
forms -- character based forms package


cc [flag . . .] file -lform -locurses [library . . .]

#include <form.h>


The form library is built using the curses library, and any program using forms routines must call one of the curses initialization routines such as initscr. A program using these routines must be compiled with -lform and -locurses on the cc command line.

The forms package gives the applications programmer a terminal-independent method of creating and customizing forms for user-interaction. The forms package includes: field routines, which are used to create and customize fields, link fields and assign field types; fieldtype routines, which are used to create new field types for validating fields; and form routines, which are used to create and customize forms, assign pre/post processing functions, and display and interact with forms.

Current default values for field attributes

The forms package establishes initial current default values for field attributes. During field initialization, each field attribute is assigned the current default value for that attribute. An application can change or retrieve a current default attribute value by calling the appropriate set or retrieve routine with a NULL field pointer. If an application changes a current default field attribute value, subsequent fields created using new_field will have the new default attribute value. (The attributes of previously created fields are not changed if a current default attribute value is changed.)

Routine name index

The following table lists each forms routine and the name of the manual page on which it is described.

forms Routine Name Manual Page Name
current_field form_page(3ocurses)
data_ahead form_data(3ocurses)
data_behind form_data(3ocurses)
dup_field form_field_new(3ocurses)
dynamic_field_info form_field_info(3ocurses)
field_arg form_field_validation(3ocurses)
field_back form_field_attributes(3ocurses)
field_buffer form_field_buffer(3ocurses)
field_count form_field(3ocurses)
field_fore form_field_attributes(3ocurses)
field_index form_page(3ocurses)
field_info form_field_info(3ocurses)
field_init form_hook(3ocurses)
field_just form_field_just(3ocurses)
field_opts form_field_opts(3ocurses)
field_opts_off form_field_opts(3ocurses)
field_opts_on form_field_opts(3ocurses)
field_pad form_field_attributes(3ocurses)
field_status form_field_buffer(3ocurses)
field_term form_hook(3ocurses)
field_type form_field_validation(3ocurses)
field_userptr form_field_userptr(3ocurses)
form_driver form_driver(3ocurses)
form_fields form_field(3ocurses)
form_init form_hook(3ocurses)
form_opts form_opts(3ocurses)
form_opts_off form_opts(3ocurses)
form_opts_on form_opts(3ocurses)
form_page form_page(3ocurses)
form_sub form_win(3ocurses)

 |forms Routine Name   | Manual Page Name                |
 |current_field        | form_page(3ocurses)             |
 |data_ahead           | form_data(3ocurses)             |
 |data_behind          | form_data(3ocurses)             |
 |dup_field            | form_field_new(3ocurses)        |
 |dynamic_field_info   | form_field_info(3ocurses)       |
 |field_arg            | form_field_validation(3ocurses) |
 |field_back           | form_field_attributes(3ocurses) |
 |field_buffer         | form_field_buffer(3ocurses)     |
 |field_count          | form_field(3ocurses)            |
 |field_fore           | form_field_attributes(3ocurses) |
 |field_index          | form_page(3ocurses)             |
 |field_info           | form_field_info(3ocurses)       |
 |field_init           | form_hook(3ocurses)             |
 |field_just           | form_field_just(3ocurses)       |
 |field_opts           | form_field_opts(3ocurses)       |
 |field_opts_off       | form_field_opts(3ocurses)       |
 |field_opts_on        | form_field_opts(3ocurses)       |
 |field_pad            | form_field_attributes(3ocurses) |
 |field_status         | form_field_buffer(3ocurses)     |
 |field_term           | form_hook(3ocurses)             |
 |field_type           | form_field_validation(3ocurses) |
 |field_userptr        | form_field_userptr(3ocurses)    |
 |form_driver          | form_driver(3ocurses)           |
 |form_fields          | form_field(3ocurses)            |
 |form_init            | form_hook(3ocurses)             |
 |form_opts            | form_opts(3ocurses)             |
 |form_opts_off        | form_opts(3ocurses)             |
 |form_opts_on         | form_opts(3ocurses)             |
 |form_page            | form_page(3ocurses)             |
 |form_sub             | form_win(3ocurses)              |

forms Routine Name Manual Page Name
form_term form_hook(3ocurses)
form_userptr form_userptr(3ocurses)
form_win form_win(3ocurses)
free_field form_field_new(3ocurses)
free_fieldtype form_fieldtype(3ocurses)
free_form form_new(3ocurses)
link_field form_field_new(3ocurses)
link_fieldtype form_fieldtype(3ocurses)
move_field form_field(3ocurses)
new_field form_field_new(3ocurses)
new_fieldtype form_fieldtype(3ocurses)
new_form form_new(3ocurses)
new_page form_new_page(3ocurses)
pos_form_cursor form_cursor(3ocurses)
post_form form_post(3ocurses)
scale_form form_win(3ocurses)
set_current_field form_page(3ocurses)
set_field_back form_field_attributes(3ocurses)
set_field_buffer form_field_buffer(3ocurses)
set_field_fore form_field_attributes(3ocurses)
set_field_init form_hook(3ocurses)
set_field_just form_field_just(3ocurses)
set_field_opts form_field_opts(3ocurses)
set_field_pad form_field_attributes(3ocurses)
set_field_status form_field_buffer(3ocurses)
set_field_term form_hook(3ocurses)
set_field_type form_field_validation(3ocurses)
set_field_userptr form_field_userptr(3ocurses)

