rpc_$inq_object Library Routine (NCS)


Returns the object Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) represented by a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) handle.


void rpc_$inq_object ( handle,  object_id,  status)
handle_t handle;
uuid_$t *object_id;
status_$t *status;


The rpc_$inq_object routine enables a server to determine the particular object that a client is accessing. A server must use the rpc_$inq_object routine if it exports an interface through which multiple objects may be accessed.

A server can make this call only if the interface uses explicit handles (that is, if each operation in the interface has a handle argument). If the interface uses an implicit handle, the handle identifier is not passed to the server.

Note: This routine is used by servers only.



Item Description
handle Specifies an RPC handle.


Item Description
object_id Points to the UUID of the object identified by the handle parameter.
status Points to the completion status.


A database server that manages multiple databases must determine the particular database to be accessed whenever it receives a remote procedure call. Each manager routine therefore makes the following call:

rpc_$inq_object(handle, &db_uuid, &st);

The routine then uses the returned UUID to identify the database to be accessed.