isblank, or isblank_l Subroutines


Tests for a blank character.


#include <ctype.h>

int isblank (c)
int c;
int isblank_l (c, Locale)
int c;
locale_t Locale;


The isblank and isblank_l subroutines test whether the c parameter is a character of class blank in the program's current locale or in the locale represented by Locale.

The c parameter is a type int, the value of which the application shall ensure is a character representable as an unsigned char or equal to the value of the macro EOF. If the parameter has any other value, the behavior is undefined.


Item Description
c Specifies the character to be tested.
Locale Specifies the locale, in which the character is tested.

Return Values

The isblank and isblank_l subroutines return nonzero if c is a <blank>; otherwise, it returns 0.