 |forms Routine Name   | Manual Page Name                |
 |form_term            | form_hook(3ocurses)             |
 |form_userptr         | form_userptr(3ocurses)          |
 |form_win             | form_win(3ocurses)              |
 |free_field           | form_field_new(3ocurses)        |
 |free_fieldtype       | form_fieldtype(3ocurses)        |
 |free_form            | form_new(3ocurses)              |
 |link_field           | form_field_new(3ocurses)        |
 |link_fieldtype       | form_fieldtype(3ocurses)        |
 |move_field           | form_field(3ocurses)            |
 |new_field            | form_field_new(3ocurses)        |
 |new_fieldtype        | form_fieldtype(3ocurses)        |
 |new_form             | form_new(3ocurses)              |
 |new_page             | form_new_page(3ocurses)         |
 |pos_form_cursor      | form_cursor(3ocurses)           |
 |post_form            | form_post(3ocurses)             |
 |scale_form           | form_win(3ocurses)              |
 |set_current_field    | form_page(3ocurses)             |
 |set_field_back       | form_field_attributes(3ocurses) |
 |set_field_buffer     | form_field_buffer(3ocurses)     |
 |set_field_fore       | form_field_attributes(3ocurses) |
 |set_field_init       | form_hook(3ocurses)             |
 |set_field_just       | form_field_just(3ocurses)       |
 |set_field_opts       | form_field_opts(3ocurses)       |
 |set_field_pad        | form_field_attributes(3ocurses) |
 |set_field_status     | form_field_buffer(3ocurses)     |
 |set_field_term       | form_hook(3ocurses)             |
 |set_field_type       | form_field_validation(3ocurses) |
 |set_field_userptr    | form_field_userptr(3ocurses)    |

forms Routine Name Manual Page Name
set_fieldtype_arg form_fieldtype(3ocurses)
set_fieldtype_choice form_fieldtype(3ocurses)
set_form_fields form_field(3ocurses)
set_form_init form_hook(3ocurses)
set_form_opts form_opts(3ocurses)
set_form_page form_page(3ocurses)
set_form_sub form_win(3ocurses)
set_form_term form_hook(3ocurses)
set_form_userptr form_userptr(3ocurses)
set_form_win form_win(3ocurses)
set_max_field form_field_buffer(3ocurses)
set_new_page form_new_page(3ocurses)
unpost_form form_post(3ocurses)

 |forms Routine Name   | Manual Page Name            |
 |set_fieldtype_arg    | form_fieldtype(3ocurses)    |
 |set_fieldtype_choice | form_fieldtype(3ocurses)    |
 |set_form_fields      | form_field(3ocurses)        |
 |set_form_init        | form_hook(3ocurses)         |
 |set_form_opts        | form_opts(3ocurses)         |
 |set_form_page        | form_page(3ocurses)         |
 |set_form_sub         | form_win(3ocurses)          |
 |set_form_term        | form_hook(3ocurses)         |
 |set_form_userptr     | form_userptr(3ocurses)      |
 |set_form_win         | form_win(3ocurses)          |
 |set_max_field        | form_field_buffer(3ocurses) |
 |set_new_page         | form_new_page(3ocurses)     |
 |unpost_form          | form_post(3ocurses)         |

<Return> value

Routines that return a pointer always return NULL on error. Routines that return an integer return one of the following:

E_OK The function returned successfully.
E_CONNECTED The field is already connected to a form.
E_SYSTEM_ERROR System error.
E_BAD_ARGUMENT An argument is incorrect.
E_CURRENT The field is the current field.
E_POSTED The form is posted.
E_NOT_POSTED The form is not posted.
E_INVALID_FIELD The field contents are invalid.
E_NOT_CONNECTED The field is not connected to a form.
E_NO_ROOM The form does not fit in the subwindow.
E_BAD_STATE The routine was called from an initialization or termination function.
E_REQUEST_DENIED The form driver request failed.
E_UNKNOWN_COMMAND An unknown request was passed to the form driver.

 E_OK                The function returned successfully.
 E_CONNECTED         The field is already connected to a form.
 E_SYSTEM_ERROR      System error.
 E_BAD_ARGUMENT      An argument is incorrect.
 E_CURRENT           The field is the current field.
 E_POSTED            The form is posted.
 E_NOT_POSTED        The form is not posted.
 E_INVALID_FIELD     The field contents are invalid.
 E_NOT_CONNECTED     The field is not connected to a form.
 E_NO_ROOM           The form does not fit in the subwindow.
 E_BAD_STATE         The routine was called from an
                     initialization or termination function.
 E_REQUEST_DENIED    The form driver request failed.
 E_UNKNOWN_COMMAND   An unknown request was passed to the form


The header file form.h automatically includes the header files eti.h and ocurses.h.


curses(3ocurses), forms(3ocurses)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004