Runs a specified method.
Object Data Manager Library (libodm.a)
#include <odmi.h>
int odm_run_method(MethodName, MethodParameters, NewStdOut, NewStdError)
char * MethodName, * MethodParameters;
char ** NewStdOut, ** NewStdError;
The odm_run_method subroutine takes as input the name of the method to run, any parameters for the method, and addresses of locations for the odm_run_method subroutine to store pointers to the stdout (standard output) and stderr (standard error output) buffers. The application uses the pointers to access the stdout and stderr information generated by the method.
Item | Description |
MethodName | Indicates the method to execute. The method can already be known by the applications, or can be retrieved as part of an odm_get_obj subroutine call. |
MethodParameters | Specifies a list of parameters for the specified method. |
NewStdOut | Specifies the address of a pointer to the memory where the standard output of the method is stored. If the NewStdOut parameter is a null value (NewStdOut == NULL), standard output is not captured. |
NewStdError | Specifies the address of a pointer to the memory where the standard error output of the method will be stored. If the NewStdError parameter is a null value (NewStdError == NULL), standard error output is not captured. |
Failure of the odm_run_method subroutine sets the odmerrno variable to one of the following error codes:
See Object Data Manager (ODM) error codes in AIX Version 7.1 Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions, Volume 1 for explanations of the ODM error codes.