install Command


Installs a command.


/usr/bin/install [- c DirectoryA] [- f DirectoryB] [- i] [- m] [- M Mode] [- O Owner] [- G Group] [- S] [- n DirectoryC] [- o] [- s] File [Directory ... ]


The install command installs a specified file in a specific place within a file system. It is most often used in makefiles. When replacing files, the install command copies (or moves) each file into the appropriate directory, thereby retaining the original owner and permissions based on the behavior of the cp and mv commands. An attempt is made to change the destination to owner bin and group bin. The -O Owner and -G Group flags can be used to specify a different owner or group. The install command writes a message telling you exactly which files it is replacing or creating and where they are going.

You must be a super-user if you want to specify the ownership of the installed file with the -O or -G flags.

If you do not specify the Directory parameter, the install command searches a set of default directories (/usr/bin, /etc, and /usr/lib, in that order) for a file with the same name as the File parameter. The first time it finds one, it overwrites it with File and issues a message indicating that it has done so. If a match is not found, the install command issues a message telling you there was no match and exits with no further action. If the File parameter does not exist in the current directory, the install command displays an error message and exits with a nonzero value.

If any directories are specified on the command line, the install command searches them before it searches the default directories.


Item Description
-c DirectoryA Installs a new command file in the DirectoryA variable only if that file does not already exist there. If it finds a copy of File there, it issues a message and exits without overwriting the file. This flag can be used alone or with the -s, -M, -O, -G, or -S flag.
-f DirectoryB Forces installation of File in DirectoryB whether or not File already exists. If the file being installed does not already exist, the command sets the permission code and owner of the new file to 755 and bin, respectively. This flag can be used alone or with the -o,-s, -M, -O, -G, or -S flag.
-G Group Specifies a different group for the destination file. The default group is bin.
-i Ignores the default directory list and searches only those directories specified on the command line. This flag cannot be used with the -c, -f, or -m flags.
-m Moves the File parameter to the directory instead of being copied. Cannot be used with the -c, -f, -i, or -n flag.
-M Mode Specifies the mode of the destination file.
-n DirectoryC Installs the File parameter in the DirectoryC variable if it is not in any of the searched directories, and sets the permissions and owner of the file to 755 and bin, respectively. This flag cannot be used with the -c, -f, or -m flag.
-o Saves the old copy of the File parameter by copying it into a file called OLDFile in the same directory. This flag cannot be used with the -c flag.
-O Owner Specifies a different owner of the destination file. The default owner is bin.
-s Suppresses the display of all but error messages.
-S Causes the binary to be stripped after installation.


  1. To replace a command that already exists in one of the default directories, enter:
    install fixit
    This replaces the fixit file if it is found in the /usr/bin, /etc, or /usr/lib directory. Otherwise, the fixit file is not installed. For example, if /usr/bin/fixit exists, then this file is replaced by a copy of the file fixit in the current directory.
  2. To replace a command that already exists in a specified or default directory and to preserve the old version, enter:

    install  -o fixit /etc /usr/games

    This replaces the fixit file if it is found in the /etc or /usr/games directory or in one of the default directories. Otherwise the fixit file is not installed. If the file is replaced, the old version is preserved by renaming it OLDfixit in the directory in which it was found.
  3. To replace a command that already exists in a specified directory, enter:

    install  -i fixit /home/jim/bin /home/joan/bin /usr/games

    This replaces the fixit file if it is found in the /home/jim/bin, /home/joan/bin, or /usr/games directory. Otherwise, the file is not installed.
  4. To replace a command found in a default directory or install it in a specified directory if it is not found, enter:

    install  -n /usr/bin fixit

    This replaces the fixit file if it is found in one of the default directories. If the file is not found, it is installed as /usr/bin/fixit.
  5. To install a new command, enter:

    install  -c /usr/bin fixit

    This creates a new command by installing a copy of the fixit file as /usr/bin/fixit, but only if this file does not already exist.
  6. To install a command in a specified directory whether or not it already exists, enter:

    install  -f /usr/bin  -o  -s fixit

    This forces the fixit file to be installed as /usr/bin/fixit whether or not it already exists. The old version, if any, is preserved by moving it to /usr/bin/OLDfixit (a result of the -o flag). The messages that tell where the new command is installed are suppressed (a result of the -s flag).


For compatibility with Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), two install commands exist. See the installbsd command.


Item Description
/usr/bin/install Contains the install command.