
named.boot -- file format required for initializing the named daemon


directory pathname
cache . root.cache
primary zonename zonefile
[secondary zonename address...filename ]
[stub subzonename address...filename ]
[forwarders address... ]
[sortlist address... ]
[xfrnets address | network_number... ]
[bogusns address]


NOTE: In BIND 8, named.boot has been replaced by named.conf. To create a named.conf file from an existing named.boot file, enter the following as root:

/etc/named.d/ /etc/named.boot > /etc/named.conf

The named.boot file is read each time the named daemon is started. This file tells the server what type of server it is, which zones it has authority over, and where to get its initial data.

This file is created by the system administrator. Lines in the configuration file cannot be continued on subsequent lines. The configuration file may contain the following entries:

directory pathname
specifies the directory in which the server should run. All other file names in named.boot use path names relative to this. There can be only one directory directive, and it should be given first.

primary zonename zonefile
designates the server as primary for the zone specified. zonefile is the name of the hosts database for the zone. For more information, see named.hosts(SFF), named.rev(SFF), and named.local(SFF).

secondary zonename address... filename
designates the server as secondary for zonename and lists the addresses of the name servers (up to 10) which have data for the zone. At least one of these will be primary. When doing a zone transfer, the name servers are tried in the order listed. filename is the backup file containing data of transferred zone. For more information, see named.hosts(SFF), named.rev(SFF), and named.local(SFF).

stub subzonename address... filename
designates the server as a stub server for subzonename. The server maintains NS and SOA records only. address designates the primary name server for the subzone. filename is the file containing the name server information for the subzone.

forwarders address...
designates certain name servers as ``forwarders''. These servers accept recursive queries from other servers. This option adds these addresses to the list of name servers to be tried for every query.

instructs the server to act in slave mode, which means it can only contact forwarders.

cache . root.cache
is required for all name servers. The root domain server information in the cache file is used until a root query is actually answered by the root servers listed in the cache. At this time the answer is used until it times out and your cache file is ignored. For more information, see root.cache(SFF).

sortlist address...
specifies which networks to ``prefer''. Addresses on this list are queried after local network addresses.

xfrnets address | network_number...
limits the networks that can request zone transfers from this server. Network numbers can be listed as well as host addresses. This directive may also be given as tcplist for compatibility with older, interim servers.

bogusns address...
designates certain remote name servers as ``bad''. This directs the server to refuse to listen to or ask questions of them.


directory       /etc/named.d
   cache           .                       root.cache
   primary         company.COM             named.hosts
   primary    named.rev
   primary    named.local
   secondary       unit2.COM        named.hosts
   stub            sub.unit1.COM  sub.unit1.COM.stub



See also

named(ADMN), named.conf(SFF), named.hosts(SFF), named.local(SFF), named.rev(SFF), named.soa(SFF), root.cache(SFF)

Standards conformance

This file is conformant with the Standard Resource Record Format specified in RFC 1035.
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005