
Devconfig -- BNU network device configuration file


service=svc_name[:svc_name...] \
device=dev_name \


The /etc/uucp/Devconfig file specifies the STREAMS modules and network devices used to provide cu(1bnu) and uucico(1Mbnu) services over a TCP network or some other TLI-conformant provider.

Each entry in the Devconfig file consists of a single logical line. Physical lines may be terminated by a backslash (\) to indicate that the entry continues on the next line. Comment lines begin with a hash sign (#) and occupy the entire line up to a newline character. Blank lines are ignored (even within multi-line entries).

Each entry contains the following:





Different modules and devices can be defined for cu and uucico services.

If you create entries in the Devconfig file, you must also create an entry for the TCP network in the Devices file.

If you want to change the contents of the file, use one of the available text editors.


If you are using TCP/IP, the two entries shown below are all you need in the Devconfig file:
   service=cu      device=TCP  push=ntty:tirdwr
   service=uucico  device=TCP  push=ntty:tirdwr
In this example, ntty is pushed first, then tirdwr. ntty is a hardware emulation module. tirdwr is the Transport Interface read/write interface module.


Config(4bnu), cu(1bnu), Devices(4bnu), Sysfiles(4bnu), Systems(4bnu), uucico(1Mbnu)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004