
messages -- system service, kernel, and device driver error messages


Utilities and applications send system service messages to the user when a system call fails. These messages appear on the controlling terminal for the shell. They are described in the section ``System service messages''.

Messages from the UNIX kernel and device drivers are displayed on the console for the attention of the system administrator. These messages are described in the sections ``Kernel messages'' and ``Generic device driver messages''. These sections should be used in conjunction with the trap(M) manual page, which lists the external and internal events to which the processor can respond, and that may give rise to a system message.

For error messages specific to a particular driver, see the section HW manual page for that driver.

Each kernel or device driver message consists of a severity level, usually followed by a comment specifying the relevant kernel routine or device name, and containing information about the problem.

The general format of messages from kernel routines is:

severity: routine - description

routine is the name of the routine where the problem occurred (this name is not always present). The description may include the major and minor numbers of the device in which an error arose.

You can use nodnm(ADM) to list the name of the block and character device files associated with the given major and minor numbers:

/etc/nodnm b major minor
/etc/nodnm c major minor

The general format of device driver messages is:

severity: ddname: description

ddname is the internal name of the device driver in which the problem occurred; this name is not necessarily the same as the handler prefix of the device driver defined in mdevice(F). The description also often includes the major and minor numbers of the associated device.

The severity of a message has six possible levels, listed here in increasing order of importance:

This usually means that the maximum value of a kernel parameter has been exceeded. In this case, the message takes the form:
CONFIG: routine - message (param = value exceeded)
Here, routine is the routine name, message is a short description of the problem, param is the name of the tunable variable, and value is its current value.

Use the configure(ADM) utility to adjust the stune(F) value of the tunable variable, and build a new kernel. On large systems, or special purpose machines such as dedicated database servers, the new value may need to exceed the maximum value in the mtune(F) file. If this is the case, override the maximum value by specifying the -o option and the new value of the parameter to configure on the command line. A new kernel must be linked and the computer rebooted for any changes to take effect. See UNRESOLVED XREF-0 for more details.

The following is an example of this class of message:

CONFIG: s5iread - EAFS inode table overflow (NINODE = 300 exceeded)
Here, the default in-core inode table size of 300 has been exceeded.

This indicates that an error has occurred that should be monitored. System shutdown and rebooting is not usually necessary, although the super user should take action to remedy the fault. This may necessitate killing large or rogue processes, getting users to log off the system, or clearing space on a filesystem by deleting files.

The following is an example of this class of message:

NOTICE: s5alloc - No space on EAFS dev hd (1,40)
Here, the error occurred on an EAFS filesystem in the device driver hd with a major device number of 1 and a minor device number of 40. The remedy would be to delete some large files on the filesystem to make room. Typical culprit files are those that grow slowly and consistently; for example: system message, spool, and mailbox files.

Resource use has been effected and some corrective action is needed immediately.

The following is an example of this class of message:

WARNING: swapchunk - No free memory and no free swap space
If this message occurs within a few hours of every reboot of the system, it may be a sign that not enough swap space was reserved when the operating system was originally installed. Otherwise, you should check if there are too many large processes running.

This is a diagnostic message output immediately prior to a system panic.

The following is an example of this class of message:

FATAL: Parity error in the motherboard memory.

This indicates hardware problems or kernel inconsistencies that are too severe for continued operation. (Kernel inconsistencies are almost certainly due to a hardware fault unless a new device driver has been linked into the kernel.) After displaying the panic message, the system stops. Turn off the power to the system, correct the problem if it is in hardware, and reboot the system.

A panic when booting from a newly built kernel indicates a corrupted kernel, or a bug in a new device driver. The machine may then be booted from an older version of the kernel, such as /unix.old.

The following is an example of this class of message:

PANIC: Kernel and machine architectures unsuited
Device drivers supported by SCO OpenServer should rarely cause a panic except in the case that the kernel will not support the installed hardware configuration. This may not be the case for third-party device drivers.

This indicates that two or more panic requests have been received at the same time. Treat this like a PANIC message.

System service messages

The shell displays one of the following messages when a system call fails. The error code and error value corresponding to each message are shown after each message. The error codes are defined in the file /usr/include/sys/errno.h. Programmers should refer to the Intro(S) manual page for more information about the error codes listed.

Arg list too long [E2BIG] 7
An argument list longer than NCARGS (5120) bytes was presented to a member of the exec(S) family when trying to execute a program.

Bad address [EFAULT] 14
The system responded to a hardware fault when an impossible address reference was used in a system call.

Bad file number [EBADF] 9
This has the following possible causes:

Block device required [ENOTBLK] 15
A nonblock file was specified where a block device was required, for example, in mount(ADM).

Broken pipe [EPIPE] 32
A write occurred on a pipe with no process to read it. This condition normally generates the signal SIGPIPE; the error is returned if the signal is ignored.

Corrupted shared library [ELIBBAD] 84
A shared library could not be loaded by exec when trying to execute a program. The shared library is probably corrupted.

Cross-device link [EXDEV] 18
A non-symbolic link(S) to a file on another filesystem was attempted.

Deadlock avoided [EDEADLK] 45
Deadlock between two processes was detected and avoided. This error can be raised during file and record locking.

Device not a stream [ENOSTR] 60
A putmsg(S) or getmsg(S) system call to transfer a STREAMS message was attempted on a file descriptor that is not a STREAMS device.

Device or resource busy [EBUSY] 16
An attempt was made to mount a device that was already mounted, or to unmount a device on which there is an active file (open file, current directory, mounted-on file, or active text segment). This error also occurs if an attempt is made to enable accounting when it is already enabled.

Exec format error [ENOEXEC] 8
A request was made to execute a file, which had the appropriate permissions, but did not start with a valid magic number.

Exec on shared library [ELIBEXEC] 87
Trying to exec a shared library directly is not allowed.

File exists [EEXIST] 17
The existence of a file prevents an operation from taking place, for example, creating a link when a file of that name already exists.

File table overflow [ENFILE] 23
The system open file table was full; no more open(S) calls can be accepted. If this error message occurs persistently, the maximum number of open files defined by NFILE (default value is 200) may be adjusted using configure.

File too large [EFBIG] 27
The size of a file exceeded the maximum file size defined by ULIMIT, or the maximum possible file size (2 gigabytes), whichever is smaller (see ulimit(S)). If this error message occurs persistently, the value of ULIMIT (the default value is 1 byte less than 1 gigabyte) may be adjusted using configure.

Filename too long [ENAMETOOLONG] 78
A pathname longer than PATHSIZE (1024) was encountered. This error may be encountered when creating a symbolic link.

I/O error [EIO] 5
An input or output error occurred on a peripheral device. This error may in some cases occur on the system call following the one to which it actually applies.

Identifier removed [EIDRM] 36
This error is returned to a process that resumes execution due to the removal of an identifier from the filesystem name space; see msgctl(S), semctl(S), and shmctl(S).

Illegal seek [ESPIPE] 29
lseek(S) was attempted on a pipe.

Interrupted system call [EINTR] 4
An asynchronous signal (such as interrupt or quit), which the user has elected to catch, occurred during a system call. If execution is resumed after processing the signal, it will appear as if the interrupted system call returned this error condition.

Invalid argument [EINVAL] 22
An invalid argument was supplied to a system call. For example, this may occur when:

Is a directory [EISDIR] 21
An attempt was made to write on a directory.

Math argument [EDOM] 33
The argument of a function in the Math Library was out of the domain of the function. (Programmers should refer to matherr(S) for details of how to include their own error handling function.)

Missing shared library [ELIBACC] 83
An executable was invoked that requires a shared library that either does not exist or the user does not have permission to use.

No child processes [ECHILD] 10
A wait(S) was executed by a process that had no existing or unwaited-for child processes.

No lock [ENOLCK] 46
No more record locks were available for fcntl(S). This problem may occur intermittently, but will not persist.

No message of desired type [ENOMSG] 35
An attempt was made to receive a message of a type that does not exist on the specified message queue (see msgop(S)).

No more processes [EAGAIN] 11
This has the following possible causes:

No space on device [ENOSPC] 28
There was no free space left on the filesystem during a link, open, or write on a file.

No such device [ENODEV] 19
An inappropriate system call was made to a device; for example, reading from a write-only device.

No such device or address [ENXIO] 6
I/O on a special file referred to a subdevice that did not exist, did not respond, or was beyond the limits of the device. This error may also occur when, for example, a tape drive is not online or no disk pack is loaded on a drive.

No such file or directory [ENOENT] 2
The specified filename or pathname did not exist.

No such process [ESRCH] 3
No process can be found corresponding to that specified by the process number pid to kill or ptrace(S).

Not a character device [ENOTTY] 25
An ioctl(S) call on a file failed because it is not a character device file.

Not a directory [ENOTDIR] 20
A nondirectory was specified where a directory is required; for example, in a path prefix or as an argument to chdir(S).

Not enough space [ENOMEM] 12
During an exec, a program requested more space than the system is able to supply. The error may also occur if the arrangement of text, data, and stack segments requires too many segmentation registers, or if there is not enough swap space during a fork.

Not owner [EPERM] 1
An attempt to modify a file failed because the user was not the file's owner or the super user. This error may also returned for attempts by ordinary users to perform actions only allowed to the super user.

Out of streams [ENOSR] 63
During a STREAMS open, either no STREAMS queues or no STREAMS head data structures were available. If this error message occurs persistently, increase the values of the STREAMS tunable parameters NSTREAM and NQUEUE using configure.

Package not installed [ENOPKG] 65
A system call was made to a package that has not been installed.

Permission denied [EACCES] 13
An attempt was made to access a file in a way forbidden by the protection system.

Protocol error [EPROTO] 71
Some protocol error occurred. This error is device specific, but is generally not related to a hardware failure.

Read-only file system [EROFS] 30
An attempt to modify a file or directory was made on a device mounted read-only.

Result too large [ERANGE] 34
The value of a function in the Math Library was not representable within machine precision. (Programmers should refer to matherr(S) for details of how to include their own error handling function.)

Text file busy [ETXTBSY] 26
An attempt was made to execute a program that was already open for writing or reading. The error is also generated when an attempt is made to open a program for writing that is being executed.

Timer expired [ETIME] 62
The timer set for a STREAMS ioctl call has expired. The cause of this error is device specific and could indicate either a hardware or software failure, or perhaps a timeout value that is too short for the specific operation. The status of the ioctl operation is indeterminate.

Too many links [EMLINK] 31
An attempt was made to create more than the maximum number of links (MAXLINKS; defined to be 32) allowed to a file.

Too many open files [EMFILE] 24
A process may have no more than NOFILES (default value is 60) file descriptors open at a time.

Too many shared libraries [ELIBMAX] 86
An exec was invoked on an executable file that requires more than SHLBMAX shared libraries. If this error message occurs persistently, the maximum number of shared libraries SHLBMAX (default value is 8) may be increased using configure.

Unreadable message [EBADMSG] 77
This error may occur during a read, getmsg, or ioctl (with command argument I_RECVFD) system call to a STREAMS device. The following table describes for each system call what cannot be processed at the head of the queue:

getmsg passed file descriptor

ioctl control or data information

read control information or a passed file descriptor

Kernel messages

Configuration messages

If any of the following configuration messages appears persistently, you may wish to use configure to adjust the value of the given tunable parameter.
CONFIG: routine - map 0xn overflow (size = n exceeded); lost n items at n
Generated from memory allocation routines when an attempt to free previously allocated memory fails. The calling routine may be one of: dmaable_rawio, ksegcmn, mfree, mlsetup, sptalloc, or unkseg.
CONFIG: routine - Only n
resident pages free (MINARMEM = n reserved); n wanted
This reports a shortage of swappable pages while trying to lock a process into memory, or while allocating memory. The calling routine may be one of sealloc, shmctl lock, or strinit.
CONFIG: routine - Only n swappable
pages free (MINASMEM = n reserved); n wanted
This reports a shortage of swappable pages while trying to lock a process into memory, or while allocating memory. routine may be one of sealloc, shmctl lock, or strinit.
CONFIG: routine - Out of clists (NCLIST = n exceeded); n failures so far
There are insufficient character list buffers in the kernel. Data read from or written to character devices may be lost.
CONFIG: aio_memlock - AIO process table overflow (NAIOPROC = n exceeded)
The maximum number of processes allowed to perform asynchronous I/O has been exceeded.
CONFIG: aio_breakup - AIO request table overflow (NAIOREQ = n exceeded)
The maximum number of pending asynchronous I/O requests has been exceeded.
CONFIG: aio_breakup - AIO buffer table overflow (NAIOBUF = n exceeded)
The maximum number of asynchronous I/O buffers has been exceeded. Check that the parameter NAIOBUF is equal to NAIOREQ.
CONFIG: aio_setlockauth - AIO lock table overflow (NAIOLOCKTBL = n exceeded)
The maximum number of entries in the asynchronous I/O lock permissions table has been exceeded.
CONFIG: allocreg - Region table overflow (NREGION = n exceeded)
There are insufficient region table entries for all the processes running. Each process needs at least three entries for its text, data, and stack. Additional regions are needed for shared memory and shared library segments. Processes that share the same program text, however, may share the same text region.
CONFIG: Configured value of param (NGROUPS) greater than max (maxval); set to useval
The configured value of the maximum number of supplemental groups was greater than the maximum allowed value maxval. The value useval was used instead.
CONFIG: Configured value of param (NOFILES) greater than max (maxval); set to useval
The configured value of the maximum number of open files per process was greater than the maximum allowed value maxval. The value useval was used instead.
CONFIG: Configured value of param (NOFILES) less than min (minval); set to useval
The configured value of the minimum number of open files per process was less than the minimum allowed value minval. The value useval was used instead.
CONFIG: dk_name - Diskinfo table overflow (NDISK = n exceeded)
There are more entries in the disk information table than the number of disk drives defined by the configurable parameter NDISK. If necessary, you can increase this value using mkdev hd when installing additional disks (See mkdev(ADM).)
CONFIG: dosiread - DOS inode table overflow (DOSINODE = n exceeded)
There were no more in-core inodes for a mounted DOS filesystem.
CONFIG: event - Event channel full (EVDEVSPERQ = n exceeded)
Too many devices have been attached to an event queue.
CONFIG: event - Event table full (EVDEVS = n exceeded)
Too many devices have been attached to event queues systemwide.
CONFIG: falloc - File table overflow (NFILE = n exceeded)
There are too many open file table entries. Note that NFILE must be less than or equal to the in-core inode table size NINODE.
CONFIG: Fewer itimers (n) than processes (NPROC = n); all itimers disabled
Interval timers are disabled if configured to be fewer in number than the process table size.
CONFIG: hsiread - HS extent table overflow (HSNEXTENT = n exceeded)
CONFIG: hsiread - HS inode table overflow (HSNINODE = n exceeded)
There were no more in-core inode or extent table entries for a High Sierra filesystem.
CONFIG: id - Out of STREAMS queues (NQUEUE = n exceeded)
There were no more STREAMS queues available. NQUEUE should always be an even number, and is generally set to 4*NSTREAM.
CONFIG: ifreeget - Inode table overflow (NINODE = n exceeded)
There were no more inode table entries available. Note that NINODE must be greater than or equal to the open file table size NFILE.
CONFIG: main - Buffer allocation was reduced (NBUF reduced to n)
The system has limited the amount of memory allocated to buffer cache.
CONFIG: main - Could not obtain required number of low buffers
There was not enough Direct Access Memory to allocate to buffer cache.
CONFIG: main - Not enough low buffers (PLOWBUFS set to n)
The proportion of buffer cache in Direct Access Memory (the first 16M of RAM) has been set too low. The system uses 5% if PLOWBUFS is set to less than 5%.
CONFIG: Max pages to free (MAXFC = n) reduced to
The maximum number of pages that can be added to the free list in a single operation is MAXFPGLST.
CONFIG: Max pages to swap (MAXSC = n) reduced to
The maximum number of pages that can be swapped out in a single operation is MAXSPGLST.
CONFIG: msginit - Cannot allocate nk message buffer (MSGSEG = n segments of MSGSSZ = n bytes)
The total space allocated to message segments (MSGSEG*MSGSSZ) cannot be greater than 128KB.
CONFIG: newproc - Process table overflow (NPROC = n exceeded)
A fork call failed because there were no spare slots in the process table.
CONFIG: Obsolete pipe= keyword ignored; use pipe(ADM) instead
The pipe= keyword is not valid in the bootstring.
CONFIG: s5iread - fstyp inode table overflow (NINODE = n exceeded)
The system has run out of spare entries in its internal inode table. This may adversely affect those processes that regularly need to use temporary files for their operation. Increase the value of NINODE using configure to create additional table entries.
CONFIG: strinit - NQUEUE = n not even, set to n-1
The number of STREAM queues was reset to be an even number.
CONFIG: stropen 1 - Out of streams (NSTREAM = n exceeded)
No more STREAMS queues are available.
CONFIG: stropen 2 - Out of streams (NSTREAM = n exceeded)
No more STREAMS head data structures are available.
CONFIG: swapdel	- Total swap area too small (MINASMEM = n exceeded)
There was less than the minimum allowed number of swappable pages available.
CONFIG: timeout - Timeout table overflow (NCALL = n exceeded)
The kernel clock handler has run out of call-out table entries to allocate to functions.

Notice messages

NOTICE: clalloc - No space on fstyp dev name (major/minor)
No space remains on the filesystem. This may lead to corruption of user files. You must free space on the device.
NOTICE: datalock - Insufficient memory to allocate n pages - system call failed
NOTICE: datalock(stack) - Insufficient memory to allocate n pages - system call failed
No more record locks could be provided because there is insufficient system memory. The error EAGAIN is set by the system call.
NOTICE: dbd0alloc - Insufficient memory to allocate n pages - system call failed
The disk block descriptor tables of a process could not be created.
NOTICE: Direct read/write of directory on fstyp dev name (major/minor)
        Inode n by PID n: procname
A process attempted to read from or write to a directory inode.
NOTICE: dosexpand - No space on fstyp dev name (major/minor)
No space remains on the filesystem. This may lead to corruption of user files. You must free space on the device.
NOTICE: dupreg - Insufficient memory to allocate n pages - system call failed
There was insufficient memory to create a copy of a data or stack region following a fork call. The error EAGAIN is set by the system call.
NOTICE: dupreg - Page n usage count on swapdev dev (major/minor) overflow
The usage count for a block of swap has exceeded the maximum permitted value (MAXSUSE).
NOTICE: getcpages - Insufficient memory to allocate n contiguous pages - system call failed
No more pages could be allocated to a process.
NOTICE: getpages - Page n usage count on swapdev dev (major/minor) overflow
The usage count for a block of swap has exceeded the maximum permitted value (MAXSUSE).
NOTICE: growreg - Insufficient memory to allocate n pages - system call failed
A process region table could not be grown.
NOTICE: growreg - Insufficient memory to lock n pages - system call failed
Pages could not be locked into memory while trying to grow a process region table.
NOTICE: hsiread - Cannot handle multi-extent files
        Inode n on fstyp device name (major/minor)
Multiextent CD-ROM files (those described by secondary volume descriptors) are not supported.
NOTICE: I/O error. Job remap size n pages exceeds tunable DMAABLEBUF size n pages
Not enough pages are available for physical I/O job remapping.
NOTICE: k_trap - Unexpected NMI in system mode!
Non-maskable interrupts are ignored in system mode if a trap occurs while on the kernel stack.
NOTICE: kseg - Insufficient memory to allocate n pages - system call failed
Pages could not be added to the kernel.
NOTICE: munlink - Error n closing dev name (major/minor), proceeding
There was an error unlinking a STREAMS multiplexer link.
NOTICE: pt0alloc - Insufficient memory to allocate n pages - system call failed
The page tables of a process could not be created.
NOTICE: s5alloc - No space on fstyp dev name (major/minor)
No space remains on the filesystem. This may lead to corruption of user files. You must free space on the device.
NOTICE: s5ialloc - Out of inodes on fstyp dev name (major/minor)
The filesystem has run out of free inodes to allocate to files. You should remove any worthless files, or the filesystem must be backed up and then remade using mkfs(ADM) to specify a larger number of inodes.
NOTICE: stray - Stray interrupt at 0xvector
The CPU has received an interrupt via an unused vector. This is likely to be a hardware problem when a hardware failure has miscomputed the vector of a valid interrupt.
NOTICE: textlock - Insufficient memory to allocate n pages - system call failed
The text pages of a process could not be locked into memory.
NOTICE: u_trap - Unexpected NMI in user mode!
Non-maskable interrupts are ignored in user mode.
NOTICE: u_trap - Unknown interrupt 0xvector
The CPU has received an interrupt via an unused vector while in user mode. This is likely to be a hardware problem.
NOTICE: uballoc - Insufficient memory to allocate n pages - system call failed
The u-block for a process could not be created.
NOTICE: ubexpand - Insufficient memory to allocate n pages - system call failed
The u-block of a process could not be grown.
NOTICE: ubsalloc - Insufficient memory to allocate n pages - system call failed
The u-block for process 0 (the swapper sched) could not be created.
NOTICE: useracc - couldn't lock page
A page could not be locked into memory.

