getsecconfig and setsecconfig Subroutines


Retrieves and sets the kernel security configuration flags for system run mode.


Trusted AIX® Library ( libmls.a )


#include <mls/mls.h>

int getsecconfig (secconf)
uint32_t *secconf;

int setsecconfig(secconf, mode)
uint32_t secconf;
ushort mode;


The getsecconfig subroutine retrieves the security configuration flags based on the current run mode. The flags are copied to kernel security configuration flag specified by the secconf parameter.

The setsecconfig subroutine sets the kernel security configuration for the specified mode according to flag that the secconf parameter specifies. The kernel configuration flags can only be changed in the CONFIGURATION runtime mode.


Item Description
secconf Specifies the kernel security configuration flags.
Mode Specifies the runtime mode to be updated. The valid values are CONFIGURATION_MODE and OPERATIONAL_MODE.


Access Control: To set the configuration flags, the calling process invoking should have the PV_KER_SECCONFIG privilege.

Return Values

If successful, these subroutines return a value of zero. Otherwise, they return a value of -1.

Error Codes

If these subroutines fail, they set one of the following error codes:

Item Description
EINVAL The value that the parameter specifies is null.
EINVAL The specified run time mode is not valid.
EINVAL The configuration flags that are specified are not proper.
EPERM The calling process either does not have permissions or privileges, or the system is not in the CONFIGURATION runtime mode.