DL_TOKEN_REQ Primitive


Requests that a connection-response token be assigned to the stream and returned to the data link service (DLS) user.


The primitive consists of one M_PCPROTO message block, which contains the following structure:

typedef struct
   ulong  dl_primitive;
} dl_token_req_t;


The DL_TOKEN_REQ primitive requests that a connection-response token be assigned to the stream and returned to the DLS user. This token can be supplied in the DL_CONNECT_RES primitive to indicate the stream on which a connection is to be established.

Note: This primitive applies to connection mode.


Item Description
dl_primitive Specifies the DL_TOKEN_REQ primitive.


Item Description
Valid The primitive is valid in any state in which a local acknowledgement is not pending.
New The resulting state is unchanged.


The DLS provider responds to the information request with a DL_TOKEN_ACK primitive.