X Command


Starts the X Server.


X-a Number ] [  -auth FileName ] [  -bc +bc ] [  -bp Color ] [  -broadcast ] [  -bs -nobs ] [  -c Volume ] [  -cc VisualType :Display ] ] [  -class DisplayClass ] [  -co File ] [  -cookie XDMAuthenticationBit ] [  -D File ] [  -d Depth :Display ] ]  -displayID DisplayID ] [ -damage | +damage ] [ -evie | +evie ] [  -f Number ] [ -fc Font ] [ -fixes | +fixes ] [ -fn Font ] [  -fp Font ] [ -help ] [  -I ] [  -indirect HostName] [ -layer # :Display ] ] [  -logo nologo ] [  -n :Number ] [  -once ] [  -P RowColumn  Display } ] [  -pbuffer level [:display name | :display number] ] [  -p Number ] [  -port PortNumber ] [  -query HostName ] [  -r r ] [ +render | -render ]-s Number ] [ -secIP [PermissionCode]] [ -secLocal [PermissionCode]] [ -secSMT [PermissionCode]] [ -stereo [:Display]] [  -su ] [  -T ] [  -t Number ] [  -to Number ] [  -v ] [ -vfb ]-wm ] [  -wp Color ] [  -wrap | [  -wrapx ] [  -wrapy ] ] [  -x ExtensionName ] [ -xkbdir Directory ] [ -xkbmap FileName ] [ [+|-]accessx ] [ -ar1 Milliseconds ] [ -ar2 Milliseconds ] [ -sp FileName ] [ +/- xinerama FileName ]


The X command starts the X Server, a display server that runs on bitmapped terminals. The X Server distributes input and output requests to or from programs located on either the host system or systems connected to it through a network.

End an Enhanced X-Windows session by using the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace key sequence.

You can specify one or more display devices. If none are specified, the default is all. The default configuration order is determined by the adapter slot order. The adapter in the first slot is initialized as the left most screen, the adapter in the second slot is the next screen to the right. To rearrange the layout of the screens, use the -P flag. The -P flag associates the row and column of the device with the device name. You can determine the device name by using the lsdisp command.

The two displays are arranged either vertically or horizontally. The following example shows -P flags specifying a horizontal arrangement:

-P11 ppr0 -P12 ppr1

The 2 in the right position of the second -P flag indicates that the second monitor view is along the x-axis. This produces the horizontal arrangement:

         Display                        Display
                  1                                  2

To see two monitors in a vertical arrangement, the -P flags should read:

-P11 ppr0 -P21 ppr1

The 2 in the first position indicates that the monitors are in a vertical configuration along the y-axis:


In the horizontal configuration, when a mouse is traveling from left to right in Display 1 and reaches the border of Display 1 and 2, the cursor continues into Display 2 at the same y-axis position. When it reaches the edge of Display 2 and the -wrapx flag is set, it appears at the leftmost edge of Display 1 in the same y-axis position. If the -wrapx flag is not set, the mouse stops at the far edge of Display 2.

In a vertical configuration, when the mouse is traveling from top to bottom in Display 1 and reaches the border of Display 1 and Display 2, the cursor continues into Display 2 at the same x-axis position. When the cursor reaches the bottom of the display 2 and the -wrapy flag is set, the cursor appears at the top edge of Display 1 in the same x-axis position. If the -wrapy flag is not set, the mouse stops at the bottom of Display 2.

In addition, information and error messages (for example, a message indicating that an extension not able to load) are listed in the /tmp/xlogfile file. This file can provide useful information in cases when the X Server encounters a problem. This file is re-written every time the X Server is instantiated. This file provides additional error and non-error information but is not a complete error log for the X Server.

When X-Server is started, it comes up using the default color class. Depending on the driver, the X-Server may default to using the PseudoColor or TrueColor class.

The PseudoColor class uses a colormap to display the colors on the screen. Many graphic adapters only support one hardware colormap. In this case, if the default color class is PseudoColor and an application is using a colormap that is different from the default colormap, incorrect colors may be displayed on the screen. Only the window that has focus will display the correct colors. It is advisable to run the X-Server in the TrueColor mode to prevent wrong colors from being displayed on the screen.

The -cc X-Server command flag can be used to bring the X-Server up using the TrueColor class. The /usr/lpp/X11/defaults/xserverrc file can be modified to allow this as shown in the following example.

As a root user, edit the /usr/lpp/X11/defaults/xserverrc file. Update the EXTENSIONS="" variable as shown in the following example:

# Start the X server in True Color mode

Restart X Server by logging out of CDE and clicking reset.

