Commands List: Performance Tuning

acctcms Produces command usage summaries from accounting records.
acctcom Displays selected process accounting record summaries.
accton Performs process-accounting procedures.
filemon Monitors and reports performance of file system.
fileplace Displays the placement of file's blocks within logical or physical volumes.
gprof Displays call graph profile data.
iostat Reports Central Processing Unit (CPU) statistics and input/output statistics for tty, disks, and CD-ROMs.
lsattr Displays attribute characteristics and possible values of attributes for devices in the system.
lslv Displays information about a logical volume.
mmtu Displaying, adding, and deleting maximum transfer unit (MTU) values used for path MTU discovery.
netpmon Monitors activity and reports statistics on network usage.
netstat Shows network status.
nfsstat Displays statistical information about the Network File System (NFS) and Remote Procedure Call (RPC) calls.
nice Runs a command at a specified priority.
no Configures network options.
nulladm Creates the file specified with read and write permissions to the file owner and group and read permissions to other users.
ps Shows current status of processes.
renice Alters priority of running processes.
reorgvg Reorganizes the physical partition allocation for a volume group.
rmss Simulates system with various sizes of real memory.
sar Collects, reports, or saves system activity information.
stripnm Displays the symbol information of a specified object file.
svmon Captures and analyzes a snapshot of virtual memory.
time Prints the time of the execution of a command.
timex Reports, in seconds, the elapsed time, user time, and system execution time for a command.
tprof Specifies the user program to be profiled, executes it, and produces reports.
trcnm Generates a kernel name list.
trcrpt Formats a report from the trace log.
trcstop Stops the trace function.
vmstat Reports virtual memory statistics.

Commands List: Processes and Commands

apply Applies a command to a set of parameters.
cron Runs commands automatically.
cronadm Lists or removes crontab or at jobs.
crontab Submits, lists, or removes cron job files.
env Displays the current environment or sets the environment for the execution of a command.
fuser Identifies processes using a file or file structure.
install Installs a command.
installbsd Installs a command (BSD version of the install command).
ipcs Reports interprocess communication facility status.
kill Sends a signal to running processes.
killall Cancels all processes except the calling process.
lastcomm Displays information about the last commands executed.
nice Runs a command at a specified priority.
nohup Runs a command without hangups.
ps Shows current status of processes.
renice Alters priority of running processes.
sleep Suspends execution for an interval.
time Prints the time of the execution of a command.
timex Reports, in seconds, the elapsed time, user time, and system execution time for a command.
wait Waits until the termination of a process ID.
whatis Describes what function a command performs.
xargs Constructs parameter lists and runs commands.

Commands List: Queues

at Runs commands at a later time.
atq Displays the queue of jobs waiting to be run.
atrm Removes jobs spooled by the at command.
batch Runs jobs when the system load level permits.
chprtsv Changes a print service configuration on a client or server machine.
chque Changes the queue name.
chquedev Changes the printer or plotter queue device names.
chvirprt Changes the attribute values of a virtual printer.
digest Converts the ASCII form of the /etc/qconfig file into the /etc/qconfig.bin file, a binary version of the queue configuration used by the qdaemon command.
disable Disables a printer queue.
enq Enqueues a file.
lpq Examines the spool queue.
lpr Enqueues print jobs.
lprm Removes jobs from the line printer spooling queue.
lsallq Lists the names of all configured queues.
lsallqdev Lists all configured printer and plotter queue device names within a specified queue.
lsprtsv Shows print service information stored in the database.
lsque Displays the queue stanza name.
lsquedev Displays the device stanza name.
lsvirprt Displays the attribute values of a virtual printer.
mkprtsv Configures TCP/IP-based print service on a host.
mkque Adds a printer queue to the system.
mkquedev Adds a printer queue device to the system.
mkvirprt Makes a virtual printer.
piodmgr Compacts the Object Data Manager (ODM) database in the /var/spool/lpd/pio/@local/smit directory.
piolsvp Lists virtual printers on a system.
piomgpdev Manages printer pseudo-devices.
piomkapqd Builds a SMIT dialog to create print queues and printers.
piomkpq Creates a printer queue.
piomsg Sends a printer backend message to the user.
qadm Performs system administration functions for the print spooling system.
qcan Cancels a print job.
qchk Displays the status of a print queue.
qdaemon Schedules jobs enqueued by the enq command.
qhld Holds a spooled print job.
qmov Moves spooled print jobs to another queue.
qpri Prioritizes a job in the print queue.
qprt Starts a print job.
qstatus Provides printer status for the printer spooling system.
rembak Sends a print job to a queue on a remote server.
rmprtsv Unconfigures a print service on a client or server machine.
rmque Removes a printer queue from the system.
rmquedev Removes a printer or plotter queue device from the system.
rmvirprt Removes a virtual printer.

