HBA_OpenAdapterByWWN Subroutine


Attempts to open a handle to the HBA that contains a Node_Name or N_Port_Name matching the wwn argument.


		HBA_HANDLE *pHandle,
		HBA_WWN wwn


The HBA_OpenAdapterByWWN function attempts to open a handle to the HBA that contains a Node_Name or N_Port_Name matching the wwn argument. The specified Name_Identifier matches the Node_Name or N_Port_Name of the HBA. Discovered end ports (remote end ports) are not checked for a match.


Item Description
pHandle Pointer to a handle. The value at entry is irrelevant.
wwn Name_Identifier to match the Node_Name or N_Port_Name of the HBA to open.

Return Values

The value of the HBA_OpenAdapterByWWN function is a valid status return value that indicates the reason for completion of the requested function. HBA_STATUS_OK is returned to indicate that the handle contains a valid HBA handle.

The return values for the following parameter is as follows:

Item Description
pHandle Remains unchanged. If the open succeeds, the value to which it points is a handle to the requested HBA. On failure, the value is undefined.

Error Codes

Item Description
HBA_STATUS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_WWN There is no HBA with a Node_Name or N_Port_Name that matches wwn.
HBA_STATUS_ERROR_AMBIGUOUS_WWN Multiple HBAs have a matching Name_Identifier. This can occur if the Node_Names of multiple HBAs are identical.
HBA_STATUS_ERROR Returned to indicate any other problem with opening the HBA.