Note: The xdpyinfo command can be used to verify the default color class.


Item Description
-a Number Specifies the acceleration multiplier for mouse movement. For example, a value of 5 causes the cursor to move five times as fast as the mouse. The default is 4 pixels; any value specified must be a positive value greater than 0.
-auth FileName Specifies to X the file from which to read the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) magic cookie.
-bc Turns off backward compatibility with Enhanced X-Windows version 1.1.
+bc Turns on backward compatibility with Enhanced X-Windows version 1.1. This is the default.
-bp Color Specifies a black pixel color for the display. The default is display dependent.
-bs Enables backing store support on all screens. Backing store support is disabled by default.
-c Volume Specifies key click volume.
-cc VisualType [:Display] Specifies the type of visual to use for the root window of the screen specified by the display name. Not all visual types are available on all adapters at all depths. The :Display parameter is optional, but useful when using the multihead option. The :Display parameter is the name of the display as shown in the lsdisp command. If no display number or name is supplied, the specified visual is selected for all screens.

To specify the visual type and depth for the default visual, use the -cc and -d flags, respectively.

Values for the VisualType parameter are specified as a string or a number as follows:

String  Numeric equivalent
StaticGray		0
GrayScale		1
StaticColor		2
PseudoColor		3		
TrueColor		4
DirectColor		5	
-co File Sets the name of the red, green, and blue (RGB) color database. This is the default flag for the color database.
-D File Specifies the full path name of the color definition database file. The default is /usr/lib/X11/rgb.
-d Depth[:Display] Specifies the root depth for the screen specified by the display name. Not all visual types will be available on all adapters at all depths.

The :Display parameter is optional, but useful when using the multihead option and must correspond to the values passed with the -P flag. The :Display parameter is the name of the display as shown in the lsdisp command. In the absence of the :Display parameter, the specified depth is selected for all the selected displays in the multihead option, as specified in the -P flag.

-damage Disables the X Damage extension.
+damage Enables the X Damage extension.
-evie Disables the X Event Interception extension.
+evie Enables the X Event Interception extension.
-f Number Specifies the beep volume. The default is -1 or medium. The supported values are as follows:
Value           Setting
0               Off
1-33            Low
-1 or 34-66     Medium
67-100          High
-fc Font Specifies the cursor font for cursor glyphs and cursor masks. The default depends on the operating system and the display.
-fixes Disables the X Fixes extension.
+fixes Enables the X Fixes extension.
-fn Font Specifies the default text font. The default depends on the operating system and the display.
-fp Font Specifies the font path.
-I Causes all remaining command line arguments to be ignored. (Uppercase i)
-help Prints a usage message.
-layer #[:Display] Specifies that the default visual should be in the # layer. The :Display parameter is the name of the display as shown in the lsdisp command. Specifying this flag for an adapter that does not have overlays, or has less than 8 bits of overlay, has no effect. Specifying this flag with a # higher than the number of supported layers results in the default visual residing in the default layer of the screen (as if no -layer flag had been used).
-logo Turns on the X Window System logo display in the screen saver. There is currently no way to change this from a client.
-n :Number Specifies the connection number. Valid values for the Number parameter are 0 to 255. The default is the next available number. The Number parameter is used by programs to communicate with a specific X Server. For example, the command:
X -n :18

specifies that communication to the activated X Server takes place by unix:18 or by Hostname:18.

-nobs Disables backing store support on all screens. This is the default.
nologo Turns off the X Window System logo display in the screen saver. There is currently no way to change this from a client.
-once Instructs the server to exit after the first session ends. Normally, the server starts sessions automatically.
-PRowColumn Display Specifies the physical positioning of the displays in a multihead configuration. The Row parameter indicates the row in which the display is located. The Column parameter indicates the column in which the display is located.

The Display parameter is the device name of the display as shown in the first column of output from the Isdisp command. The first -PRowColumn Display occurrence on the command line describes screen 0 to the X Server, the second describes screen 1, and so on.

The -P flag is for use with multiple head support.

-pbuffer level [ :display name | :display number ] Specifies the pbuffer memory allocation level for the screen specified by :display. This flag is only useful when used in conjunction with the GLX extension.

The level parameter indicates the relative amount of frame buffer memory to be reserved for pbuffers. Specified values must be in the range of [0..2]. A value of 0 indicates that no memory should be reserved for pbuffers. A value of 1 indicates that a low amount of memory should be reserved. A value of 2 indicates that a high amount of memory should be reserved. Not all adapters support pbuffers. For those that do, not all screen configurations support pbuffers. The actual amount of frame buffer memory reserved for pbuffers is device-dependent, and may be influenced by other factors, such as screen resolution or default pixel depth.

