rmvirprt Command


Removes a virtual printer.


rmvirprt -q PrinterQueueName -d QueueDeviceName


The rmvirprt command removes the virtual printer assigned to the PrinterQueueName and QueueDeviceName variable value. The rmvirprt command also removes the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) Object Database Manager (ODM) objects associated with the specified queue and queue device.

You can use the Printer Queues application in Web-based System Manager to change printer characteristics.

You can also use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) smit rmvirprt fast path to run this command.

Note: When the command rmvirprt is run from the command line, it does not remove the queue or queue device, nor does it check for any jobs running or queued on the specified queue and queue device. However, if SMIT is used to run this command interactively, the corresponding queue, queue device, and, optionally, printer device, are removed along with the virtual printer, if there are no jobs running or queued.


Item Description
-d QueueDeviceName Specifies the name of the queue device to which the virtual printer is assigned.
-q PrinterQueueName Specifies the name of the print queue to which the virtual printer is assigned.


To remove the attribute values for the mypro virtual printer associated with the proq print queue, type:

rmvirprt  -d mypro  -q proq


Item Description
/etc/qconfig Contains the configuration file.
/usr/sbin/rmvirprt Contains the rmvirprt command.
/var/spool/lpd/pio/@local/custom/* Contains the customized virtual printer attribute files.
/var/spool/lpd/pio/@local/ddi/* Contains the digested virtual printer attribute files.