clnt_pcreateerror Subroutine

Important: The subroutine is exported from both the libc and the libnsl libraries.

clnt_pcreateerror Subroutine Exported from the libc Library


Indicates why a client Remote Procedure Call (RPC) handle was not created.


C Library (libc.a)


#include <rpc/rpc.h>

void clnt_pcreateerror ( s)
char *s;


The clnt_pcreateerror subroutine writes a message to standard error output, indicating why a client RPC handle could not be created. The message is preceded by the string pointed to by the s parameter and a colon.

Use this subroutine if one of the following calls fails: the clntraw_create subroutine, clnttcp_create subroutine, or clntudp_create subroutine.


Item Description
s Points to a character string that represents the error text.

clnt_pcreateerror Subroutine Exported from the libnsl Library


Prints an error message that is related to the creation of an RPC client handle to the standard error.


Network Services Library (libnsl.a)


#include <rpc/clnt.h>
void clnt_pcreateerror(error_msg)
const char * error_msg;


The clnt_pcreateerror subroutine is used for error handling. The subroutine displays the actual cause of failure of the creation of an RPC client handle on the standard error. The actual error message, which is appended with a newline, is preceded by the string specified by error_msg parameter and a colon.
Note: If the error_msg parameter has a null value, the output is a colon followed by the actual error message.


Item Description
error_msg Specified an error-message string that is provided by an application.


In the following example, the clnt_create subroutine tries to register a program number that is not valid and hence will return a null value. The clnt_pcreateerror subroutine returns the actual error message, which is preceded by the specified string ("Invalid Program Number" ) and a colon.

#include <rpc/clnt.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  CLIENT *cl;
  char hostname[255] ;  /* The name of remote host */
  char *nettype = "visible" ;
  rpcprog_t PROGNUM ; /* Invalid Value */ 
  rpcvers_t PROGVER ;

  cl = clnt_create(hostname, PROGNUM, PROGVER, nettype);

    clnt_pcreateerror("Invalid Program Number ");

  * Make a call to clnt_call() subroutine 

  /* Destroy the client handle at the end */

  return 0;