
terminals -- list of terminals


The following table is derived from the termcap(F) and terminfo(M) capability files for a number of terminal types. The terminfo names are suitable for use with the TERM shell variable. Note that some terminfo entries containing a ``+'' are marked as only intended for use with the use= capability (this allows the capabilities of one terminal to be included in those defined for another). The advice in the manual pages captoinfo(ADM), infocmp(ADM), termcap(F), terminfo(M), and tic(C) will assist you in creating termcap and terminfo entries for terminals that are not currently supported.

Terminal termcap name terminfo name
ACT 5 in split-screen mode   act5-s
Addrinfo   addrinfo
ADDS Consul 980 a980  
ADDS Consul 980 a980 a980
ADDS Regent 100 regent100 regent100
ADDS Regent 20 regent20 regent20
ADDS Regent 25 regent25 regent25
ADDS Regent 40 regent40 regent40
ADDS Regent 40-s   regent40-s
ADDS Regent 60 regent60 regent60
ADDS Regent Series regent regent
ADDS Viewpoint 90 adds v90
AED 512   aed512
Alto emulating Heathkit H19   alto-h19
Altos II altos2  
Altos III altos3  
Altos IV altos4  
Altos PC VII pcaltos7  
Altos V altos5  
Altos VII altos7  
Ampex 132 columns am219w a2
Ampex D175   ampex175
Ampex D175 using left arrow for erase   ampex175-b

 |Terminal                        | termcap name | terminfo name |
 |ACT 5 in split-screen mode      |              | act5-s        |
 |Addrinfo                        |              | addrinfo      |
 |ADDS Consul 980                 | a980         |               |
 |ADDS Consul 980                 | a980         | a980          |
 |ADDS Regent 100                 | regent100    | regent100     |
 |ADDS Regent 20                  | regent20     | regent20      |
 |ADDS Regent 25                  | regent25     | regent25      |
 |ADDS Regent 40                  | regent40     | regent40      |
 |ADDS Regent 40-s                |              | regent40-s    |
 |ADDS Regent 60                  | regent60     | regent60      |
 |ADDS Regent Series              | regent       | regent        |
 |ADDS Viewpoint 90               | adds         | v90           |
 |AED 512                         |              | aed512        |
 |Alto emulating Heathkit H19     |              | alto-h19      |
 |Altos II                        | altos2       |               |
 |Altos III                       | altos3       |               |
 |Altos IV                        | altos4       |               |
 |Altos PC VII                    | pcaltos7     |               |
 |Altos V                         | altos5       |               |
 |Altos VII                       | altos7       |               |
 |Ampex 132 columns               | am219w       | a2            |
 |Ampex D175                      |              | ampex175      |
 |Ampex D175 using left arrow for |              | ampex175-b    |
 |erase                           |              |               |

Ampex Dialogue 80 ampex ampex
Ampex Model 232 amp232 amp232
Ampex Model 232, 132 lines Ma2 Ma2
Ampex with Automargins amp219 amp219
Anderson Jacobson aj830 aj830
Ann Arbor 4080 aa aa
Ann Arbor Ambassador 18 lines   aaa-18
Ann Arbor Ambassador 18 lines, reverse video   aaa-18-rv
Ann Arbor Ambassador 20 lines   aaa-20
Ann Arbor Ambassador 22 lines   aaa-22
Ann Arbor Ambassador 24 lines   aaa-24
Ann Arbor Ambassador 24 lines, reverse video   aaa-24-rv
Ann Arbor Ambassador 26 lines   aaa-26

 Ampex Dialogue 80                ampex    ampex
 Ampex Model 232                  amp232   amp232
 Ampex Model 232, 132 lines       Ma2      Ma2
 Ampex with Automargins           amp219   amp219
 Anderson Jacobson                aj830    aj830
 Ann Arbor 4080                   aa       aa
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 18 lines             aaa-18
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 18 lines,            aaa-18-rv
 reverse video
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 20 lines             aaa-20
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 22 lines             aaa-22
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 24 lines             aaa-24
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 24 lines,            aaa-24-rv
 reverse video
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 26 lines             aaa-26

Ann Arbor Ambassador 28 lines   aaa-28
Ann Arbor Ambassador 30 destructive backspace aaa30 aaa-db
Ann Arbor Ambassador 30 lines   aaa
Ann Arbor Ambassador 30 lines in reverse video   aaa-30-rv
Ann Arbor Ambassador 30 lines with status line   aaa-30-s
Ann Arbor Ambassador 30 lines, saving context   aaa-30-ctxt
Ann Arbor Ambassador 30 lines, saving context   aaa-30-rv-ctxt
Ann Arbor Ambassador 30 lines, status line, reverse video   aaa-30-s-rv
Ann Arbor Ambassador 30 lines, status line, saving context   aaa-s-ctxt
Ann Arbor Ambassador 30 lines, status line, saving context   aaa-s-rv-ctxt
Ann Arbor Ambassador 36 lines   aaa-36
Ann Arbor Ambassador 36 lines, reverse video   aaa-36-rv
Ann Arbor Ambassador 40 lines   aaa-40

 Ann Arbor Ambassador 28 lines              aaa-28
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 30            aaa30   aaa-db
 destructive backspace
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 30 lines              aaa
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 30 lines in           aaa-30-rv
 reverse video
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 30 lines              aaa-30-s
 with status line
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 30 lines,             aaa-30-ctxt
 saving context
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 30 lines,             aaa-30-rv-ctxt
 saving context
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 30 lines,             aaa-30-s-rv
 status line, reverse video
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 30 lines,             aaa-s-ctxt
 status line, saving context
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 30 lines,             aaa-s-rv-ctxt
 status line, saving context
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 36 lines              aaa-36
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 36 lines,             aaa-36-rv
 reverse video
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 40 lines              aaa-40

Ann Arbor Ambassador 40 lines, reverse video   aaa-40-rv
Ann Arbor Ambassador 48 destructive backspace aaa48db  
Ann Arbor Ambassador 48 destructive backspace aaadb  
Ann Arbor Ambassador 48 lines aaa aaa-48
Ann Arbor Ambassador 48 lines, reverse video   aaa-48-rv
Ann Arbor Ambassador 59 lines plus status line   aaa-60-s
Ann Arbor Ambassador 59 lines, status line, reverse video   aaa-60-s-rv
Ann Arbor Ambassador 60 lines   aaa-60
Ann Arbor Ambassador 60 lines, reverse video   aaa-60-rv
Ann Arbor Ambassador DEC mode, 59 lines, status line, reverse video   aaa-60-s-rv-de
Ann Arbor Guru 33 lines 80 columns   guru
Ann Arbor Guru 33 lines, reverse video   guru-rv
Ann Arbor Guru 33 lines, status line   guru-s
Ann Arbor Guru 44 lines, status line   guru-44-s

 Ann Arbor Ambassador 40 lines,                aaa-40-rv
 reverse video
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 48             aaa48db
 destructive backspace
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 48             aaadb
 destructive backspace
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 48 lines       aaa       aaa-48
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 48 lines,                aaa-48-rv
 reverse video
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 59 lines                 aaa-60-s
 plus status line
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 59 lines,                aaa-60-s-rv
 status line, reverse video
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 60 lines                 aaa-60
 Ann Arbor Ambassador 60 lines,                aaa-60-rv
 reverse video
 Ann Arbor Ambassador DEC mode, 59             aaa-60-s-rv-de
 lines, status line, reverse video
 Ann Arbor Guru 33 lines 80                    guru
 Ann Arbor Guru 33 lines, reverse              guru-rv
 Ann Arbor Guru 33 lines, status               guru-s
 Ann Arbor Guru 44 lines, status               guru-44-s

Ann Arbor Guru 76 lines by 178 columns   guru-76-w
Ann Arbor Guru 76 lines by 178 columns with 255 columns memory   guru-76-wm
Ann Arbor Guru 76 lines, status line   guru-76-s
Ann Arbor Guru 76 lines, status line   guru-76-w-s
Ann Arbor Guru changes for reverse video (use= only)   guru+rv
Ann Arbor Guru with 76 lines by 89 columns   guru-76
Ann Arbor Guru with page bigger than line printer   guru-76-lp
Ann Arbor Guru, changes for status line (use= only)   guru+s
Ann Arbor Guru-24   guru-24
Ann Arbor Guru-44   guru-44
Ann Arbor Guru-nctxt   guru-nctxt
ANSI EGA console in 43 line mode ansiega-43  
ANSI graphic renditions (use= only)   ansiterm+sgr

 Ann Arbor Guru 76 lines by 178                  guru-76-w
 Ann Arbor Guru 76 lines by 178                  guru-76-wm
 columns with 255 columns memory
 Ann Arbor Guru 76 lines, status                 guru-76-s
 Ann Arbor Guru 76 lines, status                 guru-76-w-s
 Ann Arbor Guru changes for                      guru+rv
 reverse video (use= only)
 Ann Arbor Guru with 76 lines by                 guru-76
 89 columns
 Ann Arbor Guru with page bigger                 guru-76-lp
 than line printer
 Ann Arbor Guru, changes for                     guru+s
 status line (use= only)
 Ann Arbor Guru-24                               guru-24
 Ann Arbor Guru-44                               guru-44
 Ann Arbor Guru-nctxt                            guru-nctxt
 ANSI EGA console in 43 line mode   ansiega-43
 ANSI graphic renditions (use=                   ansiterm+sgr

ANSI graphic renditions assuming terminal has bold (use= only)   ansiterm+sgrbd
ANSI graphic renditions assuming terminal has dim (use= only)   ansiterm+sgrdm
ANSI no color change   ansi_ncc
ANSI printer port (use= only)   ansiterm+pp
ANSI standard console   ansi_pc
ANSI standard console ansi ansi
ANSI standard console dosansi dosansi
ANSI standard console with vTcl hooks   ansi_vtcl
ANSI standard console without automargin ansi-nam  
ANSI standard terminal (generic)   ansiterm
ANSI standard with EGA ansiega  
ANSI underline only (use= only)   ansiterm+sgrul
Apple emulating Soroc 120   apple-soroc
Apple II plus appleII  

 ANSI graphic renditions assuming              ansiterm+sgrbd
 terminal has bold (use= only)
 ANSI graphic renditions assuming              ansiterm+sgrdm
 terminal has dim (use= only)
 ANSI no color change                          ansi_ncc
 ANSI printer port (use= only)                 ansiterm+pp
 ANSI standard console                         ansi_pc
 ANSI standard console              ansi       ansi
 ANSI standard console              dosansi    dosansi
 ANSI standard console with vTcl               ansi_vtcl
 ANSI standard console without      ansi-nam
 ANSI standard terminal (generic)              ansiterm
 ANSI standard with EGA             ansiega
 ANSI underline only (use= only)               ansiterm+sgrul
 Apple emulating Soroc 120                     apple-soroc
 Apple II plus                      appleII

Apple II with Smarterm 80 col apple-80  
Apple II+ with Videx80 and custom scroll down   apple
Apple Lisa XENIX console display (white on black) lisa  
Apple with videx videoterm 80 columns UlmoApple  
AT&T 605 BCT att605  
AT&T 610, 80 column, 98key keyboard 610  
AT&T 615, 80 column, 98key keyboard 615  
AT&T 620, 80 column, 98key keyboard 620  
AT&T 630 windowing terminal 630  
AT&T 705 MT 705  
AT&T 705+40 (use= only)   att705+40
AT&T 705+41 (use= only)   att705+41
AT&T 705+rv (use= only)   att705+rv
AT&T 705+w (use= only)   att705+w

 Apple II with Smarterm 80 col       apple-80
 Apple II+ with Videx80 and custom               apple
 scroll down
 Apple Lisa XENIX console display    lisa
 (white on black)
 Apple with videx videoterm 80       UlmoApple
 AT&T 605 BCT                        att605
 AT&T 610, 80 column, 98key          610
 AT&T 615, 80 column, 98key          615
 AT&T 620, 80 column, 98key          620
 AT&T 630 windowing terminal         630
 AT&T 705 MT                         705
 AT&T 705+40 (use= only)                         att705+40
 AT&T 705+41 (use= only)                         att705+41
 AT&T 705+rv (use= only)                         att705+rv
 AT&T 705+w (use= only)                          att705+w

