rpc_$free_handle Library Routine


Frees a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) handle.


void rpc_$free_handle ( handle,  status)
handle_t handle;
status_$t *status;


The rpc_$free_handle routine frees an RPC handle by clearing the association between the handle and a server or an object, and then releasing the resources identified by the RPC handle. The client program cannot use a handle after it is freed.

To make multiple RPC calls using the same interface but different socket addresses, replace the binding in an existing handle with the rpc_$set_binding routine instead of creating a new handle with the rpc_$free_handle and rpc_$bind routines.

To free copies of RPC handles created by the rpc_$dup_handle routine, use the rpc_$free_handle routine once for each copy of the handle. However, the RPC runtime library does not differentiate between calling the rpc_$free_handle routine several times on one copy of a handle and calling it one time for each of several copies of a handle. Therefore, if you use duplicate handles, you must ensure that no thread inadvertently makes multiple rpc_$free_handle calls on a single handle.

Note: This routine is used by clients only.



Item Description
handle Specifies the RPC handle to be freed.


Item Description
status Points to the completion status.


To free two copies of a handle, enter:

rpc_$free_handle(handle, &st);
rpc_$free_handle(thread_2_handle, &st);