Commands List: Screen Output

banner Writes ASCII character strings in large letters to standard output.
cal Displays a calendar.
calendar Writes reminder messages to standard output.
echo Writes character strings to standard output.
leave Reminds you when you have to leave.
more Displays continuous text one screen at a time on a display screen.
news Writes system news items to standard output.
page Displays continuous text one screen at a time on a display screen.
tail Writes a file to standard output, beginning at a specified point.
vacation Returns a message to the sender that the mail recipient is on vacation.

Commands List: Security and System Access

acledit Edits the access control information of a file.
aclget Displays the access control information of a file.
aclput Sets the access control information of a file.
audit Controls system auditing.
auditbin Manages bins of audit information.
auditcat Writes bins of audit records.
auditpr Formats bin or stream audit records to a display device or printer.
auditselect Selects audit records for analysis according to defined criteria.
auditstream Creates a channel for reading audit records.
chfn Changes a user's gecos information.
chgroup Changes attributes for groups.
chgrp Changes the group ownership of a file or directory.
chgrpmem Changes the administrators or members of a group.
chmod Changes permission modes.
chown Changes the user associated with a file.
chrole Changes role attributes.
chsec Changes attributes in the security stanza files.
chsh Changes a user's login shell.
chtcb Changes or queries the trusted computing base attribute of a file.
chuser Changes attributes for the specified user.
groups Displays group membership.
grpck Verifies the correctness of a group definition.
last Displays information about previous logins.
lastlogin Updates the /var/adm/acct/sum/loginlog file to show the last date each user logged in.
lssec Lists the attributes in the security stanza files.
lock Reserves a terminal.
login Initiates a user session.
logname Displays login name.
logout Stops all processes on a port.
lsgroup Displays the attributes of groups.
lslicense Displays the maximum number of users that can be logged in concurrently.
lsrole Displays role attributes.
lsuser Displays attributes of user accounts.
makekey Generates an encryption key.
mkgroup Creates a new group.
mkpasswd Creates a hashed look-aside version of the user database.
mkrole Creates new roles.
mkuser Creates a new user account.
mkuser.sys Customizes a new user account.
newgrp Changes your primary group identification.
nulladm Creates active accounting data files.
passwd Changes a user's password.
pwdadm Administers users' passwords.
pwdck Verifies the correctness of local authentication information.
rmgroup Removes a group.
rmrole Removes a role.
rmuser Removes a user account.
Rsh Invokes the restricted version of the Bourne shell.
setgroups Resets the supplementary group ID for the session.
setsenv Resets the protected state environment of a user.
shell Executes a shell with the user's default credentials and environment.
su Changes the user ID associated with a session.
sysck Checks the inventory information during installation and update procedures.
tcbck Audits the security state of the system.
usrck Verifies the correctness of a user definition.
xss Improves the security of unattended workstations.