Warning messages

WARNING: routine - map 0xn overflow (size too small); lost n items at n
Generated from memory allocation routines when an attempt to free previously allocated memory fails. The calling routine may be one of: dmaable_rawio, ksegcmn, mfree, mlsetup, sptalloc, or unkseg.
WARNING: Bad interrupt type n
The type of interrupt routine handler being installed was not found in sdevice(F).
WARNING: Bad interrupt vector 0xvector
The vector was not in the range of usable vectors for the machine architecture.
The IPL level defined for an interrupt routine handler being installed is greater than the maximum allowed IPLHI (defined in /usr/include/sys/ipl.h).
WARNING: Bootstring invalid, ignored
The bootstring has been altered since its checksum was last calculated.
WARNING: bufcall - Could not allocate STREAMS event
Not enough buffers were available to allocate a STREAMS event.
WARNING: caller not original locker: lock_pid proc_pid
A process that was not the original locking process tried to free a lock.
WARNING: Cannot load floating point emulator (error n): /etc/emulator
The floating point emulator in /etc/emulator could not be loaded.
WARNING: cleanlocks: ip not locked(inum = n)
An inode was found not to be locked while attempting to clean up the record locks left by a process.
WARNING: Corrupt floating point emulator (error n): /etc/emulator
The floating point emulator in /etc/emulator was found to have been corrupted.
WARNING: dosreadmap - Block n pagein err n inode n on DOS dev name (major/minor)
Could not read a page from a DOS file.
WARNING: Floating point emulator not regular file: /etc/emulator
The floating point emulator file /etc/emulator was not a regular file.
WARNING: fpexterrflt - No floating point support
No floating point support (coprocessor or software emulator) was available. The signal SIGFPE would also be sent to the calling user process.
WARNING: fpexterrflt - No process owns floating point unit
Floating point support (coprocessor or software emulator) was not available. No user process could be signaled with SIGFPE.
WARNING: fpextovrflt - No floating point support
There was a floating point unit overrun that caused interrupts to be lost. The signal SIGFPE would also be sent to the calling user process.
WARNING: fpextovrflt - No process owns floating point unit
There was a floating point unit overrun that caused interrupts to be lost. No user process could be signaled with SIGFPE.
WARNING: fpukill - Coprocessor error not from emulator, CS=0xn
A floating point exception was received that did not originate in the floating point emulator. The value of the code segment register (CS) is displayed.
WARNING: hsitrunc - Attempt to free inode n on HS dev name (major/minor)
Disk blocks could not be freed because the HS filesystem is read-only.
WARNING: IPL n conflicts with vector 0xvector IPL n
While trying to install an interrupt routine handler, the interrupt vector was found to be already occupied with a different IPL level.
WARNING: Interrupts already enabled
Interrupt routine handlers could not be added or removed because interrupts have been enabled.
WARNING: Invalid hard disk partition sector on bad dev major/minor
The disk partition information could not be read on opening a drive.
WARNING: k_trap - EXTOVRFLT in system mode
A floating point extension overrun was detected while on the kernel stack in system mode.
WARNING: k_trap - Floating point trap in kernel mode
A floating point exception was raised while in system mode.
WARNING: k_trap - Unexpected INT 1 in system mode
An unexpected debugger single step request was received in system mode.
WARNING: No floating point is available
Requested floating point support (coprocessor or software emulator) was not found on initialization.
WARNING: Null m_mount in iget mp: n
The mount point inode of a filesystem could not be found.
WARNING: Overwriting existing audit collection file name
One of the raw audit trail collection files has been overwritten. This error would indicate a serious problem in the audit subsystem, or, more unlikely, the audit session has wrapped the internal 32-bit counter without deleting the collection file.
WARNING: reclock: ip not locked on exit(inum = n)
WARNING: reclock: ip not locked(inum = n)
Either of these messages may be displayed if a file could not be locked.
WARNING: s5alloc - Bad free count n in fstyp dev name (major/minor) superblock
The system has attempted to repair a structural inconsistency in the superblock of the filesystem. Further error messages may follow.
WARNING: s5badblock - Invalid block n on fstyp dev name (major/minor)
A nonexistent block was found on, or being inserted in, the free list.
WARNING: s5ialloc - No rdev for inode n on fstyp dev name (major/minor)
An unused inode could not be allocated on an AFS, EAFS, or S51K filesystem because the raw device specified was invalid.
WARNING: s5imake - No filesystem (cmd n rdev major/minor)
An AFS, EAFS, or S51K filesystem entry has disappeared from the mount table.
WARNING: s5imake - Unknown cmd n for fstyp dev n (major/minor) rdev major/minor
An error occurred while allocating an inode on an AFS, EAFS, or S51K filesystem.
WARNING: s5readmap - Block n pagein err n inode n on fstyp dev name (major/minor)
An error occurred while reading a file on an AFS, EAFS, or S51K filesystem.
WARNING: sizemem - Too many mem= ranges; n ranges not used
A maximum of B_MAXARGS (14) memory ranges may be specified to boot.
WARNING: strinit - Cannot allocate n pages for STREAMS data blocks
There are insufficient pages available to allocate to STREAMS data blocks on initialization.
WARNING: swapchunk - No free memory and no free swap space
Free memory and swap space have gone down to zero.
WARNING: swapout - No swap space for PID n u-area (n pages) swapout(n): usize=n
There was not enough space on the swap device to swap out the pages of a process; the pages remain in RAM.
WARNING: u_trap - Unexpected INT 1 in user mode, dr6=0xn
An unexpected debugger single step request was received in user mode.
WARNING: Unknown error n
An error of an unknown type occurred while trying to add or remove an interrupt handler routine.
WARNING: Vector 0xvector is private
An interrupt handler routine could not be added because the vector was already fully occupied or not sharable.
WARNING: Zero length floating point emulator: /etc/emulator
The file that should contain the floating point emulator is empty.

