rpc_$clear_binding Library Routine


Unsets the binding between a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) handle and a host and server.


void rpc_$clear_binding ( handle,  status)
handle_t handle;
status_$t *status;


The rpc_$clear_binding routine removes any association between an RPC handle and a particular server and host, but does not remove the association between the handle and an object. This routine saves the RPC handle so that it can be reused to access the same object, either by broadcasting or after resetting the binding to another server.

A remote procedure call made using an unbound handle is broadcast to all Local Location Brokers (LLBs) on the local network. If the call's interface and the object identified by the handle are both registered with any LLB, that LLB forwards the request to the registering server. The client RPC runtime library returns the first response that it receives and binds the handle to the server.

The rpc_$clear_binding routine reverses an rpc_$set_binding routine.



Item Description
handle Specifies the RPC handle from which the binding is being cleared.


Item Description
status Points to the completion status.
Note: This routine is used by clients only.


To clear the binding represented in a handle, enter:

rpc_$clear_binding(handle, &st);