
root.cache -- file format containing names of root domain servers


.		ttl	class	NS	nameserver1	
		ttl	class	NS	nameserver2
nameserver1	ttl	class	NS	address
nameserver2	ttl	class	NS	address


The root.cache file primes the name server's cache with the addresses of the authoritative name servers for the root domain of the network. The location of this file is specified in the file substatement of the ``.'' zone statement in /etc/named.conf. It is available via anonymous FTP from RS.INTERNIC.NET as /domain/named.root. Because the contents of this file change periodically, you should retrieve it regularly to ensure that you have the current version.

ttl should be a large number, such as 99999999, so that the local ttl will expire sooner and it will not be necessary to refer to this file continuously.



See also

named(ADMN), named.conf(SFF), named.hosts(SFF), named.local(SFF), named.rev(SFF), named.soa(SFF)

Standards conformance

This file is conformant with the Standard Resource Record Format specified in RFC 1035.
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005