DL_RESET_REQ Primitive


Requests that the data link service (DLS) provider begin resynchronizing a data link connection.


The primitive consists of one M_PROTO message block, which contains the following structure:

typedef struct
   ulong  dl_primitive;
} dl_reset_req_t;


The DL_RESET_REQ primitive requests that the DLS provider begin resynchronizing a data link connection.

  1. No guarantee exists that data in transit when the DL_RESET_REQ primitive is initiated will be delivered.
  2. This primitive applies to connection mode.


Item Description
dl_primitive Specifies the DL_RESET_REQ primitive.


Item Description
Valid The primitive is valid in state DL_DATAXFER.
New The resulting state is DL_USER_RESET_PENDING.


Item Description
Successful There is no immediate response to the reset request. However, as resynchronization completes, the DL_RESET_CON primitive is sent to the initiating DLS user, resulting in the DL_DATAXFER state.
Unsuccessful The DL_ERROR_ACK primitive is returned and the resulting state is unchanged.

Error Codes

Item Description
DL_OUTSTATE Indicates the primitive was issued from an invalid state.
DL_SYSERR Indicates a system error occurred. The system error is indicated in the DL_ERROR_ACK primitive.