priv_rem Subroutine


Removes a subset of a privilege set and copies the privileges to another privilege set.


Security Library (libc.a)


#include <userpriv.h>
#include <sys/priv.h>

void priv_rem(privg_t pv1, privg_t pv2, privg_t pv3)


When the privileges in the pv2 parameter are a subset of the privileges in the pv1 parameter, the priv_rem subroutine removes the privileges in the pv2 parameter and stores them into the pv3 parameter.


Item Description
pv1 Specifies the privilege set that contains privileges of the pv2 parameter.
pv2 Specifies the privilege set that is a subset of the privileges of the pv1 parameter.
pv3 Specifies the privilege set to store the privileges of the pv3 parameter.

Return Values

The priv_rem subroutine returns no values.


No errno value is set.