specifies a user password structure. This structure is defined in the userpw.h file and contains the following members:
A pointer to a character buffer containing the user name.
A pointer to a character buffer containing the current password.
The time the password was last changed, in seconds since the epoch.
A bit mask containing 0 or more of the following values:
This bit indicates that password information for this user may only be changed by the root user.
This bit indicates that the password is being changed by root and the password will have to be changed upon the next successful running of the login or su commands to this account.


Item Description
Policy: Authentication To change a password, the invoker must be properly authenticated.
Note: Programs that invoke the newpass subroutine should be written to conform to the authentication rules enforced by newpass. The PW_ADMCHG flag should always be explicitly cleared unless the invoker of the command is an administrator.

Return Values

If a new password is successfully generated, a pointer to the new encrypted password is returned. If an error occurs, a null pointer is returned and the errno global variable is set to indicate the error.

Error Codes

The newpass subroutine fails if one or more of the following are true:

Item Description
EINVAL The structure passed to the newpass subroutine is invalid.
ESAD Security authentication is denied for the invoker.
EPERM The user is unable to change the password of a user with the PW_ADMCHG bit set, and the real user ID of the process is not the root user.
ENOENT The user is not properly defined in the database.

Implementation Specifics

This subroutine is part of Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime.