DLC_TRACE ioctl Operation for DLC

The DLC_TRACE ioctl operation is selectable through the fp_ioctl kernel service or the ioctl subroutine. It can be called from the process environment only.

The following parameter block traces link station (LS) activity for short or long activities:

struct dlc_trace_arg
   __ulong32_t  gdlc_sap_corr;   /* GDLC SAP correlator */
   __ulong32_t  gdlc_ls_corr;   /* GDLC link station correlator */
   __ulong32_t  trace_chan;   /* Trace Channel (rc of trcstart) */
   __ulong32_t  flags;   /* Trace Flags */

The fields of this ioctl operation are:

Field Description
gdlc_sap_corr Contains the GDLC SAP correlator. The correlator returned by GDLC when the SAP was enabled by the user. This correlator identifies the user SAP to the GDLC protocol process.
gdlc_ls_corr Contains the GDLC LS correlator. The correlator returned by GDLC when the LS was started by the user. This correlator identifies the user LS to the GDLC protocol process.
trace_chan Specifies the trace channel number obtained from the trcstart subroutine. This field is only valid if the DLC_TRCO indicator is set active.
flags Specifies trace flags. The following flags are supported:
Trace control on:

0 = Disable link trace.

1 = Enable link trace.

Trace control long:

0 = Link trace entries are short (80 bytes).

1 = Link trace entries are long (full packet).