Creates a remote address table.
Availability Library (liblapi_r.a)
#include <lapi.h>
int LAPI_Address_init(hndl, my_addr, add_tab)
lapi_handle_t hndl;
void *my_addr;
void *add_tab[ ];
include 'lapif.h'
LAPI_ADDRESS_INIT(hndl, my_addr, add_tab, ierror)
INTEGER ierror
Type of call: collective communication (blocking)
LAPI_Address_init exchanges virtual addresses among tasks of a parallel application. Use this subroutine to create tables of such items as header handlers, target counters, and data buffer addresses.
LAPI_Address_init is a collective call over the LAPI handle hndl, which fills the table add_tab with the virtual address entries that each task supplies. Collective calls must be made in the same order at all participating tasks.
The addresses that are stored in the table add_tab are passed in using the my_addr parameter. Upon completion of this call, add_tab[i] contains the virtual address entry that was provided by task i. The array is opaque to the user.
lapi_handle_t hndl; /* the LAPI handle */
void *addr_tbl[NUM_TASKS]; /* the table for all tasks' addresses */
lapi_cntr_t tgt_cntr; /* the target counter */
LAPI_Address_init(hndl, (void *)&tgt_cntr, addr_tbl);
/* for communication with task t, use addr_tbl[t] */
/* as the address of the target counter */
For a combination of 32-bit and 64-bit nodes, use LAPI_Address_init64.