
About This Book
Case-Sensitivity in AIX®
ISO 9000
32-Bit and 64-Bit Support for the Single UNIX® Specification
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Data Link Controls
dlcclose Entry Point of the GDLC Device Manager
dlcconfig Entry Point of the GDLC Device Manager
dlcioctl Entry Point of the GDLC Device Manager
dlcmpx Entry Point of the GDLC Device Manager
dlcopen Entry Point of the GDLC Device Manager
dlcread Entry Point of the GDLC Device Manager
dlcselect Entry Point of the GDLC Device Manager
dlcwrite Entry Point of the GDLC Device Manager
close Subroutine Interface for Data Link Control (DLC) Devices
ioctl Subroutine Interface for Data Link Control (DLC) Devices
open Subroutine Interface for Data Link Control (DLC) Devices
readx Subroutine Interface for Data Link Control (DLC) Devices
select Subroutine Interface for Data Link Control (DLC) Devices
writex Subroutine Interface for Data Link Control (DLC) Devices
open Subroutine Extended Parameters for DLC
read Subroutine Extended Parameters for DLC
write Subroutine Extended Parameters for DLC
Datagram Data Received Routine for DLC
Exception Condition Routine for DLC
I-Frame Data Received Routine for DLC
Network Data Received Routine for DLC
XID Data Received Routine for DLC
ioctl Operations (op) for DLC
Parameter Blocks by ioctl Operation for DLC
DLC_ADD_FUNC_ADDR ioctl Operation for DLC
DLC_ADD_GRP ioctl Operation for DLC
DLC_ALTER ioctl Operation for DLC
DLC_CONTACT ioctl Operation for DLC
DLC_DEL_FUNC_ADDR ioctl Operation for DLC
DLC_DEL_GRP ioctl Operation for DLC
DLC_DISABLE_SAP ioctl Operation for DLC
DLC_ENABLE_SAP ioctl Operation for DLC
DLC_ENTER_LBUSY ioctl Operation for DLC
DLC_ENTER_SHOLD ioctl Operation for DLC
DLC_EXIT_LBUSY ioctl Operation for DLC
DLC_EXIT_SHOLD ioctl Operation for DLC
DLC_GET_EXCEP ioctl Operation for DLC
DLC_HALT_LS ioctl Operation for DLC
DLC_QUERY_LS ioctl Operation for DLC
DLC_QUERY_SAP ioctl Operation for DLC
DLC_START_LS ioctl Operation for DLC
DLC_TEST ioctl Operation for DLC
DLC_TRACE ioctl Operation for DLC
IOCINFO ioctl Operation for DLC
Data Link Provider Interface (DLPI)
DL_BIND_ACK Primitive
DL_BIND_REQ Primitive
DL_DATA_IND Primitive
DL_DATA_REQ Primitive
DL_ERROR_ACK Primitive
DL_INFO_ACK Primitive
DL_INFO_REQ Primitive
DL_OK_ACK Primitive
DL_RESET_CON Primitive
DL_RESET_IND Primitive
DL_RESET_REQ Primitive
DL_RESET_RES Primitive
DL_TEST_CON Primitive
DL_TEST_IND Primitive
DL_TEST_REQ Primitive
DL_TEST_RES Primitive
DL_TOKEN_ACK Primitive
DL_TOKEN_REQ Primitive
DL_XID_CON Primitive
DL_XID_IND Primitive
DL_XID_REQ Primitive
DL_XID_RES Primitive
eXternal Data Representation
xdr_accepted_reply Subroutine
xdr_array Subroutine
xdr_bool Subroutine
xdr_bytes Subroutine
xdr_callhdr Subroutine
xdr_callmsg Subroutine
xdr_char Subroutine
xdr_destroy Macro
xdr_enum Subroutine
xdr_float Subroutine
xdr_free Subroutine
xdr_getpos Macro
xdr_inline Macro
xdr_int Subroutine
xdr_long Subroutine
xdr_opaque Subroutine
xdr_opaque_auth Subroutine
xdr_pmap Subroutine
xdr_pmaplist Subroutine
xdr_pointer Subroutine
xdr_reference Subroutine
xdr_rejected_reply Subroutine
xdr_replymsg Subroutine
xdr_setpos Macro
