
Dialcodes -- BNU dial-code abbreviations file


The /etc/uucp/Dialcodes file contains dial-code abbreviations that can be used in the ``Phone'' field of the /etc/uucp/Systems file.

Each Dialcodes file entry has the format:

abbrev dial_seq

where abbrev is the abbreviation used in the Systems file ``Phone'' field and dial_seq is the dial sequence that is passed to the dialer when that particular Systems file entry is accessed.






The Dialcodes file works closely with the Devices(4bnu), Dialers(4bnu) and Systems(4bnu) files. Note that a change to an entry in one file may require a change to a related entry in another file.

The default Dialcodes file delivered with the system is empty. It is not necessary for the system administrator to do anything to the file.


The Dialcodes file entry:
   jt 9=555-
would be set up to work with a ``Phone'' field in the Systems file such as ``jt7867''. When the entry containing ``jt7867'' is encountered, the sequence 9=555-7867 would be sent to the dialer if the token in the dialer-token pair is \T.


Config(4bnu), Devconfig(4bnu), Devices(4bnu), Dialers(4bnu), Grades(4bnu), Limits(4bnu), Permissions(4bnu), Poll(4bnu), Sysfiles(4bnu), Systems(4bnu)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004