
mtune -- tunable parameter file


parameter_name default_value minimum_value maximum_value


mtune contains information about all the system tunable parameters. Each tunable parameter is specified by a single line in the file, and each line contains the following four whitespace-separated fields:

a character string of no more than 20 characters. This string is used to construct the preprocessor ``#define'' macro statements that pass the value to the system when it is built.

the default value of the tunable parameter. If the value is not specified in the stune file, this value will be used when the system is built.

the minimum allowable value for the tunable parameter. If the parameter is set in the stune file, the configuration tools will verify that the new value is equal to or greater than this value.

the maximum allowable value for the tunable parameter. If the parameter is set in the stune file, the configuration tools will check that the new value is equal to or less than this value.

A user or an add-on package should never directly edit the mtune file to change the setting of a system tunable parameter. Instead the idtune or configure commands should be used to modify or append the tunable parameter to the stune file.

In order for the new values to become effective, the UNIX system kernel must be rebuilt and the system must then be rebooted.


full pathname of mtune

See also

configure(ADM), idbuild(ADM), idtune(ADM), stune(F)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005