xdr_short Subroutine
xdr_string Subroutine
xdr_u_char Subroutine
xdr_u_int Subroutine
xdr_u_long Subroutine
xdr_u_short Subroutine
xdr_union Subroutine
xdr_vector Subroutine
xdr_void Subroutine
xdr_wrapstring Subroutine
xdr_authunix_parms Subroutine
xdr_double Subroutine
xdrmem_create Subroutine
xdrrec_create Subroutine
xdrrec_endofrecord Subroutine
xdrrec_eof Subroutine
xdrrec_skiprecord Subroutine
xdrstdio_create Subroutine
AIX® 3270 Host Connection Program (HCON)
cfxfer Function
fxfer Function
g32_alloc Function
g32_close Function
g32_dealloc Function
g32_fxfer Function
g32_get_cursor Function
g32_get_data Function
g32_get_status Function
g32_notify Function
g32_open Function
g32_openx Function
g32_read Function
g32_search Function
g32_send_keys Function
g32_write Function
G32ALLOC Function
G32DLLOC Function
G32READ Function
G32WRITE Function
Network Computing System (NCS)
lb_$lookup_interface Library Routine (NCS)
lb_$lookup_object Library Routine (NCS)
lb_$lookup_object_local Library Routine
lb_$lookup_range Library Routine
lb_$lookup_type Library Routine
lb_$register Library Routine (NCS)
lb_$unregister Library Routine
pfm_$cleanup Library Routine
pfm_$enable Library Routine
pfm_$enable_faults Library Routine
pfm_$inhibit Library Routine
pfm_$inhibit_faults Library Routine
pfm_$init Library Routine
pfm_$reset_cleanup Library Routine
pfm_$rls_cleanup Library Routine
pfm_$signal Library Routine (NCS)
rpc_$alloc_handle Library Routine
rpc_$bind Library Routine
rpc_$clear_binding Library Routine
rpc_$clear_server_binding Library Routine
rpc_$dup_handle Library Routine
rpc_$free_handle Library Routine
rpc_$inq_binding Library Routine (NCS)
rpc_$inq_object Library Routine (NCS)
rpc_$listen Library Routine
rpc_$name_to_sockaddr Library Routine
rpc_$register Library Routine
rpc_$set_binding Library Routine
rpc_$sockaddr_to_name Library Routine
rpc_$unregister Library Routine
rpc_$use_family Library Routine
rpc_$use_family_wk Library Routine
uuid_$decode Library Routine (NCS)
uuid_$encode Library Routine (NCS)
uuid_$gen Library Routine (NCS)
Network Information Services (NIS) and Network Information Services+ (NIS+)
nis_add_entry (NIS+ API)
nis_first_entry (NIS+ API)
nis_list (NIS+ API)
nis_local_directory (NIS+ API)
nis_lookup (NIS+ API)
nis_modify_entry (NIS+ API)
nis_next_entry (NIS+ API)
nis_perror (NIS+ API)
nis_remove_entry (NIS+ API)
nis_sperror (NIS+ API)
yp_all Subroutine
yp_bind Subroutine
yp_first Subroutine
yp_get_default_domain Subroutine
yp_master Subroutine
yp_match Subroutine
yp_next Subroutine
yp_order Subroutine
yp_unbind Subroutine
yp_update Subroutine
yperr_string Subroutine
ypprot_err Subroutine
New Database Manager (NDBM)
dbm_close Subroutine
dbm_delete Subroutine
dbm_fetch Subroutine
dbm_firstkey Subroutine
dbm_nextkey Subroutine
dbm_open Subroutine
dbm_store Subroutine
dbmclose Subroutine
dbminit Subroutine
delete Subroutine
fetch Subroutine
firstkey Subroutine
nextkey Subroutine
store Subroutine
Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
auth_destroy Macro
authdes_create Subroutine
authdes_getucred Subroutine
authdes_seccreate Subroutine
authnone_create Subroutine
