chvirprt Command


Changes the attribute values of a virtual printer.


chvirprt -d QueueDeviceName  -q PrintQueueName [-a Attribute=Value ... ]


The chvirprt command changes attribute values for the virtual printer assigned to PrintQueueName and QueueDeviceName.

Note: Attribute names for default values of the qprtcommand line flags can be specified by entering the flag letters. For example, to change the default value for the -w flag (page width) to 132, enter w=132. All other attribute names must be 2 characters long.

You can use the Printer Queues application in Web-based System Manager (wsm) to change printer characteristics. You could also use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) smit chvirprt fast path to run this command.


Item Description
-a Attribute=Value Replaces the value for Attribute with Value. If Value contains one or more spaces, it must be surrounded by quotes ('Value'). be the last flag when entering the chvirprt command on the command line.
-d QueueDeviceName Specifies the name of the queue device to which the virtual printer is assigned.
-q PrintQueueName Specifies the name of the print queue to which the virtual printer is assigned.


To change the default page width to 132 characters (the w attribute) and specify that user mary receives the "intervention required" messages (the si attribute) for the virtual printer associated with the proq print queue and the mypro queue device, enter:

chvirprt  -q proq  -d mypro  -a si=mary w=132


Item Description
/etc/qconfig Configuration file
/usr/sbin/chvirprt Contains the chvirprt command.
/var/spool/lpd/pio/@local/custom/* Virtual printer attribute files
/var/spool/lpd/pio/@local/ddi/* Digested virtual printer attribute files.