The :display parameter is optional, but useful when using the multihead option. The :display parameter is the name of the display as shown in the lsdisp command. If no display number or name is supplied, the specified pbuffer width is selected for all screens.

-p Number Specifies the time interval, in minutes, between changes of the X Window System logo position. This flag is used with the -s (screen saver timeout) flag to control the blanking of the screen.
-r Disables autorepeat. The default is autorepeat enabled.
r Turns on autorepeat.
+render Enables the X Render extension. By default, the X Render extension is disabled.
Note: X Render Extension can be activated on the X Server only with GXT135P, GXT145, GXT4500P, and GXT6500P graphics adapters. To check the available adapter on the system, run the lsdisp command. Use the -vfb flag with the virtual frame buffer along with the +render flag.
-render Disables the X Render extension.
-s Number Specifies the number of minutes to wait before blanking the screen. The default is 10 minutes. If this value is set to 0, the screen-saver is disabled.
-secIP [PermissionCode] Sets local access control on the internet socket. The PermissionCode is 3 octal digits which can set read, write, and execute bits. If no PermissionCode is specified after a security flag, then permission is defaulted to 0 for that socket.
-secLocal [PermissionCode] Sets access control on the unix socket. The PermissionCode is 3 octal digits which can set read, write, and execute bits. If no PermissionCode is specified after a security flag, then permission is defaulted to 0 for that socket.
-secSMT [PermissionCode] Sets access control on the shared memory transport socket. The PermissionCode is 3 octal digits which can set read, write, and execute bits. If no PermissionCode is specified after a security flag, then permission is defaulted to 0 for that socket.
-stereo [:Display] Configures the graphics adapter for optimum stereo support for the screen specified by Display.

Supported screens will configure the adapter to provide the best available support for stereo. This may decrease other resources such as texture memory. The actual amount of memory affected is device-dependent, and may be influenced by other factors, such as screen resolution or default pixel depth.

The Display parameter is optional, but useful when using the multihead option. The Display parameter is the name of the display as shown in the lsdisp command. If no display number or name is supplied, the -stereo flag pertains to all supported screens.

Unsupported screens will ignore the -stereo flag.

-su Disables save under support on all screens.
-T Disables the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace key sequence that, by default, ends the AIXwindows session and all windows opened from it.
-t Number Specifies the mouse threshold. The default is 2 pixels. Acceleration takes effect only if the mouse is moved beyond the mouse threshold in one time interval and only applies to the amount beyond the threshold.
-to Number Specifies the number of minutes to elapse between connection checks. The default is 60 minutes. A specified value must be greater than 0.
-v Specifies that the display be replaced with the current background color after the time specified by the -s flag expires. By default, if the -v flag is not used, the entire display is painted with the background tile after the time specified by the -s flag expires.
-vfb Starts the X Server with Virtual Frame Buffer (VFB), without initializing any graphics adaptor.
-wm Forces the default backing store of all windows to have the WhenMapped value. This is a convenient way of applying backing store to all windows.
-wp Color Specifies a white pixel display color. The default depends on the display.
-wrap Specifies the behavior of the mouse when its hotspot reaches the left or right border or the top or bottom of any root window. If this flag is set and the hotspot of the mouse reaches the left border of the leftmost root window, the mouse is automatically positioned at the right border of the rightmost root window at the same y position.

Conversely, if this flag is set and the hotspot of the mouse reaches the right border of the rightmost root window, the mouse is automatically positioned at the left border of the leftmost root window at the same y position. If this flag is not set, the mouse stops at the left or right border of any root window.

If this flag is set and the hotspot of the mouse reaches the top border of the topmost root window, the mouse is positioned at the bottom border of the bottommost root window at the same x position.

Conversely, if this flag is set and the hotspot of the mouse reaches the bottom border of the bottommost root window, the mouse is positioned at the top border of the topmost root window at the same x position.

The -wrap flag is for use with multiple head support.

-wrapx Specifies the behavior of the mouse when its hotspot reaches the left or right border of any root window. If this flag is set and the hotspot of the mouse reaches the left border of the leftmost root window, the mouse is positioned at the right border of the rightmost root window at the same y position. Conversely, if this flag is set and the hotspot of the mouse reaches the right border of the rightmost root window, the mouse is positioned at the left border of the leftmost root window at the same y position. If this flag is not set, the mouse stops at the left or right border of any root window.

The -wrapx flag is for use with multiple head support.

