
nodnm -- convert device number to list of special filenames


/etc/nodnm [-pq ] [ -d devdir ] type major minor
/etc/nodnm [-pq ] [ -d devdir ] -f special [ minor ]


nodnm prints all names of special files which match the specified type (which can be b for a block, or c for a character device) and device number (major and minor).

If the -f option is specified, type and major are the same as those of device special. If minor is not specified, the minor device number of special is used.

major can also be the internal name (xnamex; see mdevice(F)) of a driver. If it is a clone(M) device, minor can be the name of cloned driver.

major and minor device numbers may be specified in decimal, octal (with leading 0), or hexadecimal (with leading 0x) form. The operating system and most utilities usually print device number in decimal.

If minor is specified as all, nodnm prints every special file matching type and major.

nodnm also takes the following options:

-d devdir
Search for matches in the directory hierarchy starting at devdir. The default devdir is /dev.

Precede each printed special filename with its minor number (in decimal).

Print only the first matching filename. By default, nodnm prints all matching filenames.


The operating system message:
   NOTICE: clalloc - No space on AFS dev hd (1/42)
means there are no free blocks available in the AFS filesystem contained in the hd(HW) block special device (major 1, minor 42).

You can determine the name of the overflowing filesystem using either:

/etc/nodnm b 1 42


/etc/nodnm b hd 42

In this case, it is probably easier to use df(C).

You can list all configured clone(M) devices with:

/etc/nodnm c clone all


directory hierarchy of special device files

See also

clone(M), kernel(ADM), mdevice(F)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005