Commands List: Shells

alias Defines or displays aliases.
basename Returns the base file name of a string parameter.
bg Runs jobs in the background.
bsh Invokes the Bourne shell.
chsh Changes a user's login shell.
command Executes a simple command.
csh Invokes the C shell.
expr Evaluates arguments as expressions.
false Returns an exit value of zero (true) or a nonzero exit value (false).
fc Processes the command history list.
fg Runs jobs in the foreground.
getopt Parses command line flags and parameters.
hash Remembers or reports command path names.
jobs Displays status of jobs in the current session.
ksh Invokes the Korn shell.
line Reads one line from the standard input.
patch Applies changes to files.
read Reads one line from standard input.
rsh Executes the specified command at the remote host or logs into the remote host.
Rsh Invokes the restricted version of the Bourne shell.
sh Invokes the default shell.
shell Executes a shell with the user's default credentials and environment.
tee Displays the output of a program and copies it into a file.
test Evaluates conditional expressions.
true Returns an exit value of zero (true) or a nonzero exit value (false).
tsh Interprets commands in a trusted shell.
type Writes a description of the command type.
ulimit Sets or reports user resource limits.
unalias Removes alias definitions.
xargs Constructs argument lists and runs commands.
yes Outputs an affirmative response repetitively.

Commands List: System Accounting and Statistics

accton Performs process-accounting procedures.
date Displays or sets the date or time.
diag Performs hardware problem determination.
dp Parses and reformats dates.
du Summarizes disk usage.
dump Dumps selected parts of an object file.
errclear Deletes entries from the error log.
errdead Extracts error records from a system dump.
errdemon Starts the error-logging daemon and writes entries to the error log.
errinstall Installs messages in the error logging message sets.
errlogger Logs an operator message.
errmsg Adds a message to the error logging message catalog.
errpt Processes a report of logged errors.
errstop Terminates the error-logging daemon.
errupdate Updates the Error Record Template Repository.
getconf Writes system configuration variable values to standard output.
id Displays the system identifications of a specified user.
iostat Reports Central Processing Unit (CPU) statistics and input/output statistics for tty, disks, and CD-ROMs.
ipcs Reports interprocess communication facility status.
ipreport Generates a packet trace report from the specified packet trace file.
iptrace Provides interface-level packet tracing for Internet protocols.
last Displays information about previous logins.
locale Writes information about current locale or all public locales.
logger Makes entries in the system log.
pac Prepares printer/plotter accounting records.
pstat Interprets the contents of the various system tables and writes it to standard output.
sa Summarizes accounting records.
sa1 Collects and stores binary data in the /var/adm/sa/sadd file.
sa2 Writes a daily report in the /var/adm/sa/sardd file.
sadc Provides a system activity report package.
sar Collects, reports, or saves system activity information.
snap Gathers system configuration information.
sysdumpstart Provides a command line interface to start a kernel dump to the primary or secondary dump device.
sysline Displays system status on the status line of a terminal.
syslogd Logs system messages.
tput Queries the terminal descriptor files in the terminfo database,
uname Displays the name of the current operating system.
uptime Shows how long the system has been up.
users (BSD) Displays a compact list of users currently on the system.
vmstat Reports virtual memory statistics.
w Prints a summary of current system activity.
watch Observes a program that may be untrustworthy.
who Identifies the users currently logged in.
whoami Displays your login name.
whois Identifies a user by user ID or alias.

