
named.local -- local loopback interface file


$INCLUDE named.soa

1 [ttl] class PTR localhost.


The named.local file specifies the PTR record for the local loopback interface whose network address is This file is referenced in the file substatement of the 0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA zone statement in /etc/named.conf. It is vital to the proper operation of every name server that the address have a PTR record pointing back to the local host. As implied by this PTR record, there should be an A record in named.hosts specifying that the local host has an IP address in the IN-ADDR.ARPA domain.

The pointer records are needed by gethostbyaddr(SLIB).

named.local is created manually on the primary server. Its entries are:

   $INCLUDE named.soa
   ;name   {ttl}   class   type    real_name

1 IN PTR localhost.

is always `1'.

is the name of the local host. The trailing period (.) prevents DNS from appending the current $ORIGIN.



See also

gethostbyaddr(SLIB), named(ADMN), named.conf(SFF), named.rev(SFF), named.soa(SFF), root.cache(SFF)

Standards conformance

This file is conformant with the Standard Resource Record Format specified in RFC 1035.
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005