HBA_GetPersistentBindingV2 Subroutine


Returns persistent bindings between an FCP target and a SCSI ID for a specified HBA end port.


HBA_STATUS HBA_GetPersistentBindingV2(
		HBA_HANDLE handle,
		HBA_WWN hbaPortWWN,


The HBA_GetFcpPersistentBindingV2 function returns persistent bindings between an FCP target and a SCSI ID for a specified HBA end port. The binding information can include bindings to Logical Unit Unique Device Identifiers (LUIDs).


Item Description
handle A handle to an open HBA containing the end port for which persistent binding can be returned.
hbaPortWWN The Port Name of the local HBA end port for which persistent binding can be returned.
binding Pointer to an HBA_FCPBINDING2 structure. The NumberOfEntries field in the structure limits the number of entries that are returned.

Return Values

The value of the HBA_GetPersistentBindingV2 function is a valid status return value that indicates the reason for completion of the requested function. HBA_STATUS_OK is returned to indicate that all binding entries have been returned for the specified end port. A valid status return value that most closely describes the result of the function should be returned to indicate a reason with no required value.

The return value for the following parameter is as follows:

Item Description
binding Remains unchanged. The structure to which it points contains binding information from OS identifications of SCSI logical units to FCP and LUID identifications of logical units for the specified HBA end port. The number of entries in the structure is the minimum of the number of entries specified at function call or the full set of bindings. The NumberOfEntries field contains the total number of bindings established by the end port. An application can either call HBA_GetPersistentBindingV2 with NumberOfEntries set to 0 to retrieve the number of entries available, or allocate a sufficiently large buffer to retrieve entries at first call. The Status field of each HBA_FCPBINDINGENTRY2 substructure is 0.

Error Codes

Item Description
HBA_STATUS_ERROR_MORE_DATA More space in the buffer is required to contain binding information.
HBA_STATUS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_WWN The HBA referenced by handle does not contain an end port with Port Name hbaPortWWN.
HBA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED The HBA referenced by handle does not support persistent binding.
HBA_STATUS_ERROR Returned to indicate any problem with no required value.