
stune -- local tunable parameter file


external_name value


stune contains local system settings for tunable parameters. The parameter settings in this file replace the default values specified in the mtune(F) file, if the new values are within the legal range for the parameter specified in mtune. The file contains one line for each parameter to be reset. Each line contains two whitespace-separated fields:

the external name of the tunable parameter used in the mtune file.

the new value for the tunable parameter. A user or an add-on package should never directly edit the stune or mtune files. Instead the idtune or configure commands should be used.

In order for the new values to become effective the UNIX kernel must be rebuilt and the system must then be rebooted.


full pathname of stune

See also

configure(ADM), idbuild(ADM), idtune(ADM), mtune(F)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005