odm_free_list Subroutine


Frees memory previously allocated for an odm_get_list subroutine.


Object Data Manager Library (libodm.a)


#include <odmi.h>

int odm_free_list ( ReturnData DataInfo)
struct ClassName *ReturnData;
struct listinfo *DataInfo;


The odm_free_list subroutine recursively frees up a tree of memory object lists that were allocated for an odm_get_list subroutine.


Item Description
ReturnData Points to the array of ClassName structures returned from the odm_get_list subroutine.
DataInfo Points to the listinfo structure that was returned from the odm_get_list subroutine. The listinfo structure has the following form:
struct listinfo {
char ClassName[16];      /* class name for query */
char criteria[256];      /* query criteria */
int num;                 /* number of matches found */
int valid;               /* for ODM use */
CLASS_SYMBOL class;      /* symbol for queried class */

Return Values

Upon successful completion, a value of 0 is returned. If the odm_free_list subroutine is unsuccessful, a value of -1 is returned and the odmerrno variable is set to an error code.

Error Codes

Failure of the odm_free_list subroutine sets the odmerrno variable to one of the following error codes:

See Object Data Manager (ODM) error codes in AIX® Version 7.1 Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions, Volume 1 for explanations of the ODM error codes.