accredrange Subroutine


Checks whether the sensitivity label (SL) is in accreditation.


Trusted AIX® Library ( libmls.a )


#include <mls/mls.h>

int accredrange (sl)
const sl_t *sl;


The accredrange subroutine checks whether the sensitivity label (SL) is in the accreditation range that the initialized label database defines. The sl parameter specifies the sensitivity label to be checked. The label encodings file defines the accreditation range.

Requirement: Must initialize the database before running this subroutine.


Item Description
sl Specifies the sensitivity label to be checked.

Files Access

Mode File
r /etc/security/enc/LabelEncodings

Return Values

If the sensitivity label is in the accreditation range, the accredrange subroutine returns a value of zero. If the sensitivity label is not in the accreditation range, it returns a value of -1.

Error Codes

If the accredrange subroutine fails, it sets one of the following error codes:

Item Description
EINVAL The sl parameter specifies a sensitivity label that is not valid.
ENOTREADY The database is not initialized.