pm_get_program_group_mx and pm_get_program_group_mm Subroutines


Retrieves the Performance Monitor settings in counter multiplexing mode and multi-mode for the counting group to which a target thread belongs.


Performance Monitor APIs Library (libpmapi.a)


#include <pmapi.h>

int pm_get_program_group_mx ( pid,  tid,  *prog)
pid_t pid;
tid_t tid;
pm_prog_mx_t *prog;

int pm_get_program_group_mm ( pid, tid, *prog_mm)
pid_t pid;
tid_t tid;
pm_prog_mm_t *prog_mm;


These subroutines support only the 1:1 threading model. They have been superseded respectively by the pm_get_program_pgroup_mx subroutine and the pm_get_program_pgroup_mm subroutine, which support both the 1:1 and the M:N threading models. A call to the pm_get_program_group_mx subroutine or the pm_get_program_group_mm subroutine is respectively equivalent to a call to the pm_get_program_pgroup_mx subroutine or the pm_get_program_pgroup_mm subroutine with a ptid parameter equal to 0.

The pm_get_program_group_mx subroutine and the pm_get_program_group_mm subroutine retrieve the Performance Monitor settings for the counting group to which a target kernel thread belongs. The thread must be stopped and must be part of a debuggee process under the control of the calling process. This includes mode information and the events being counted, which are in an array of lists of event identifiers. The identifiers come from the lists returned by the pm_initialize subroutine.

When counting in multiplexing mode (pm_get_program_group_mx), the mode is global to all of the events lists. When counting in multi-mode (pm_get_program_group_mm), a mode is associated with each event list.

Counting mode includes the user mode, the kernel mode, and the current counting state.

If the list includes an event which can be used with a threshold (as indicated by the pm_init subroutine), a threshold value is also returned.

The user application must free the allocated array to store the event lists (the events_set field in the prog parameter).


Item Description
pid Process identifier of the target thread. The target process must be an argument of a debug process.
tid Thread identifier of the target thread.
*prog Returns which Performance Monitor events and modes are set. It supports the following modes:
Counting process running in User Mode.
Counting process running in Kernel Mode.
Counting is On.
Process level counting group.
*prog_mm Returns which Performance Monitor events and associated modes are set. It supports the following modes:
Counting processes running in User Mode.
Counting processes running in Kernel Mode.
Counting is on.
Counting that applies only to the calling process and its descendants.

The PM_PROCTREE mode and the PM_COUNT mode are common to all modes set.

Return Values

Item Description
0 No errors occurred.
Positive error code See the pm_error Subroutine to decode the error code.

Error Codes

See the pm_error Subroutine.


Item Description
/usr/include/pmapi.h Defines standard macros, data types, and subroutines.