-wrapy Specifies the behavior of the mouse when its hotspot reaches the top or bottom border of any root window. If this flag is set and the hotspot of the mouse reaches the top border of the topmost root window, the mouse is positioned at the bottom border of the bottommost root window at the same x position.

Conversely, if this flag is set and the hotspot of the mouse reaches the bottom border of the bottommost root window, the mouse is positioned at the top border of the topmost root window at the same x position. If this flag is not set, the mouse stops at the top or bottom border of any root window.

The -wrapy flag is for use with multiple head support.

-x ExtensionName Specifies that the extension name should be loaded when the server is initialized. This is particularly useful for large extensions, such as the Display PostScript Level 2 (dps). This flag can be specified more than once with multiple extension names.
-query HostName Enables Enhanced X-Windows Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP) and sends a Query packet to the specified host.

The -query flag is for use with XDMCP.

-broadcast Enables XDMCP and broadcasts BroadcastQuery packets to the network. The first responding display manager is chosen for the session.

The -broadcast flag is for use with XDMCP.

-indirect HostName Enables XDMCP and sends IndirectQuery packets to the specified host.

The -indirect flag is for use with XDMCP.

-port PortNumber Specifies an alternative port number for XDMCP. This flag must be specified before any -query, -broadcast, or -indirect flags. Normally, the server starts sessions one after another. This flag causes the server to exit after the first session ends.

The -port flag is for use with XDMCP.

-class DisplayClass Sets the value for an additional display qualifier used by XDMCP in resource lookup for display-specific options.

The -class flag is for use with XDMCP.

-cookie XDMAuthenticationBits Specifies a private key to be shared between the server and the manager when testing XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1.

The -cookie flag is for use with XDMCP.

-displayID DisplayID Allows the display manager to identify each display so that it can locate the shared key specified by the -cookie flag.

The -displayID flag is for use with XDMCP.

+/- xinerama Enable/Disable panoramic screen or Virtual Large Screen (VLS). Allows users to treat all heads in a multihead environment as a large screen.

Xkeyboard Flags

Item Description
-xkbdir Directory Specifies the base directory for the keyboard layout files.
-xkbmap FileName Specifies the keyboard description to load on startup.
[+|-]accessx Enables (+) or disables (-) AccessX key sequences.
-ar1 Milliseconds Sets the length of time in milliseconds that a key must be pressed before autorepeat starts.
-ar2 Milliseconds Sets the length of time in milliseconds that should elapse between autorepeat generated keystrokes.

Security Extension Flags

Item Description
-sp FileName Causes the server to attempt to read and interpret FileName as a security policy file with the format described below. The file is read at server startup and reread at each server reset.

The syntax of the security policy file is as follows. Notation: "*" means zero or more occurrences of the preceding element, and "+" means one or more occurrences. To interpret foo/bar, ignore the text after the /; it is used to distinguish between instances of foo in the next section.

policy file ::= version line other line*
version line ::= string/v '\n'
other line  ::= comment | access rule | site policy | blank line
comment ::= # not newline* '\n'
blank line ::= space '\n'
site policy ::= sitepolicy string/sp '\n'
access rule ::= property property/ar window perms '\n'
property ::= string
window ::= any | root | required property
required property ::= property/rp | property with value
property with value ::= property/rpv = string/rv
perms ::= [ operation | action | space ]*
operation ::= r | w | d
action ::= a | i | e
string ::= dbl quoted string | single quoted string | unqouted string
dbl quoted string ::= space " not dqoute* " space
single quoted string ::= space ' not squote* ' space
unquoted string ::= space not space+ space
space ::= [ ' ' | '\t' ]*

Character sets:

not newline ::= any character except '\n'
not dqoute  ::= any character except "
not squote  ::= any character except '
not space   ::= any character except those in space

The semantics associated with the previously described syntax are as follows.

version line
The first line in the file, specifies the file format version. If the server does not recognize the version string/v, it ignores the rest of the file. The version string for the file format described here is version-1.

Once past the version line, lines that do not match the above syntax are ignored.

Lines are ignored.
Lines are currently ignored. They are intended to specify the site policies used by the XC-QUERY-SECURITY-1 authorization method.
access rule
Lines specify how the server should react to untrusted client requests that affect the X Window property named property/ar. The rest of this section describes the interpretation of an access rule.

For an access rule to apply to a given instance of property/ar, property/ar must be on a window that is in the set of windows specified by window. If window is any, the rule applies to property/ar on any window. If window is root, the rule applies to property/ar only on root windows.

