ldtbseek Subroutine


Seeks to the symbol table of a common object file.


Object File Access Routine Library (libld.a)


#include <stdio.h>
#include <ldfcn.h>

int ldtbseek ( ldPointer)
LDFILE *ldPointer;


The ldtbseek subroutine seeks to the symbol table of the common object file currently associated with the ldPointer parameter.


Item Description
ldPointer Points to the LDFILE structure that was returned as the result of a successful call to the ldopen or ldaopen subroutine.

Return Values

The ldtbseek subroutine returns a SUCCESS or FAILURE value.

Error Codes

The ldtbseek subroutine fails if the symbol table has been stripped from the object file or if the subroutine cannot seek to the symbol table.