AT&T IS 513 Business Communications Terminal 132 columns 513-w  
AT&T IS 513 Business Communications Terminal 80 columns 513  
AT&T IS 515 terminal in native mode att515  
AT&T PC running Simterm   simterm
AT&T PC6300 with EMOTS Terminal Emulator   gs6300
AT&T Teletype 5425 132 columns 5425-w  
AT&T Teletype 5425 80 columns 5425  
AT&T Teletype 5620 terminal 88 columns att5620  
AT&T Xterm terminal emulator xterm_att  
AT&T Xterm terminal emulator (small screen 24x80) xterms_att  

 AT&T IS 513 Business              513-w
 Communications Terminal 132
 AT&T IS 513 Business              513
 Communications Terminal 80
 AT&T IS 515 terminal in native    att515
 AT&T PC running Simterm                        simterm
 AT&T PC6300 with EMOTS Terminal                gs6300
 AT&T Teletype 5425 132 columns    5425-w
 AT&T Teletype 5425 80 columns     5425
 AT&T Teletype 5620 terminal 88    att5620
 AT&T Xterm terminal emulator      xterm_att
 AT&T Xterm terminal emulator      xterms_att
 (small screen 24x80)

AT/386 console   AT386-UL
AT/386 console AT386-M AT386-M
AT/386 console AT386 AT386
Bare TVI 9065 no is tvi9065b tvi9065b
Bare TVI 950 no is2 tvi950b tvi950-b
BBN bitgraph   bg1.25
BBN bitgraph   bg2.0
BBN bitgraph   bg3.10
BBN bitgraph   bitgraph
BBN bitgraph, normal video   bg1.25nv
BBN bitgraph, normal video   bg2.0nv
BBN bitgraph, normal video   bg3.10nv
BBN bitgraph, reverse video   bg1.25rv
BBN bitgraph, reverse video   bg2.0rv

 AT/386 console                           AT386-UL
 AT/386 console                AT386-M    AT386-M
 AT/386 console                AT386      AT386
 Bare TVI 9065 no is           tvi9065b   tvi9065b
 Bare TVI 950 no is2           tvi950b    tvi950-b
 BBN bitgraph                             bg1.25
 BBN bitgraph                             bg2.0
 BBN bitgraph                             bg3.10
 BBN bitgraph                             bitgraph
 BBN bitgraph, normal video               bg1.25nv
 BBN bitgraph, normal video               bg2.0nv
 BBN bitgraph, normal video               bg3.10nv
 BBN bitgraph, reverse video              bg1.25rv
 BBN bitgraph, reverse video              bg2.0rv

BBN bitgraph, reverse video   bg3.10rv
Beehive 4   bh4
Beehive Super Bee sb1 sb
BeehiveIIIm bh3m  
Bill Croft homebrew   bc
Box with print mode switch   pbox
Bussiplexer   bussiplexer
C terminal emulator   ctrm
C.Itoh 467, 414 Graphics cie467  
C.Itoh 80 cit80  
C.Itoh 80 without automargins cit80nam  
C.Itoh 8510a   citoh
C.Itoh in 6 lines per inch mode   citoh-6lpi

 BBN bitgraph, reverse video                  bg3.10rv
 Beehive 4                                    bh4
 Beehive Super Bee                 sb1        sb
 BeehiveIIIm                       bh3m
 Bill Croft homebrew                          bc
 Box with print mode switch                   pbox
 Bussiplexer                                  bussiplexer
 C terminal emulator                          ctrm
 C.Itoh 467, 414 Graphics          cie467
 C.Itoh 80                         cit80
 C.Itoh 80 without automargins     cit80nam
 C.Itoh 8510a                                 citoh
 C.Itoh in 6 lines per inch mode              citoh-6lpi

C.Itoh in 8 lines per inch mode   citoh-8lpi
C.Itoh in compressed   citoh-comp
C.Itoh in elite   citoh-elite
C.Itoh in pica   citoh-pica
C.Itoh in proportional spacing mode   citoh-prop
CB-Unix virtual terminal   virtual
CCI 4574 cci  
CDC cdc456 cdc456
CDC 456tst cdc456tst cdc456tst
CDI 1203 cdi  
Chromatics 7900   cg7900
Compucolor 2 compucolor compucolor2
Computer Automation 22851   ca

 C.Itoh in 8 lines per inch mode                citoh-8lpi
 C.Itoh in compressed                           citoh-comp
 C.Itoh in elite                                citoh-elite
 C.Itoh in pica                                 citoh-pica
 C.Itoh in proportional spacing                 citoh-prop
 CB-Unix virtual terminal                       virtual
 CCI 4574                          cci
 CDC                               cdc456       cdc456
 CDC 456tst                        cdc456tst    cdc456tst
 CDI 1203                          cdi
 Chromatics 7900                                cg7900
 Compucolor 2                      compucolor   compucolor2
 Computer Automation 22851                      ca

Concept 100 c100 c100
Concept 100 reverse video c100rv c100-rv
Concept 100 with 4 pages c1004p  
Concept 100 reverse video with 4 pages c100rv4p  
Concept 100 without arrows c100rv4pna c100-rv-na
Concept 100 with printer port c100rv4ppp  
Concept 108 with alternate character set (acs) definitions (use= only)   c108+acs
Concept 108 no arrows with 8 pages   c108-na
Concept 108 no arrows with 8 pages in reverse video   c108-rv-na
Concept 108 no arrows with acs   c108-na-acs
Concept 108 no arrows with acs in reverse video   c108-rv-na-acs
Concept 108 reverse video with 4 pages and acs in reverse video   c108-rv-4p-acs
Concept 108 reverse video with 8 pages and acs in reverse video   c108-rv-8p-acs
Concept 108 wide with 8 pages   c108-w

