loginfailed Subroutine


Records an unsuccessful login attempt.


Security Library (libc.a)


#include <usersec.h>
int loginfailed ( User,  Host,  Tty, Reason)
char *User;
char *Host;
char *Tty;

int Reason;

Note: This subroutine is not thread-safe.


The loginfailed subroutine performs the processing necessary when an unsuccessful login attempt occurs. If the specified user name is not valid, the UNKNOWN_USER value is substituted for the user name. This substitution prevents passwords entered as the user name from appearing on screen.

The following attributes in /etc/security/lastlog file are updated for the specified user, if the user name is valid:

Item Description
time_last_unsuccessful_login Contains the current time.
tty_last_unsuccessful_login Contains the value specified by the Tty parameter.
host_last_unsuccessful_login Contains the value specified by the Host parameter, or the local hostname if the Host parameter is a null value.
unsuccessful_login_count Indicates the number of unsuccessful login attempts. The loginfailed subroutine increments this attribute by one for each failed attempt.

A login failure audit record is cut to indicate that an unsuccessful login attempt occurred. A utmp entry is appended to /etc/security/failedlogin file, which tracks all failed login attempts.

If the current unsuccessful login and the previously recorded unsuccessful logins constitute too many unsuccessful login attempts within too short of a time period (as specified by the logindisable and logininterval port attributes), the port is locked. When a port is locked, a PORT_Locked audit record is written to inform the system administrator that the port has been locked.

If the login retry delay is enabled (as specified by the logindelay port attribute), a sleep occurs before this subroutine returns. The length of the sleep (in seconds) is determined by the logindelay value multiplied by the number of unsuccessful login attempts that occurred in this process.


Item Description
User Specifies the user's login name who has unsuccessfully attempted to login.
Host Specifies the name of the host from which the user attempted to login. If the Host parameter is Null, the name of the local host is used.
Tty Specifies the name of the terminal on which the user attempted to login.
Reason Specifies a reason code for the login failure. Valid values are AUDIT_FAIL and AUDIT_FAIL_AUTH defined in the sys/audit.h file.


Access Control: The calling process must have access to the account information in the user database and the port information in the port database.

File Accessed:

Mode File
r /etc/security/user
rw /etc/security/lastlog
r /etc/security/login.cfg
rw /etc/security/portlog
w /etc/security/failedlogin

Auditing Events:

Event Information
USER_Login username
PORT_Locked portname

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the loginfailed subroutine returns a value of 0. If an error occurs, a value of -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error.

Error Codes

The loginfailed subroutine fails if one or more of the following values is true:

Item Description
EACCES The current process does not have access to the user or port database.
EPERM The current process does not have permission to write an audit record.