
Poll -- BNU list of remote computers to call


The /etc/uucp/Poll file defines remote computers that are to be called by your local computer at specified times of the day.

Each Poll file entry consists of two tab-separated fields:


where sys_name specifies the name of the remote computer to be called, and hour specifies the time of day that the call is to be made.

The uudemon.poll script does not actually perform the poll: it merely sets up a polling work file (always named C.file) in the spool directory. The uudemon.hour script starts the uusched(1Mbnu) scheduler. uusched examines all work files in the spool directory and performs the polling.




The system-supplied Poll file only contains sample entries. Unless polling is required, the file usually does not need to be modified.


The Poll file entry:
   eagle<Tab>0 4 8 12 16 20
polls the computer eagle every four hours.


Config(4bnu), Devconfig(4bnu), Devices(4bnu), Dialcodes(4bnu), Dialers(4bnu), Grades(4bnu), Limits(4bnu), Permissions(4bnu), Sysfiles(4bnu), Systems(4bnu)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004