Fatal messages

The following messages give diagnostic information immediately prior to a system panic.
FATAL: Bad bootstring syntax - kernel.keyword
An invalid bootstring keyword was entered at the Boot prompt.
FATAL: Parity error in the motherboard memory
A hardware error was found in the main memory.
FATAL: Parity error or channel check on an add-on card
A hardware error was found in an add-on card.
FATAL: Parity error in memory which is on an add-on card which starts at address 0xn
A hardware error was found in memory on an add-on card.
FATAL: Parity error on the motherboard
A hardware error was found on the main computer circuit board.
FATAL: Parity error on an add-on card
A hardware error was found on an installed card.
FATAL: Parity error on an add-on card which starts at address 0xn
A hardware error was found in an add-on card.

Panic messages

PANIC: routine - Adding overlapping memory segment 0xbase-0xbase+extent
This message is output from the routine addto_memavail when memory being added overlaps that already available. The calling routine is one of smp_meminit, or sizemem.
PANIC: routine - Insufficient memory for kernel; at least nk DMAable needed
PANIC: routine - Insufficient memory for kernel; at least nk physical needed
One of these messages is output from the routine imemget when insufficient memory exists to load the kernel. The calling routine may be one of create_page_pool, kseginit, mapnow, mlsetup, mkbufs, mktables, p0u, pioseginit, scanmem, smpmapmem, sysseginit, or windowinit.
PANIC: Attempt to close unopened device
This message implies a fault in the tracking of the opening and closing of devices.
PANIC: Attempted write to disk in standalone mode
The disk cannot be written to while booting.
PANIC: Audit subsystem irrecoverable error
There was a catastrophic and irrecoverable audit file I/O error.
PANIC: bumprcnt - Region count list overflow
Too many pages have been put in the page cache or the free page list.
PANIC: cannot allocate character buffers
No character buffers are available on initializing a character list structure (clist).
PANIC: clfree - Free block n freed on fstyp dev name (major/minor)
An AFS, EAFS, or S51K filesystem inconsistency. A disk block being freed was already free.
PANIC: clfreei - Inode n cached free block n freed on fstyp dev name (major/minor)
An AFS, EAFS, or S51K filesystem inconsistency. A cached disk block being freed was already free.
PANIC: copy_iodone - Copy buffer header is inconsistent
The copy buffer header was found to be corrupted.
PANIC: copy_iodone - Could not locate copy buffer header
The copy buffer header was missing.
PANIC: copyio - Bad mapping n
copyio was called with a strange request; this is usually due to a bad device driver.
PANIC: dmaable_rawio n - vtop failed
Conversion of a virtual to a physical address failed while accessing the DMA page pool.
PANIC: dosinit - Not in fstypsw
A DOS filesystem could not be initialized because the filesystem type was not recognized.
PANIC: dosiput - NULL fs pointer
The in-core DOS inode structure could not be released.
PANIC: dosiread - Allocated DOS inode n on dev name (major/minor) in free ilist
A previously allocated inode was found in the free inode list.
PANIC: expand_upage - ptmemall failed for u-block (PID n)
No memory was available to increase the size of the u-block of a process.
PANIC: expand_upage - attempt to shrink LDT
An attempt to shrink the Local Descriptor Table of a user process was detected while expanding the u-block of the process.
PANIC: expand_upage - attempt to shrink OFILE
An attempt to decrease the maximum number of open files of a user process is detected while expanding the u-block of the process.
PANIC: expand_upage - attempt to modify TSS
An attempt to modify the Task State Segment of a user process was detected while expanding the u-block of the process.
PANIC: expand_upage - attempt to shrink TSS
An attempt to shrink the Task State Segment of a user process was detected while expanding the u-block of the process.
PANIC: expand_upage - invalid section (n)
An invalid option was supplied to the routine that expands the u-block of a process.
PANIC: finddbd: can't find page table entry
A page table entry could not be found while attempting to find the associated disk block descriptor (DBD).
PANIC: fpextovrflt - EXTOVRFLT in user mode with no 287/387
A processor extension overrun fault was detected with no floating point coprocessor present.
PANIC: fpinit - No floating point support
An attempt was made to initialize a floating point unit with no floating point support (coprocessor or software emulator) present.
PANIC: fpnoextflt - NOEXTFLT in kernel mode, no floating point support
An unexpected floating point instruction was encountered in system mode when there is no floating point support (coprocessor or software emulator).
PANIC: fpsave - No process owns floating point unit
The state of a floating point unit is normally saved on a context switch. In this case, the owning process could not be traced.
PANIC: get_copybuf - No copy buffer obtained
No copy buffer was available for use.
PANIC: getblkh - Device name (major/minor) block n not on hash list
The block being assigned to a buffer was not in the hashed block cache.
PANIC: getblkh - Unknown device major/minor
The device specified while assigning a buffer to a block was invalid.
PANIC: geteblk - Obtained a high buffer
An empty block was obtained that was not inside low DMA space.
PANIC: getpages - pbremove
A page to be released from the hashed page cache could not be found.
PANIC: hsinit - Not in fstypsw
A High Sierra (HS) filesystem could not be initialized because the filesystem type was not recognized.
PANIC: hsiput - NULL fs pointer
The in-core HS inode structure could not be released.
PANIC: iget - mounted on inode not in mount table.
An inode in one filesystem used to mount another filesystem was not present in the mount table.
PANIC: Illegal bootstring, cannot continue
The bootstring was invalid; booting could not continue.
PANIC: Invalid DMAABLEBUF parameter
The specified tunable number of DMA pages is less than zero.
PANIC: invalid return code from ptmemall
Not enough pages were available to cover a request for pages.
PANIC: IPL is n, not 0, at return to user mode
The interrupt priority level was not 0 (zero) on returning to user mode from system mode.