If window is required property, the following apply. If required property is a property/rp, the rule applies when the window also has that property/rp, regardless of its value. If required property is a property with value, property/rpv must also have the value specified by string/rv. In this case, the property must have type STRING and format 8, and should contain one or more null- terminated strings. If any of the strings match string/rv, the rule applies.

The definition of string matching is simple case-sensitive string comparison with one elaboration: the occurrence of the character '*' in string/rv is a wildcard meaning "any string." A string/rv can contain multiple wildcards anywhere in the string. For example, x* matches strings that begin with x, *x matches strings that end with x, *x* matches strings containing x, and x*y* matches strings that start with x and subsequently contain y.

There may be multiple access rule lines for a given property/ar. The rules are tested in the order that they appear in the file. The first rule that applies is used.

Specify operations that untrusted clients may attempt, and the actions that the server should take in response to those operations.
Can be r (read), w (write), or d (delete). The following information shows how X Protocol property requests map to these operations in the X Consortium server implementation.
r, or r and d if delete = True
r and w
none, untrusted clients can always list all properties
Can be a (allow), i (ignore), or e (error).
Executes the request as if it had been issued by a trusted client.
Treats the request as a no-op. In the case of GetProperty, ignore means return an empty property value if the property exists, regardless of its actual value.
Specifies not to execute the request and return a BadAtom error with the atom set to the property name. Error is the default action for all properties, including those not listed in the security policy file.

An action applies to all operations that follow it, until the next action> is encountered. Thus, irwad means ignore read and write, allow delete.

GetProperty and RotateProperties might do multiple operations (r and d, or r and w). If different actions apply to the operations, the most severe action is applied to the whole request; there is no partial request execution. The severity ordering is: allow < ignore < error. Thus, if the perms for a property are ired (ignore read, error delete), and an untrusted client attempts GetProperty on that property with delete = True, an error is returned, but the property value is not. Similarly, if any of the properties in a RotateProperties do not allow both read and write, an error is returned without changing any property values.

An example a security policy file follows:

# Allow reading of application resources, but not writing.
property RESOURCE_MANAGER     root      ar iw
property SCREEN_RESOURCES     root      ar iw

# Ignore attempts to use cut buffers.  Giving errors causes apps to crash,
# and allowing access may give away too much information.
property CUT_BUFFER0          root      irw
property CUT_BUFFER1          root      irw
property CUT_BUFFER2          root      irw
property CUT_BUFFER3          root      irw
property CUT_BUFFER4          root      irw
property CUT_BUFFER5          root      irw
property CUT_BUFFER6          root      irw
property CUT_BUFFER7          root      irw

# If you are using Motif, you probably want these.

property _MOTIF_DEFAULT_BINDINGS        rootar iw
property _MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW   root      ar iw
property _MOTIF_DRAG_TARGETS  any       ar iw
property _MOTIF_DRAG_ATOMS    any       ar iw
property _MOTIF_DRAG_ATOM_PAIRS         any ar iw

# The next two rules let xwininfo -tree work when untrusted.
property WM_NAME              any       ar
# Allow read of WM_CLASS, but only for windows with WM_NAME.
# This might be more restrictive than necessary, but demonstrates
# the required property facility, and is also an attempt to
# say "top level windows only."
property WM_CLASS             WM_NAME   ar

# These next three let xlsclients work untrusted.  Think carefully
# before including these; giving away the client machine name and command
# may be exposing too much.
property WM_STATE             WM_NAME   ar
property WM_CLIENT_MACHINE    WM_NAME   ar
property WM_COMMAND           WM_NAME   ar

# To let untrusted clients use the standard colormaps created by
# xstdcmap, include these lines.
property RGB_DEFAULT_MAP      root      ar
property RGB_BEST_MAP         root      ar
property RGB_RED_MAP          root      ar
property RGB_GREEN_MAP        root      ar
property RGB_BLUE_MAP         root      ar
property RGB_GRAY_MAP         root      ar
# To let untrusted clients use the color management database created
# by xcmsdb, include these lines.
property XDCCC_LINEAR_RGB_MATRICES      rootar
property XDCCC_GRAY_CORRECTION          rootar

# oddball property names and explicit specification of error conditions
property "property with spaces"         'property with "'aw er ed

# Allow deletion of Woo-Hoo if window also has property OhBoy with value
# ending in "son".  Reads and writes will cause an error.
property Woo-Hoo              OhBoy = "*son"ad


To start the X Server with X Render extension, enter the following command:
$X -T -force :0 -vfb -d 32 +render
In this example, the X Server will use the Virtual Frame Buffer (VFB) for rendering instead of using the physical graphics adaptor.