
form_win: set_form_win, form_win, set_form_sub, form_sub, scale_form -- forms window and subwindow association routines


cc [flag . . .] file -lform -locurses [library . . .]

#include <form.h>

int set_form_win(FORM *form, WINDOW *win); WINDOW *form_win(FORM *form); int set_form_sub(FORM *form, WINDOW *sub); WINDOW *form_sub(FORM *form); int scale_form(FORM *form, int *rows, int *cols);


set_form_win sets the window of form to win. form_win returns a pointer to the window associated with form.

set_form_sub sets the subwindow of form to sub. form_sub returns a pointer to the subwindow associated with form.

scale_form returns the smallest window size necessary for the subwindow of form. rows and cols are pointers to the locations used to return the number of rows and columns for the form.

<Return> value

Routines that return pointers always return NULL on error. Routines that return an integer return one of the following:

E_OK - The function returned successfully.
E_SYSTEM_ERROR - System error.
E_BAD_ARGUMENT - An argument is incorrect.
E_NOT_CONNECTED - The field is not connected to a form.
E_POSTED - The form is posted.

 E_OK              -   The function returned successfully.
 E_SYSTEM_ERROR    -   System error.
 E_BAD_ARGUMENT    -   An argument is incorrect.
 E_NOT_CONNECTED   -   The field is not connected to a form.
 E_POSTED          -   The form is posted.


The header file form.h automatically includes the header files eti.h and ocurses.h.


curses(3ocurses), forms(3ocurses)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004