HBA_GetEventBuffer Subroutine


Removes and returns the next events from the HBA's event queue.


HBA_STATUS HBA_GetEventBuffer(
		HBA_HANDLE handle,
		HBA_EVENTINFO *pEventBuffer,
		HBA_UINT32 *pEventCount,


The HBA_GetEventBuffer function removes and returns the next events from the HBA's event queue. The number of events returned is the lesser of the value of the EventCount parameter at the time of the call and the number of entries available in the event queue.


Item Description
handle A handle to an open HBA.
pEventBuffer Pointer to a buffer to receive events.
pEventCount Pointer to the number of event records that fit in the space allocated for the buffer to receive events. It is set to the size (in event records) of the buffer for receiving events on call, and is returned as the number of events actually delivered.

Return Values

The value of the HBA_GetEventBuffer function is a valid status return value that indicates the reason for completion of the requested function. HBA_STATUS_OK is returned to indicate that no errors were encountered and pEventCount indicates the number of event records returned. A valid status return value that most closely describes the result of the function should be returned to indicate a reason with no required value.

The return values for the following parameters are as follows:

Item Description
pEventBuffer Remains unchanged. The buffer to which it points contains event records representing previously undelivered events.
pEventCount Remains unchanged. The value of the integer to which it points contains the number of event records that actually were delivered.

Error Codes

Item Description
HBA_STATUS_ERROR Returned to indicate any problem with no required value.