clnt_sperrno Subroutine

Important: The subroutine is exported from both the libc and the libnsl libraries.

clnt_sperrno Subroutine Exported from the libc Library


Specifies the condition of the stat parameter by returning a pointer to a string containing a status message.


C Library (libc.a)


#include <rpc/rpc.h>

char *clnt_sperrno ( stat)
enum clnt_stat stat;


The clnt_sperrno subroutine specifies the condition of the stat parameter by returning a pointer to a string containing a status message. The string ends with a new-line character.

Whenever one of the following conditions exists, the clnt_sperrno subroutine is used instead of the clnt_perrno subroutine when a clnt_call routine fails:


Item Description
stat Specifies the client error status of the remote procedure call.

Return Values

The clnt_sperrno subroutine translates and displays the following enum clnt_stat error status messages:

Message Description
RPC_SUCCESS = 0 Call succeeded.
RPC_CANTENCODEARGS = 1 Cannot encode arguments.
RPC_CANTDECODERES = 2 Cannot decode results.
RPC_CANTSEND = 3 Failure in sending call.
RPC_CANTRECV = 4 Failure in receiving result.
RPC_TIMEDOUT = 5 Call timed out.

clnt_sperrno Subroutine Exported from the libnsl Library


Specifies the reason for failure of the procedure call.


Network Services Library (libnsl.a)


#include <rpc/rpc.h>
char *clnt_sperrno(stat)
const enum clnt_stat stat;


The clnt_sperrno subroutine specifies the condition of the stat parameter by returning a pointer to a string containing a status message. The string ends with a new-line character.

Whenever one of the following conditions exists, the clnt_sperrno subroutine is used instead of the clnt_perrno subroutine when a clnt_call routine fails:


Item Description
stat Specifies the client error status of the remote procedure call.

Error Codes

The following table list some error status codes that the clnt_sperrno subroutine can translate and display. You can find a complete list of error codes in the clnt_stat.h file.

Item Description
RPC_SUCCESS = 0 The call succeeded.
RPC_CANTENCODEARGS = 1 Arguments cannot be encoded.
RPC_CANTDECODERES = 2 Results cannot be decoded .
RPC_CANTSEND = 3 A failure occurred in sending call.
RPC_CANTRECV = 4 A failure occurred in receiving result.
RPC_TIMEDOUT = 5 The call timed out.


In the following example, the clnt_sperrno subroutine returns the status message in the string pointed to by the err_str parameter.

#include <rpc/clnt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

int main()
  char hostname[255] ; /* The Remote host on which server is implemented */
  rpcprog_t program_number ;
  rpcvers_t version_number ;
   rpcproc_t procedure_number ;
  enum clnt_stat cs ;  
  char *nettype = "visible";
  char *err_str;

  cs = rpc_call(hostname, program_number, version_number, procedure_number, (xdrproc_t)xdr_void, NULL,
                    (xdrproc_t)xdr_void, NULL, nettype);
  if (cs != RPC_SUCCESS)
    err_str = clnt_sperrno(cs) ;
    fprintf(stdout,"\n%s",err_str) ;

  return 0 ;