HBA_GetFCPStatistics Subroutine


Returns traffic statistics for a specific OS SCSI logical unit provided by the FCP protocol on a specific local HBA.


		HBA_HANDLE handle,
		const HBA_SCSIID *lunit,
		HBA_FC4STATISTICS *statistics


The HBA_GetFCPStatistics function returns traffic statistics for a specific OS SCSI logical unit provided by the FCP protocol on a specific local HBA.


Item Description
handle A handle to an open HBA containing the end port for which FCP-2 statistics can be returned.
lunit Pointer to a structure specifying the OS SCSI logical unit for which FCP-2 statistics are requested.
statistics Pointer to a FC-4 Statistics structure in which the FCP-2 statistics for the specified logical unit can be returned.

Return Values

The value of the HBA_GetFCPStatistics function is a valid status return value that indicates the reason for completion of the requested function. HBA_STATUS_OK is returned to indicate that FCP-2 statistics have been returned for the specified HBA. A valid status return value that most closely describes the result of the function should be returned to indicate a reason with no required value.

The return value for the following parameter is as follows:

Item Description
statistics Remains unchanged. The structure to which it points contains the FCP-2 statistics for the specified HBA and logical unit.

Error Codes

Item Description
HBA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_LUN The HBA referenced by handle does not support the logical unit referenced by lunit.
HBA_STATUS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FC4 The specified HBA end port does not support FCP-2.
HBA_STATUS_ERROR Returned to indicate any problem with no required value.