 Concept 100                         c100         c100
 Concept 100 reverse video           c100rv       c100-rv
 Concept 100 with 4 pages            c1004p
 Concept 100 reverse video with 4    c100rv4p
 Concept 100 without arrows          c100rv4pna   c100-rv-na
 Concept 100 with printer port       c100rv4ppp
 Concept 108 with alternate                       c108+acs
 character set (acs) definitions
 (use= only)
 Concept 108 no arrows with 8                     c108-na
 Concept 108 no arrows with 8                     c108-rv-na
 pages in reverse video
 Concept 108 no arrows with acs                   c108-na-acs
 Concept 108 no arrows with acs in                c108-rv-na-acs
 reverse video
 Concept 108 reverse video with 4                 c108-rv-4p-acs
 pages and acs in reverse video
 Concept 108 reverse video with 8                 c108-rv-8p-acs
 pages and acs in reverse video
 Concept 108 wide with 8 pages                    c108-w

Concept 108 wide with acs   c108-w-acs
Concept 108 with 4 pages   c108-4p
Concept 108 with 4 pages and acs   c108-4p-acs
Concept 108 with 4 pages in reverse video   c108-rv-4p
Concept 108 with 8 pages   c108
Concept 108 with 8 pages and acs   c108-8p-acs
Concept 108 with 8 pages in reverse video   c108-rv
Concept AVT 132 columns with status line   avt-w-rv
Concept AVT in 132-column mode with status line   avt-w
Concept AVT in 132-column mode/no status line   avt-w-ns
Concept AVT in 132-column mode/no status line   avt-w-rv-ns
Concept AVT in reverse video mode/no status line   avt-rv-ns
Concept AVT in reverse video with status line   avt-rv

 Concept 108 wide with acs               c108-w-acs
 Concept 108 with 4 pages                c108-4p
 Concept 108 with 4 pages and acs        c108-4p-acs
 Concept 108 with 4 pages in             c108-rv-4p
 reverse video
 Concept 108 with 8 pages                c108
 Concept 108 with 8 pages and acs        c108-8p-acs
 Concept 108 with 8 pages in             c108-rv
 reverse video
 Concept AVT 132 columns with            avt-w-rv
 status line
 Concept AVT in 132-column mode          avt-w
 with status line
 Concept AVT in 132-column mode/no       avt-w-ns
 status line
 Concept AVT in 132-column mode/no       avt-w-rv-ns
 status line
 Concept AVT in reverse video            avt-rv-ns
 mode/no status line
 Concept AVT in reverse video with       avt-rv
 status line

Concept AVT status line changes (use= only)   avt+s
Concept AVT with 4 or 8 pages/80 columns   avt
Concept AVT with status line disabled   avt-ns
Contel Business Systems C-300 or C-320   c300
Contel Business Systems C-301 or C-321   c301
Convergent Technologies PT pt1500  
Cromemco 3102 c3102  
Cybernex mdl-110 mdl110 mdl110
Cybernex XL-83   xl83
Data General 6053 dg dg
Data General Dasher 200   d200
Datagraphix 132a d132 d132
Datakit   datakit

 Concept AVT status line changes             avt+s
 (use= only)
 Concept AVT with 4 or 8 pages/80            avt
 Concept AVT with status line                avt-ns
 Contel Business Systems C-300 or            c300
 Contel Business Systems C-301 or            c301
 Convergent Technologies PT         pt1500
 Cromemco 3102                      c3102
 Cybernex mdl-110                   mdl110   mdl110
 Cybernex XL-83                              xl83
 Data General 6053                  dg       dg
 Data General Dasher 200                     d200
 Datagraphix 132a                   d132     d132
 Datakit                                     datakit

Datamedia 1520 dm1520 dm1520
Datamedia 1521 dm1521  
Datamedia 2500 dm2500 dm2500
Datamedia 3025a dm3025 dm3025
Datamedia 3045a 3045  
Datamedia Color Scan 10   cs10
Datamedia Color Scan 10 with 132 columns   cs10-w
Datamedia DT80/1 dt80 dt80
Datamedia DT80/1 in 132 char mode dt80132 dt80-w
Datapoint UNITRM18 terminal emulator   unitrm18
Datapoint 3360 datapoint datapoint
Datastorm Technologies Procomm Plus emulation of AT&T 605 terminal   605pro
DEC Gigi graphics terminal   gigi
DEC GT40 gt40 gt40
DEC GT42 gt42 gt42

 Datamedia 1520                      dm1520      dm1520
 Datamedia 1521                      dm1521
 Datamedia 2500                      dm2500      dm2500
 Datamedia 3025a                     dm3025      dm3025
 Datamedia 3045a                     3045
 Datamedia Color Scan 10                         cs10
 Datamedia Color Scan 10 with 132                cs10-w
 Datamedia DT80/1                    dt80        dt80
 Datamedia DT80/1 in 132 char mode   dt80132     dt80-w
 Datapoint UNITRM18 terminal                     unitrm18
 Datapoint 3360                      datapoint   datapoint
 Datastorm Technologies Procomm                  605pro
 Plus emulation of AT&T 605
 DEC Gigi graphics terminal                      gigi
 DEC GT40                            gt40        gt40
 DEC GT42                            gt42        gt42

DEC VT100 vt100 vt100
DEC VT100 132 columns (advanced video) vt100w vt100-w
DEC VT100 132 columns (advanced video) without automargins   vt100-w-nam
DEC VT100 132 columns 14 lines vt100s  
DEC VT100 132 columns 14 lines (no advanced video)   vt100-nav-w
DEC VT100 for use with sysline   vt100-s
DEC VT100 for use with sysline   vt100-s-bot
DEC VT100 without init vt100n  
DEC VT100 without advanced video option   vt100-nav
DEC VT100 without automargins vt100nam vt100nam
DEC VT102 vt102 vt102
DEC VT125 graphics terminal   vt125
DEC VT131 vt131  

 DEC VT100                          vt100      vt100
 DEC VT100 132 columns (advanced    vt100w     vt100-w
 DEC VT100 132 columns (advanced               vt100-w-nam
 video) without automargins
 DEC VT100 132 columns 14 lines     vt100s
 DEC VT100 132 columns 14 lines                vt100-nav-w
 (no advanced video)
 DEC VT100 for use with sysline                vt100-s
 DEC VT100 for use with sysline                vt100-s-bot
 DEC VT100 without init             vt100n
 DEC VT100 without advanced video              vt100-nav
 DEC VT100 without automargins      vt100nam   vt100nam
 DEC VT102                          vt102      vt102
 DEC VT125 graphics terminal                   vt125
 DEC VT131                          vt131

