HBA_GetPortStatistics Subroutine


Gets the statistics for a Host Bus Adapter (HBA).


Common Host Bus Adapter Library (libHBAAPI.a)


#include <sys/hbaapi.h>

HBA_STATUS HBA_GetPortStatistics (handle, portindex, portstatistics)
HBA_HANDLE handle;
HBA_UINT32 portindex;
HBA_PORTSTATISTICS *portstatistics;


The HBA_GetPortStatistics subroutine retrieves the statistics for the specified adapter. Only single-port adapters are supported, and the portindex parameter is disregarded. The exact meaning of events being counted for each statistic is vendor specific. The HBA_PORTSTATISTICS structure includes the following fields:
  • SecondsSinceLastReset
  • TxFrames
  • TxWords
  • RxFrames
  • RxWords
  • LIPCount
  • NOSCount
  • ErrorFrames
  • DumpedFrames
  • LinkFailureCount
  • LossOfSyncCount
  • LossOfSignalCount
  • PrimitiveSeqProtocolErrCount
  • InvalidTxWordCount
  • InvalidCRCCount


Item Description
handle HBA_HANDLE to an open adapter.
portindex Not used.
portstatistics Pointer to an HBA_PORTSTATISTICS structure.