acct/* Commands

ac Prints connect-time records.
acctcms Produces command usage summaries from accounting records.
acctcom Displays selected process accounting record summaries.
acctcon1 Performs connect-time accounting.
acctcon2 Performs connect-time accounting.
acctdisk Performs disk-usage accounting.
acctdusg Performs disk-usage accounting.
acctmerg Merges total accounting files into an intermediary file or a daily report.
acctprc1 Performs process-accounting procedures.
acctprc2 Performs process-accounting procedures.
accton Performs process-accounting procedures.
acctwtmp Manipulates connect-time accounting records to change formats and to make corrections in the records.
chargefee Charges users for the computer resources they use.
ckpacct Checks data file size for process accounting.
diskusg Generates disk accounting data by user ID.
dodisk Initiates disk-usage accounting.
fwtmp Manipulates connect-time accounting records to change formats and to make corrections in the records.
lastlogin Reports the last login date for each user on the system.
monacct Performs monthly or periodic accounting.
nulladm Creates active accounting data files.
prctmp Displays session record files.
prdaily Creates an ASCII report of the previous day's accounting data.
prtacct Formats and displays files in tacct format.
remove Deletes files from var/adm/acct subdirectories.
runacct Runs daily accounting.
shutacct Turns off processing accounting.
startup Turns on accounting functions at system startup.
turnacct Provides an interface to the accton command to turn process accounting on or off.
wtmpfix Manipulates connect-time accounting records to change formats and to make corrections in the records.

Commands List: System Resources

chps Changes attributes of a paging space.
chserver Changes a subserver definition in the subserver object class.
chssys Changes a subsystem definition in the subsystem object class.
compress Compresses and expands data.
lslicense Displays the range of users that can be logged in concurrently.
lsps Displays the characteristics of paging spaces.
lssrc Gets status of a subsystem, a group of subsystems, or a subserver.
mknotify Adds a notify method definition to the Notify object class.
mkps Add an additional paging space to the system.
mkserver Adds a subserver definition to the subserver object class.
mkssys Adds a subsystem definition to the subsystem object class.
pack Compresses files.
pagesize Displays the system page size.
pcat Unpacks files and writes them to standard output.
rmnotify Removes a notify method definition from the Notify object class.
rmps Removes a paging space from the system along with any logical volume on which it resides.
rmserver Removes a subserver definition from the Subserver Type object class.
rmssys Removes a subsystem definition from the subsystem object class.
srcmstr Starts the System Resource Controller.
startsrc Starts a subsystem, a group of subsystems, or a subserver.
stopsrc Stops a subsystem, a group of subsystems, or a subserver.
swapon Specifies additional devices for paging and swapping.
tracesoff Turns off tracing of a subsystem, a group of subsystems, or a subserver.
traceson Turns on tracing of a subsystem, a group of subsystems, or subserver.
uncompress Compresses and expands data.
zcat Compresses and expands data.

Commands List: Software Installation

bootlist Alters the list of IPL devices or the ordering of devices on the list) available to the system.
bootparamd Provides information for booting to diskless clients.
bosboot Creates boot device.
chitab Changes records in the /etc/inittab file.
ckprereq Verifies that all prerequisite software is available and at appropriate revision levels.
fastboot Restarts the system.
fasthalt Stops the processor.
halt Stops the processor.
init Initializes and controls processes.
installp Installs available software products in a compatible installation package.
inudocm Displays contents of files containing supplemental information.
inurecv Recovers all files saved by the inusave command.
inurest Performs simple archive and restore operations for the installp command and shell scripts.
inusave Saves files that are installed or updated during an installation procedure.
inuumsg Displays specific error or diagnostic messages provided by a software products installation procedures.
logger Make entries in the system log.
lppchk Verifies files of an installable software product.
lsitab Lists records in the /etc/inittab file.
lslpp Lists software products.
mkboot Creates the boot image, the boot record and the service record.
mkitab Makes records in the /etc/inittab file.
rc Performs normal startup initialization.
reboot Restarts the system.
refresh Requests a refresh of a subsystem or group of subsystems.
rmitab Removes records in the /etc/inittab file.
shutdown Ends system operation.
smit Performs system management.
sync Updates the i-node table and writes buffered files to the hard disk.
sysck Checks the inventory information during installation and update procedures.

Commands List: User Interface


custom Allows users to customize X applications.
dtscript Builds simple dialogs used in the X Window System environment.
mwm Runs the AIXwindows Window Manager.
uil The command that starts the User Interface Language Compiler for the AIXwindows system.
xmbind Configures virtual key bindings.