DEC VT132 vt132 vt132
DEC VT220 8 bit terminal   vt220-8
DEC VT220 in VT100 emulation mode vt220 vt220
DEC VT220 in VT100 mode with DEC function key labeling vt220d vt220d
DEC VT220 in VT100 mode without automargins   vt220nam
DEC VT220 without automargins vt220nam  
DEC VT320 in VT100 emulation mode   vt320
DEC VT420   vt420
DEC VT420 in VT mode F1-F5 as Fkeys   vt420f
DEC VT420 in VT100 emulation without automargins vt420-nam vt420nam
DEC VT420 PC keyboard vt420pc vt420pc
DEC VT420 PC keyboard no automargins vt420pc-nam vt420pc-nam
DEC VT420 used as console vt420f  

 DEC VT132                           vt132         vt132
 DEC VT220 8 bit terminal                          vt220-8
 DEC VT220 in VT100 emulation mode   vt220         vt220
 DEC VT220 in VT100 mode with DEC    vt220d        vt220d
 function key labeling
 DEC VT220 in VT100 mode without                   vt220nam
 DEC VT220 without automargins       vt220nam
 DEC VT320 in VT100 emulation mode                 vt320
 DEC VT420                                         vt420
 DEC VT420 in VT mode F1-F5 as                     vt420f
 DEC VT420 in VT100 emulation        vt420-nam     vt420nam
 without automargins
 DEC VT420 PC keyboard               vt420pc       vt420pc
 DEC VT420 PC keyboard no            vt420pc-nam   vt420pc-nam
 DEC VT420 used as console           vt420f

DEC VT420 used as console no automargins vt420f-nam vt420f-nam
DEC VT420PC   vt420pcdos
DEC VT50 vt50 vt50
DEC VT50h vt50h vt50h
DEC VT510   vt510
DEC VT510 in VT100 emulation without automargins vt510-nam vt510nam
DEC VT510 PC keyboard vt510pc vt510pc
DEC VT510 PC keyboard no automargins vt510pc-nam vt510pc-nam
DEC VT510 with PC for DOS Merge   vt510pcdos
DEC VT52 vt52 vt52
DEC VT52 for PC   pc52
DEC VT52 with brackets added for standout use vt52so  
Decwriter I dw1 dw1
Decwriter II dw2 dw2

 DEC VT420 used as console no       vt420f-nam    vt420f-nam
 DEC VT420PC                                      vt420pcdos
 DEC VT50                           vt50          vt50
 DEC VT50h                          vt50h         vt50h
 DEC VT510                                        vt510
 DEC VT510 in VT100 emulation       vt510-nam     vt510nam
 without automargins
 DEC VT510 PC keyboard              vt510pc       vt510pc
 DEC VT510 PC keyboard no           vt510pc-nam   vt510pc-nam
 DEC VT510 with PC for DOS Merge                  vt510pcdos
 DEC VT52                           vt52          vt52
 DEC VT52 for PC                                  pc52
 DEC VT52 with brackets added for   vt52so
 standout use
 Decwriter I                        dw1           dw1
 Decwriter II                       dw2           dw2

Decwriter III   dw3
Decwriter IV   dw4
Delta Data 5000 delta delta
Deskmate terminal   dmterm
Diablo 1620 1620 diablo
Diablo 1620 with 8-column left margin   diablo-m8
Diablo 1640 1640  
Diablo simulated by QMS   qms-diablo
Dialup du dialup
Digilog 333 digilog digilog
Direct 800/A   d800
DTC 300S dtc300s dtc300s
DTC 382   ps

 Decwriter III                              dw3
 Decwriter IV                               dw4
 Delta Data 5000                  delta     delta
 Deskmate terminal                          dmterm
 Diablo 1620                      1620      diablo
 Diablo 1620 with 8-column left             diablo-m8
 Diablo 1640                      1640
 Diablo simulated by QMS                    qms-diablo
 Dialup                           du        dialup
 Digilog 333                      digilog   digilog
 Direct 800/A                               d800
 DTC 300S                         dtc300s   dtc300s
 DTC 382                                    ps

Dumb (generic name for terminals that lack reverse line-feed and other special escape sequences) dumb dumb
Dumb Teleray 3700 t3700 t3700
Envision 230 graphics terminal   env230
Esprit 6310 in Hazeltine emulation mode espHAZ  
Esprit Opus3n1+ in wy60 mode with ANSI arrow keys opus3n1+ opus3n1+
Esprit TVI 925 emulation e10  
Ethernet ethernet ethernet
Ex3000   ex3000
Execuport 4000 ep40 ep40
Execuport 4080 ep48 ep48
Exidy smart sexidy sexidy
Exidy sorcerer as dm2500 exidy exidy
Falco ts-1   falco

 Dumb (generic name for terminals    dumb       dumb
 that lack reverse line-feed and
 other special escape sequences)
 Dumb Teleray 3700                   t3700      t3700
 Envision 230 graphics terminal                 env230
 Esprit 6310 in Hazeltine            espHAZ
 emulation mode
 Esprit Opus3n1+ in wy60 mode with   opus3n1+   opus3n1+
 ANSI arrow keys
 Esprit TVI 925 emulation            e10
 Ethernet                            ethernet   ethernet
 Ex3000                                         ex3000
 Execuport 4000                      ep40       ep40
 Execuport 4080                      ep48       ep48
 Exidy smart                         sexidy     sexidy
 Exidy sorcerer as dm2500            exidy      exidy
 Falco ts-1                                     falco

Falco ts-100 saving context   ts100-ctxt
Falco ts100-sp   ts100
Falco with paging option   falco-p
FCG Beacon System   beacon
FCG Beacon System with status line   beacon-s
Fixed superbee sb2 sb2
Fluke 1720A   f1720
Fortune 16 terminal   fortune
Fortune system fos ofos
Forward Technology graphics controller ft1024  
Freedom 100   f100
Freedom 100 in reverse video   f100-rv
Freedom 110 free110  
Full bright Mime1 mimefb mime-fb

