Sends a message to a host application.
HCON Library
C (libg3270.a)
Pascal (libg3270p.a)
FORTRAN (libg3270f.a)
function g32wrte (var as : g32_api;
buffer : integer;
msglen : integer) : integer; external;
The g32_write function sends the message pointed to by the msgbuf parameter to the host. This function may only be used by those applications having API/API or API/API_T mode specified by the g32_alloc command.
HCON application programs using the Pascal language interface must include and link both the C and Pascal libraries. Applications programs using the FORTRAN language for the HCON API must include and link both the C and FORTRAN libraries.
The g32_write function is part of the Host Connection Program (HCON).
The g32_write function requires one or more adapters used to connect to a host.
In a DBCS environment, the g32_write function only sends SBCS data to a host in the MODE_API_T mode.
Item | Description |
as | Specifies the pointer to a g32_api structure. |
msgbuf | Specifies a pointer to a message, which is a byte string. |
msglen | Specifies the length, in bytes, of the message pointed to by the msgbuf parameter. The value of the msglen parameter must be greater than 0 and and less than or equal to the maximum I/O buffer size specified in the HCON session profile. |
Item | Description |
as | Specifies the g32_api structure. |
buffer | Specifies an address of a character-packed array. Note: The
address of a packed array can be obtained by the addr() function
call: buffer := addr (<msg array name> [1]).
msglen | Specifies an integer indicating the length of the message to send to the host. The msglen parameter must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to the maximum I/O buffer size specified in the HCON session profile. |
Item | Description |
AS | Specifies the g32_api equivalent structure as an array of integers. |
MSGBUF | Specifies a character array containing the data to be sent to the host. |
MSGLEN | Specifies the number of bytes to be sent to the host. The MSGLEN parameter must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to the maximum I/O buffer size specified in the HCON session profile. |
Item | Description |
> 0 (greater than or equal to zero) | Indicates successful completion. |
-1 | Indicates an error has occurred.
The following example illustrates, in C language, the use of the g32_write function:
#include <g32_api> /* API include */
struct g32_api *as; /* the g32 structure */
char *messg; /* pointer to a character string to
send to the host */
int length; /* Number of bytes sent */
char *malloc(); /* C memory allocation function */
int return; /* return code is no. of bytes sent */
messg = malloc(30); /* allocate 30 bytes for the string */
/* initialize message string with information */
strcpy(messg,"string to be sent to host/0");
length = strlen(messg); /* length of the message */
return = g32_write(as,messg,length);