
Dialers -- BNU dial-up chat script file


dialer substitutions expect-send...


The /etc/uucp/Dialers file specifies the initial conversation that must take place on a line before the line can be made available for transferring data. This conversation usually consists of a sequence of character strings to be transmitted and expected. The character strings are typically used to dial a telephone number using an Automatic Call Unit (ACU) dial modem.

The fifth and subsequent odd-numbered fields in the Devices(4bnu) file are indexes into the Dialers file, or into an internal list of special dialer types (CS, 801, TLI, or TLIS). If a match is found, the Dialers entry is interpreted to perform the dialer conversation.

Each entry in the Dialers file consists of the following fields:

   #dialer substitutions expect-send...
Blank lines, and lines that begin with white space, a tab, or a hash sign (#) are ignored.

The fields in the Dialers file are defined as follows:

This field matches the fifth and subsequent odd numbered fields in the Devices file.

Supplies a translation string, where the first of each pair of characters is mapped to the second character in the pair. This field is usually used to translate ``='' and ``-'' into whatever the dialer requires for ``wait for dial tone'' and ``pause''.

Contains character strings that make up the chat script used to dial the device.

The following escape characters can be used in the chat script:

send or expect a backspace character

if at the end of a string, suppress the newline that is normally sent; ignored otherwise

delay two seconds before sending or reading more characters

pause for approximately ¼ to ½ second

start echo checking (from this point on, whenever a character is transmitted, it will wait for the character to be received before doing anything else)

echo check off

turn on CLOCAL flag

turn off CLOCAL flag

send a newline character

send or expect a carriage-return

send or expect a space character

send or expect a tab character

send or expect a ``\'' character

send or expect a BREAK character

telephone number or token without Dialcodes translation

send or expect EOT newline twice

same as BREAK

send or expect a null character (ASCII NUL)

telephone number or token with Dialcodes translation

collapse the octal digits ddd into a single character

specify the timeout by appending nn to the expect string, where nn is the timeout time in seconds (this will override the default value of 45 seconds, or the device-specific value provided in the Devconfig(4bnu) file)

The keyword ABORT may be used in an ``expect'' field to indicate that the chat script should fail upon receipt of the string specified in the ``send'' field, without waiting for a timeout. This may save time when used to handle strings like ``BUSY'' returned from dialing devices.







The Dialers file works closely with the Devices(4bnu), Systems(4bnu) and Dialcodes(4bnu) files. Note that a change to an entry in one file may require a change to a related entry in another file.


This example uses the system-supplied Dialers file entry for the att2212c device shown here:
   att2212C =+-, "" atzod,o12=y,o4=n\r\c \006 atT\T\r\c ed
As is the case with most Dialers file entries, the att2212c entry is processed in two steps:

  1. The telephone number argument is translated as follows:

    The plus sign and comma in the translated telephone number argument have the following meanings:

    wait for dial tone


  2. The handshake given by the remainder of the line is interpreted as follows:

    wait for nothing; that is, proceed to the expect-send string

    enter command mode, reset modem, set options to default

    set option 12 to ``y'' (transparent data mode)

    set option 4 to ``n'' (don't disconnect on received spaces); terminate with a carriage return but no newline

    wait for acknowledge signal (ACK).

    enter command mode; use tone dialing; translate the phone number and terminate with a carriage return, but no newline

    expect ed (as in the last two letters of answered)


Config(4bnu), Devconfig(4bnu), Devices(4bnu), Dialcodes(4bnu), Grades(4bnu), Limits(4bnu), Permissions(4bnu), Poll(4bnu), Sysfiles(4bnu), Systems(4bnu)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004