 Falco ts-100 saving context               ts100-ctxt
 Falco ts100-sp                            ts100
 Falco with paging option                  falco-p
 FCG Beacon System                         beacon
 FCG Beacon System with status             beacon-s
 Fixed superbee                  sb2       sb2
 Fluke 1720A                               f1720
 Fortune 16 terminal                       fortune
 Fortune system                  fos       ofos
 Forward Technology graphics     ft1024
 Freedom 100                               f100
 Freedom 100 in reverse video              f100-rv
 Freedom 110                     free110
 Full bright Mime1               mimefb    mime-fb

GE Terminet 1200   terminet1200
General Terminal 100A (formerly Infoton 100) i100 i100
Gsi   gsi
H89 running reach   reach
Half bright Mime1 mimehb mime-hb
Hazeltine 1000   h1000
Hazeltine 1420   h1420
Hazeltine 1500 h1500 h1500
Hazeltine 1500 that sees xoff   s1500

 GE Terminet 1200                           terminet1200
 General Terminal 100A (formerly   i100     i100
 Infoton 100)
 Gsi                                        gsi
 H89 running reach                          reach
 Half bright Mime1                 mimehb   mime-hb
 Hazeltine 1000                             h1000
 Hazeltine 1420                             h1420
 Hazeltine 1500                    h1500    h1500
 Hazeltine 1500 that sees xoff              s1500

Hazeltine 1510 h1510  
Hazeltine 1510 using escape escapes   h1510
Hazeltine 1510 with tilde escapes   h1510t
Hazeltine 1520 h1520 h1520
Hazeltine 1552 h1552 h1552
Hazeltine 1552 reverse video h1552rv h1552-rv
Hazeltine 2000 h2000 h2000
Hazeltine Esprit I   esprit
HDS Concept 100 c100 c100
Heathkit H19 h19 h19
Heathkit H19 ANSI mode h19a h19-a
Heathkit H19 with printer box   h19-pb

 Hazeltine 1510                      h1510
 Hazeltine 1510 using escape                   h1510
 Hazeltine 1510 with tilde escapes             h1510t
 Hazeltine 1520                      h1520     h1520
 Hazeltine 1552                      h1552     h1552
 Hazeltine 1552 reverse video        h1552rv   h1552-rv
 Hazeltine 2000                      h2000     h2000
 Hazeltine Esprit I                            esprit
 HDS Concept 100                     c100      c100
 Heathkit H19                        h19       h19
 Heathkit H19 ANSI mode              h19a      h19-a
 Heathkit H19 with printer box                 h19-pb

Heathkit with keypad shifted   h19-bs
Heathkit with keypad shifted/underscore cursor   h19-smul
Heathkit with numeric keypad (not function keys) h19nk  
Heathkit with underscore cursor   h19-u
Hewlett Packard   hp
Hewlett Packard alternate arrow definitions (use= only)   hp+pfk+arrows
Hewlett Packard arrow definitions (use= only)   hp+arrows
Hewlett Packard extended capabilities hpex  
Hewlett Packard extended keyboard (generic entry)   newhpkeyboard
Hewlett Packard function keys with CR (use= only)   hp+pfk+cr
Hewlett Packard function keys without CR (use= only)   hp+pfk-cr
Hewlett Packard HP 2382a   hp2382a
Hewlett Packard HP 2397A color terminal   hp2397a
Hewlett Packard HP 239x in ANSI mode 2392an  
Hewlett Packard HP 239x series 2392 hp2392

 Heathkit with keypad shifted                 h19-bs
 Heathkit with keypad                         h19-smul
 shifted/underscore cursor
 Heathkit with numeric keypad (not   h19nk
 function keys)
 Heathkit with underscore cursor              h19-u
 Hewlett Packard                              hp
 Hewlett Packard alternate arrow              hp+pfk+arrows
 definitions (use= only)
 Hewlett Packard arrow definitions            hp+arrows
 (use= only)
 Hewlett Packard extended            hpex
 Hewlett Packard extended keyboard            newhpkeyboard
 (generic entry)
 Hewlett Packard function keys                hp+pfk+cr
 with CR (use= only)
 Hewlett Packard function keys                hp+pfk-cr
 without CR (use= only)
 Hewlett Packard HP 2382a                     hp2382a
 Hewlett Packard HP 2397A color               hp2397a
 Hewlett Packard HP 239x in ANSI     2392an
 Hewlett Packard HP 239x series      2392     hp2392

Hewlett Packard HP 239x series 2392ne  
Hewlett Packard HP 239x series without automargin 2392nam  
Hewlett Packard HP 2621 2621 hp2621-fl
Hewlett Packard HP 2621 with 45 keyboard 2621k45 hp2621-k45
Hewlett Packard HP 2621 with 48 lines big2621 hp2621-48
Hewlett Packard HP 2621 with arrows   hp2621-a
Hewlett Packard HP 2621 with labels 2621wl hp2621
Hewlett Packard HP 2621 with new ROM and strap A set   hp2621-ba
Hewlett Packard HP 2621 without labels 2621nl hp2621-nl
Hewlett Packard HP 2621 without tabs 2621nt hp2621-nt
Hewlett Packard HP 2621 with printer   hp2621p
Hewlett Packard HP 2621b with extended keyboard   hp2621b-kx
Hewlett Packard HP 2621b with new keyboard and printer   hp2621b-kx-p

 Hewlett Packard HP 239x series      2392ne
 Hewlett Packard HP 239x series      2392nam
 without automargin
 Hewlett Packard HP 2621             2621      hp2621-fl
 Hewlett Packard HP 2621 with 45     2621k45   hp2621-k45
 Hewlett Packard HP 2621 with 48     big2621   hp2621-48
 Hewlett Packard HP 2621 with                  hp2621-a
 Hewlett Packard HP 2621 with        2621wl    hp2621
 Hewlett Packard HP 2621 with new              hp2621-ba
 ROM and strap A set
 Hewlett Packard HP 2621 without     2621nl    hp2621-nl
 Hewlett Packard HP 2621 without     2621nt    hp2621-nt
 Hewlett Packard HP 2621 with                  hp2621p
 Hewlett Packard HP 2621b with                 hp2621b-kx
 extended keyboard
 Hewlett Packard HP 2621b with new             hp2621b-kx-p
 keyboard and printer