PANIC: Job remap size n pages exceeds system pool size n pages
Not enough DMA pages were available for raw I/O.
PANIC: k_trap - Double fault trap type 0xvector
A double fault occurred while on the system stack.
PANIC: k_trap - Kernel mode trap type 0xvector
An exception of unknown type was trapped in system mode.
PANIC: k_trap - NOEXTFLT in system mode
A floating point instruction was encountered (while on the kernel stack in system mode) when there is no floating point support. If encountered in user mode, the process is killed with SIGFPE.
PANIC: k_trap - Unexpected breakpoint in system mode
An unexpected breakpoint was detected outside the debugger in system mode.
PANIC: Kernel and machine architectures unsuited
The kernel code does not correspond to the machine type.
PANIC: Kernel requires a new /boot program
No configuration flags were set by the bootstrap program.
PANIC: kseg - ptmemall failed: 0xn
This message is output from the routine ksegcmn when it fails to get pages to allocate to the kernel using ptmemall.
PANIC: kseginit 2 - Not enough physical memory; at least nk needed
Kernel memory allocation needed more memory. Either reduce the size of some kernel parameter, such as disk buffers, or add more physical memory
PANIC: main - swapadd dev name (n/n) swplo=n nswap=n failed (error n)
The swap device cannot be initialized at system startup.
PANIC: MINUSIZE (n) insufficient
There was not enough space for the local descriptor table of the swapper (sched or PID 0) with MINUSIZE set to n memory pages. This message can only be generated when initializing the swapper.
PANIC: mkbufs n - Not enough physical memory; at least nk needed
There was not enough memory to allocate system buffers dynamically.
PANIC: noreach - Call to internal routine of uninstalled package
An internal routine of an uninstalled package has been called.
PANIC: Not enough system pool pages (m) for n page DMA remap
Not enough DMA pages were available for raw I/O.
PANIC: pageremove - pfdat 0xn not free: 0xflags
A page to be removed was already on the list of free pages.
PANIC: pageremove - pfdat 0xn pf_use set: n
A page to be removed was in use by another process.
PANIC: Parity error address unknown.
A memory parity error was signaled at an unknown address.
PANIC: Parity error at address 0xn.
A memory parity error was signaled at the given address.
PANIC: pfdattopfn - Bad pfdata n
A physical address yielded an invalid page frame number.
PANIC: pfntopfdat - Bad pf num n
A page frame number yielded an invalid physical address.
PANIC: pinsert - Duplicate page
An active page already existed in the hashed page cache.
PANIC: s5init - Not in fstypsw
An AFS, EAFS, or S51K filesystem could not be initialized because the filesystem type was not recognized.
PANIC: s5iput - NULL fs pointer
The in-core AFS, EAFS, or S51K in-core inode structure could not be released.
PANIC: s5iread - Allocated fstyp inode n on dev name (major/minor) in free ilist
An allocated inode was found in the free list.
PANIC: s5iupdat - FIFO inode n address n > 2^24 on fstyp dev name (major/minor)
The block number addressed was too high.
PANIC: sec_init - Cannot allocate security info for NPROC = n processes
Not enough memory was available to initialize the security information structures for the audit subsystem.
PANIC: setrq - proc on q.
A process to be put on the run queue was already on it.
PANIC: shrink_upage - attempt to expand LDT
An attempt to expand the Local Descriptor Table of a user process was detected while shrinking the u-block of the process.
PANIC: shrink_upage - attempt to modify TSS
An attempt to modify the Task State Segment of a user process was detected while shrinking the u-block of the process.
PANIC: shrink_upage - attempt to expand TSS
An attempt to expand the Task State Segment of a user process was detected while shrinking the u-block of the process.
PANIC: shrink_upage - attempting to expand ofiles
An attempt to increase the maximum number of open files of a user process is detected while shrinking the u-block of the process.
PANIC: shrink_upage - Illogical newsz n
The new specified size for the u-block of a process was smaller than MINUSIZE.
PANIC: shrink_upage - invalid section (n)
An invalid option was supplied to the routine that shrinks the u-block of a process.
PANIC: shrink_upage: newsz (n) bigger than oldsz (n)
The new specified size for the u-block of a process was larger than its present size.
PANIC: srmountfun - Error n mounting rootdev name (major/minor)
The root filesystem could not be mounted, for example, by fsck(ADM).
PANIC: srumountfun - Error n unmounting rootdev name (major/minor)
The root filesystem could not be unmounted, for example, at system shutdown.
PANIC: svirtophys - Page not present
The physical page implied by a virtual address could not be found.
PANIC: swapout - PID n u-area page n vtop failed
While swapping out a process, an invalid address was calculated for a page.
PANIC: swapseg - Swap [read|write] buffer 0xn corrupted: 0xn
The read or write buffer was corrupted while swapping a page of memory.
PANIC: swapseg - Swap [read|write] error n on swapdev name (major/minor)
There was a read or write error while swapping a page of memory.
PANIC: System watchdog timeout!
An unexpected non-maskable interrupt (NMI) occurred in system mode. This NMI can only occur on Micro Channel architecture machines.
PANIC: u_trap - User mode trap type 0xvector
An exception of unknown type was trapped in user mode.
PANIC: uballoc - ptmemall failed for u-block (PID n)
Memory could not be allocated to the u-block of a process.
PANIC: ubsalloc - ptmemall failed for u-block (PID 0)
Memory could not be allocated to the u-block of the swapper (sched or PID 0). This message can only be generated when initializing the swapper.
PANIC: Unrecoverable timeout on channel n
An unexpected non-maskable interrupt (NMI) occurred in system mode. This NMI can only occur on Micro Channel architecture machines.
PANIC: unswap - ptmemall slept
A free page in physical memory could not be found to free a swap block.
PANIC: vfault - bad dbd_type
The page requested by a page fault was previously unassigned; it did not exist in core memory, in swap, or in the filesystem.
PANIC: xalloc - Bad magic 0number for inum n on fstyp dev name (major/minor)
A loaded text region had a bad magic number (displayed in octal). The inode number of the executable file is given.

