posix_fadvise Subroutine


Provides advisory information to the system regarding future behavior of the application with respect to a given file.


 #include <fcntl.h>
int posix_fadvise (int fd, off_t offset, size_t len, int advice);


This function advises the system on the expected future behavior of the application with regards to a given file. The system can take this advice into account when performing operations on file data specified by this function. The advice is given over the range covered by the offset parameter and continuing for the number of bytes specified by the len parameter. If the value of the len parameter is 0, then all data following the offset parameter is covered.

The advice parameter must be one of the following:


Item Description
fd File descriptor of the file to be advised
offset Represents the beginning of the address range
len Determines the length of the address range
advice Defines the advice to be given

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the posix_fadvise subroutine returns 0. Otherwise, one of the following error codes will be returned.

Error Codes

Item Description
EBADF The fd parameter is not a valid file descriptor
EINVAL The value of the advice parameter is invalid
ESPIPE The fd parameter is associated with a pipe of FIFO