Hewlett Packard HP 2621b with old style keyboard   hp2621b
Hewlett Packard HP 2621b with printer   hp2621b-p
Hewlett Packard HP 2621p with fn as arrows   hp2621p-a
Hewlett Packard HP 2622 2622 2622
Hewlett Packard HP 2623   hp2623
Hewlett Packard HP 2624 B   hp2624
Hewlett Packard HP 2624 B with 10 pages of memory   hp2624-10p
Hewlett Packard HP 2624 B with extra memory and printer   hp2624b-10p-p
Hewlett Packard HP 2624 B with printer   hp2624b-p
Hewlett Packard HP 2626 hp2626 hp2626
Hewlett Packard HP 2626 using all 24 lines   hp2626-ns
Hewlett Packard HP 2626 using only 23 lines   hp2626-s
Hewlett Packard HP 2626-12   hp2626-12

 Hewlett Packard HP 2621b with old            hp2621b
 style keyboard
 Hewlett Packard HP 2621b with                hp2621b-p
 Hewlett Packard HP 2621p with fn             hp2621p-a
 as arrows
 Hewlett Packard HP 2622             2622     2622
 Hewlett Packard HP 2623                      hp2623
 Hewlett Packard HP 2624 B                    hp2624
 Hewlett Packard HP 2624 B with 10            hp2624-10p
 pages of memory
 Hewlett Packard HP 2624 B with               hp2624b-10p-p
 extra memory and printer
 Hewlett Packard HP 2624 B with               hp2624b-p
 Hewlett Packard HP 2626             hp2626   hp2626
 Hewlett Packard HP 2626 using all            hp2626-ns
 24 lines
 Hewlett Packard HP 2626 using                hp2626-s
 only 23 lines
 Hewlett Packard HP 2626-12                   hp2626-12

Hewlett Packard HP 2626-12-s   hp2626-12-s
Hewlett Packard HP 2626-12x40   hp2626-12x40
Hewlett Packard HP 2626-x40   hp2626-x40
Hewlett Packard HP 262x series 262x hp262x
Hewlett Packard HP 2640a 2640  
Hewlett Packard HP 2648a graphics terminal hp2648 hp2648
Hewlett Packard HP 264x series 2640b  
Hewlett Packard HP 264x series hp  
Hewlett Packard HP 700/44 in HP-PCterm 24 line mode, PC character set hpansi-24  
Hewlett Packard HP 700/44 in HP-PCterm mode, PC character set hpansi hpansi
Hewlett Packard memory relative addressing for newer terminals   memhp
Hewlett Packard model 110 portable   hp110
Hewlett Packard Model 150   hp150
Hewlett Packard terminals (generic entry for newer models)   newhp
Hewlett Packard terminals capability subset hpsub hpsub
Hewlett Packard with colors (use= only)   hp+color

 Hewlett Packard HP 2626-12-s                    hp2626-12-s
 Hewlett Packard HP 2626-12x40                   hp2626-12x40
 Hewlett Packard HP 2626-x40                     hp2626-x40
 Hewlett Packard HP 262x series      262x        hp262x
 Hewlett Packard HP 2640a            2640
 Hewlett Packard HP 2648a graphics   hp2648      hp2648
 Hewlett Packard HP 264x series      2640b
 Hewlett Packard HP 264x series      hp
 Hewlett Packard HP 700/44 in HP-    hpansi-24
 PCterm 24 line mode, PC character
 Hewlett Packard HP 700/44 in HP-    hpansi      hpansi
 PCterm mode, PC character set
 Hewlett Packard memory relative                 memhp
 addressing for newer terminals
 Hewlett Packard model 110                       hp110
 Hewlett Packard Model 150                       hp150
 Hewlett Packard terminals                       newhp
 (generic entry for newer models)
 Hewlett Packard terminals           hpsub       hpsub
 capability subset
 Hewlett Packard with colors (use=               hp+color

IBM 3101-10 ibm3101 ibm3101
IBM 3151 ibm3151 ibm3151
IBM 3151 terminal in PC term mode   ibm3151-pc
IBM 3161 ibm3161 ibm3161
IBM 3163 ibm3163 ibm3163
IBM 3164 ibm3164 ibm3164
IBM console ibm5151  
IBM PC console running Coherent   pc-coherent
IBM PC console running Venix   pc-venix
IBM PC with Xtalk communication program   xtalk
IBM Personal Computer   ibmpc
IBM System/1 computer   ibm-system1
Infoton   infoton

 IBM 3101-10                         ibm3101   ibm3101
 IBM 3151                            ibm3151   ibm3151
 IBM 3151 terminal in PC term mode             ibm3151-pc
 IBM 3161                            ibm3161   ibm3161
 IBM 3163                            ibm3163   ibm3163
 IBM 3164                            ibm3164   ibm3164
 IBM console                         ibm5151
 IBM PC console running Coherent               pc-coherent
 IBM PC console running Venix                  pc-venix
 IBM PC with Xtalk communication               xtalk
 IBM Personal Computer                         ibmpc
 IBM System/1 computer                         ibm-system1
 Infoton                                       infoton

Infoton 400   i400
Infoton KAS   infotonKAS
Intecolor 8001  
Intel IPC ipc  
Intelligent switch switch switch
Interactive modified owl 1251   intext2
Interactive Systems Corporation modified owl 1200   intext
Intertec data systems intertube 2   it2
Intertec InterTube   it
Intertec superbrain   superbrain
ISC modified owl 1200 intext  
Kaypro 10 k10  
Kimtron KT-7 or 70 kt7ix kt7ix

 Infoton 400                                  i400
 Infoton KAS                                  infotonKAS
 Intecolor                           8001
 Intel IPC                           ipc
 Intelligent switch                  switch   switch
 Interactive modified owl 1251                intext2
 Interactive Systems Corporation              intext
 modified owl 1200
 Intertec data systems intertube 2            it2
 Intertec InterTube                           it
 Intertec superbrain                          superbrain
 ISC modified owl 1200               intext
 Kaypro 10                           k10
 Kimtron KT-7 or 70                  kt7ix    kt7ix