Generic device driver messages

This section lists generic device driver messages. The kernel prints these when it cannot perform a service for a particular driver.

For error messages specific to a particular driver, see the section HW manual page for that driver. Only messages output from device drivers supported by SCO OpenServer are documented; no third-party device driver messages are included.

The name of the device driver that produced the message always follows the message severity.

Generic device driver messages are as follows:

NOTICE: driver: Spurious interrupt on vector n
The CPU has received an interrupt via an unused vector while in a device driver routine. The device driver name may be one of aha, ciha, eiad, ha, oha, spad, Swrm, or sumo. This is likely to be a hardware problem when a hardware failure has miscomputed the vector of a valid interrupt.
WARNING: driver: Cannot install intr vecno=n, type=n, IPL=n
An interrupt routine handler could not be installed to process interrupts at the given vector and IPL level. The type is defined in sdevice. The reason for the failure is given in a subsequent message.
WARNING: driver: Cannot remove intr vecno=n
An interrupt routine handler could not be removed. The reason for the failure is given in a subsequent message.
WARNING: driver handler not found at vector n
An interrupt routine handler could not be removed because no interrupts are processed on the given vector.

See also

boot(HW), chdir(S), configure(ADM), exec(S), fcntl(S), fork(S), getmsg(S), Intro(S), ioctl(S), kill(S), link(S), lseek(S), matherr(S), mdevice(F), mount(ADM), msgctl(S), msgop(S), mtune(F), open(S), ptrace(S), putmsg(S), read(S), semctl(S), shmctl(S), signal(S), stune(F), trap(M), ulimit(S), wait(S), write(S)

Development System Programmer's Reference Manual Volume 2
System Administration Guide

© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005