posix_trace_eventset_fill Subroutine


Fills in a trace event type set.


Posix Trace Library (libposixtrace.a)


#include <trace.h>

int posix_trace_eventset_fill(set, what)
trace_event_set_t *set;
int what;


This subroutine manipulates sets of trace event types. It operates on data objects addressable by the application, not on the current trace event filter of any trace stream.

The posix_trace_eventset_fill subroutine initializes the trace event type set pointed to by the set parameter. The value of the what parameter consists of one of the following values, as defined in the trace.h header file:
Item Description
POSIX_TRACE_WOPID_EVENTS All the system trace event types that are independent of process are included in the set.
POSIX_TRACE_SYSTEM_EVENTS All the system trace event types are included in the set.
POSIX_TRACE_ALL_EVENTS All trace event types that are defined, both system and user, are included in the set.

Applications call either the posix_trace_eventset_empty or posix_trace_eventset_fill subroutine at least once for each object of the trace_event_set_t type before further use of that object. If an object is not initialized in this way, but is supplied as a parameter to any of the posix_trace_eventset_add, posix_trace_eventset_del, or posix_trace_eventset_ismember subroutines, the results are not defined.


Item Description
set Specifies the set of trace event types.
what The what parameter contains one of the following values:
All the system trace event types that are independent of process are included in the set.
All the system trace event types are included in the set.
All trace event types that are defined, both system and user, are included in the set.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, this subroutine returns a value of zero. Otherwise, it returns the corresponding error number.


This subroutine fails if the following value is returned:
Item Description
EINVAL The value of one of the parameters is not valid.


The trace.h file in AIX® Version 7.1 Files Reference.