authsys_create or authsys_create_default Subroutine
authunix_create Subroutine
authunix_create_default Subroutine
callrpc Subroutine
cbc_crypt, des_setparity, or ecb_crypt Subroutine
clnt_broadcast Subroutine
clnt_call Macro
clnt_control Macro
clnt_create Subroutine
clnt_create_timed Subroutine
clnt_create_vers Subroutine
clnt_create_vers_timed Subroutine
clnt_destroy Macro
clnt_dg_create Subroutine
clnt_door_create Subroutine
clnt_freeres Macro
clnt_geterr Macro
clnt_pcreateerror Subroutine
clnt_perrno Subroutine
clnt_perror Subroutine
clnt_raw_create Subroutine
clnt_spcreateerror Subroutine
clnt_sperrno Subroutine
clnt_sperror Subroutine
clnt_tli_create Subroutine
clnt_tp_create Subroutine
clnt_tp_create_timed Subroutine
clnt_vc_create Subroutine
clntraw_create Subroutine
clnttcp_create Subroutine
clntudp_bufcreate Subroutine
clntudp_create Subroutine
get_myaddress Subroutine
getnetname Subroutine
host2netname Subroutine
key_decryptsession Subroutine
key_encryptsession Subroutine
key_gendes Subroutine
key_secretkey_is_set Subroutine
key_setsecret Subroutine
netname2host Subroutine
netname2user Subroutine
pmap_getmaps Subroutine
pmap_getport Subroutine
pmap_rmtcall Subroutine
pmap_set Subroutine
pmap_unset Subroutine
registerrpc Subroutine
rtime Subroutine
rpc_broadcast Subroutine
rpc_broadcast_exp Subroutine
rpc_call Subroutine
rpc_control Subroutine
rpc_createerr Global Variable
rpc_gss_get_error Subroutine
rpc_gss_get_mech_info Subroutine
rpc_gss_get_mechanisms Subroutine
rpc_gss_get_principal_name Subroutine
rpc_gss_get_versions Subroutine
rpc_gss_getcred Subroutine
rpc_gss_is_installed Subroutine
rpc_gss_max_data_length Subroutine
rpc_gss_mech_to_oid Subroutine
rpc_gss_qop_to_num Subroutine
rpc_gss_set_svc_name Subroutine
rpc_gss_seccreate Subroutine
rpc_gss_set_callback Subroutine
rpc_gss_set_defaults Subroutine
rpc_gss_svc_max_data_length Subroutine
rpc_reg Subroutine
rpcb_getaddr Subroutine
rpcb_getmaps Subroutine
rpcb_gettime Subroutine
rpcb_rmtcall Subroutine
rpcb_set Subroutine
rpcb_unset Subroutine
svc_auth_reg Subroutine
svc_control Subroutine
svc_create Subroutine
svc_destroy Macro
svc_dg_create Subroutine
svc_dg_enablecache Subroutine
svc_done Subroutine
svc_exit Subroutine
svc_fd_create Subroutine
svc_fdset Global Variable
svc_freeargs Macro
svc_getargs Macro
svc_getcaller Macro
svc_getreq_common Subroutine
svc_getreq_poll Subroutine
svc_getreqset Subroutine
svc_getrpccaller Subroutine
svc_max_pollfd Global Variable
svc_pollfd Global Variable
svc_raw_create Subroutine
svc_reg Subroutine
svc_register Subroutine
svc_run Subroutine
svc_sendreply Subroutine
svc_tli_create Subroutine
svc_tp_create Subroutine
svc_unreg Subroutine
svc_unregister Subroutine
svc_vc_create Subroutine
svcerr_auth Subroutine
svcerr_decode Subroutine
svcerr_noproc Subroutine
svcerr_noprog Subroutine
svcerr_progvers Subroutine
svcerr_systemerr Subroutine
svcerr_weakauth Subroutine
svcfd_create Subroutine
svcraw_create Subroutine
svctcp_create Subroutine
svcudp_create Subroutine
user2netname Subroutine
xprt_register Subroutine
xprt_unregister Subroutine
Data Link Provider Interface (DLPI)
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