Enhanced X-Windows:

addX11input Adds an X11 input extension record into the ODM database.
aixterm Initializes an Enhanced X-Windows terminal emulator.
bdftopcf A font compiler that converts fonts from Bitmap Distribution format to Portable Compiled format.
deleteX11input Deletes an X11 input extension record from the ODM database.
listX11input Lists X11 input extension records entered into the ODM database.
mkfontdir Creates a fonts.dir file from a directory of font files.
resize Sets the TERMCAP environment variable and terminal settings to the current window size.
rgb Reads lines from standard input and inserts them into a database to associate color names with specific rgb values.
startx Initializes an X session.
uil Starts the User Interface Language Compiler for the AIXwindows system.
X Starts the X Server.
xauth Edits and displays the authorization information used in connecting to the X server.
xclock Continuously displays the current time of day.
xcmsdb Loads, queries, or removes Screen Color Characterization Data stored in properties on the root window of the screen.
xdm X Display Manager with support for XDMCP.
xfs Supplies fonts to X Window System display servers.
xhost Controls who can have access to Enhanced X-Windows on the current host machine.
xinit (Enhanced X-Windows)
xinit (X11R5) Initializes the X Window System.
xlock Locks the local X display until a password is entered.
xlsfonts Displays the font list for X.
xmodmap Modifies keymaps in the X server.
xpr Formats a window dump file for output to a printer.
xrdb Performs X server resource database utilities.
xset (X-Windows) Sets options for your X-Windows environment.
xsetroot The root window parameter setting utility for the x command.
xterm Provides a terminal emulator for the X Window System.
xwd Dumps the image of an Enhanced X-Window.
xwud Retrieves the dumped image of an Enhanced X-Windows window.

Commands List: Macros

add_netopt Adds a network option structure to the list of network options.
assert Verifies a program assertion.
auth_destroy Destroys authentication information.
clnt_call Calls the remote procedure associated with the clnt parameter.
clnt_control Changes or retrieves various information about a client object.
clnt_destroy Destroys the client's RPC handle.
clnt_freeres Frees data that was allocated by the RPC/XDR system.
clnt_geterr Copies error information from a client handle.
DTOM Converts an address anywhere within an mbuf structure to the head of that mbuf structure.
del_netopt Deletes a network option structure from the list of network options.
feof, ferror, clearerr, orfileno Checks the status of a stream.
M_HASCL Determines if an mbuf structure has an attached cluster.
MTOCL Converts a pointer to an mbuf structure to a pointer to the head of an attached cluster.
MTOD Converts a pointer to an mbuf structure to a pointer to the data stored in the mbuf structure.
M_XMEMD Returns the address of an mbuf cross-memory descriptor.
man Provides a formatting facility for manual pages.
m_copy Creates a copy of all or part of a list of mbuf structures.
m_clget Allocates a page-sized mbuf structure cluster.
me Provides a formatting facility for creating technical papers in various styles.
m_getclust Allocates an mbuf structure from the mbuf buffer pool and attaches a page-sized cluster.
mm Provides a formatting facility for business documents such as memos, letters, and reports.
mptx Formats a permuted index produced by the ptx command.
ms Provides a formatting facility for various styles of articles, theses, and books.
mv Simplifies typesetting of view graphs and projection slides.
svc_destroy Destroys a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service transport handle.
svc_freeargs Frees data allocated by the RPC/XDR system.
svc_getargs Decodes the arguments of an RPC request.
svc_getcaller Gets the network address of the caller of a procedure.
varargs Handles a variable-length parameter list.
xdr_destroy Destroys the XDR stream pointed to by the xdrs parameter.
xdr_getpos Returns an unsigned integer that describes the current position in the data stream.
xdr_inline Returns a pointer to the buffer of a stream pointed to by the xdrs parameter
xdr_setpos Changes the current position in the XDR stream.
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