Kimtron terminal in PC term mode   kt7ix-pc
KLC carlock  
Lear Siegler ADM21   adm21
Lear Siegler ADM31 adm31  
Lear Siegler ADM31 (old model) oadm31 oadm31
Liberty Freedom 100 free100  
Liberty Freedom 110   f110
Liberty Freedom 110 132 columns   f110-w
Liberty Freedom 110 14in/132 columns   f110-14w
Liberty Freedom 110 14inch   f110-14
Liberty Freedom 200   f200
Liberty Freedom 200 132 columns   f200-w
Liberty Freedom 200 132 columns for vi   f200vi-w
Liberty Freedom 200 for vi   f200vi

 Kimtron terminal in PC term mode             kt7ix-pc
 KLC                                carlock
 Lear Siegler ADM21                           adm21
 Lear Siegler ADM31                 adm31
 Lear Siegler ADM31 (old model)     oadm31    oadm31
 Liberty Freedom 100                free100
 Liberty Freedom 110                          f110
 Liberty Freedom 110 132 columns              f110-w
 Liberty Freedom 110 14in/132                 f110-14w
 Liberty Freedom 110 14inch                   f110-14
 Liberty Freedom 200                          f200
 Liberty Freedom 200 132 columns              f200-w
 Liberty Freedom 200 132 columns              f200vi-w
 for vi
 Liberty Freedom 200 for vi                   f200vi

Line printer   lpr
LSI ADM11 adm11  
LSI ADM12 adm12  
LSI ADM1A   adm1a
LSI ADM2 adm2 adm2
LSI ADM3 adm3 adm3
LSI ADM31   adm31
LSI ADM3A adm3a adm3a
LSI ADM3A at 19.2 baud adm3a19.2  
LSI ADM3A with {} for standout adm3aso  
LSI ADM3A+ adm3a+ adm3a+
LSI ADM42 adm42 adm42
LSI ADM42 without system line   adm42-nl

 Line printer                                 lpr
 LSI ADM11                        adm11
 LSI ADM12                        adm12
 LSI ADM1A                                    adm1a
 LSI ADM2                         adm2        adm2
 LSI ADM3                         adm3        adm3
 LSI ADM31                                    adm31
 LSI ADM3A                        adm3a       adm3a
 LSI ADM3A at 19.2 baud           adm3a19.2
 LSI ADM3A with {} for standout   adm3aso
 LSI ADM3A+                       adm3a+      adm3a+
 LSI ADM42                        adm42       adm42
 LSI ADM42 without system line                adm42-nl

LSI ADM5 adm5 adm5
Macintosh MacTerm in VT100 mode macterm  
MacTerm in VT100 mode with automargin not set macterm-nam  
Micro Bee series microb microb
Microkit terminal computer   microkit
Microsoft Windows Terminal emulation of VT100   winvt100
Microterm ACT IV microterm microterm
Microterm ACT V microterm5 microterm5
Microterm ergo 4000   m8
Microterm Mime1 mime mime
Microterm Mime2A (emulating an enhanced Soroc IQ120) mime2as mime2a-s
Microterm Mime2A (emulating an enhanced VT52) mime2a mime2a
Mime 314   mm3
Mime without arrow keys   mime-na

 LSI ADM5                          adm5          adm5
 Macintosh MacTerm in VT100 mode   macterm
 MacTerm in VT100 mode with        macterm-nam
 automargin not set
 Micro Bee series                  microb        microb
 Microkit terminal computer                      microkit
 Microsoft Windows Terminal                      winvt100
 emulation of VT100
 Microterm ACT IV                  microterm     microterm
 Microterm ACT V                   microterm5    microterm5
 Microterm ergo 4000                             m8
 Microterm Mime1                   mime          mime
 Microterm Mime2A (emulating an    mime2as       mime2a-s
 enhanced Soroc IQ120)
 Microterm Mime2A (emulating an    mime2a        mime2a
 enhanced VT52)
 Mime 314                                        mm3
 Mime without arrow keys                         mime-na

Mime with printer box   mime-pb
Mime1 emulating ADM3A mime3a mime-3a
Mime1 emulating enhanced ADM3A mime3ax mime-3ax
Minimum ANSI standard terminal   minansiterm
Model 33 teletype 33  
Model 37 teletype 37  
Model 43 teletype 43  
Morrow MT70 mt70  
Multiwriter 2   mw2
Nabu terminal nabu  
NCR 7900 model 1 7900 ncr7900i
NCR 7901 model   ncr7901
Netronics netx  

 Mime with printer box                      mime-pb
 Mime1 emulating ADM3A            mime3a    mime-3a
 Mime1 emulating enhanced ADM3A   mime3ax   mime-3ax
 Minimum ANSI standard terminal             minansiterm
 Model 33 teletype                33
 Model 37 teletype                37
 Model 43 teletype                43
 Morrow MT70                      mt70
 Multiwriter 2                              mw2
 Nabu terminal                    nabu
 NCR 7900 model 1                 7900      ncr7900i
 NCR 7901 model                             ncr7901
 Netronics                        netx

Netronics smarterm 80x24 naked terminal   smarterm
Netronics Smartvid 80   smartvid
Network ethernet ethernet
NUC Homebrew nucterm nucterm
Olivetti WS584 ws584  
Olivetti WS584 with French keyboard ws584fr  
Olivetti WS584 with German keyboard ws584gr  
Olivetti WS584 with Norwegian/Danish keyboard ws584nr  
Olivetti WS584 with Spanish keyboard ws584sp  
Olivetti WS584 with Swedish/Finnish keyboard ws584sw  
Olivetti WS584 with UK keyboard ws584uk  
Olivetti WS584 with USA keyboard ws584us  
Olivetti WS685 ws685  

 Netronics smarterm 80x24 naked                smarterm
 Netronics Smartvid 80                         smartvid
 Network                            ethernet   ethernet
 NUC Homebrew                       nucterm    nucterm
 Olivetti WS584                     ws584
 Olivetti WS584 with French         ws584fr
 Olivetti WS584 with German         ws584gr
 Olivetti WS584 with                ws584nr
 Norwegian/Danish keyboard
 Olivetti WS584 with Spanish        ws584sp
 Olivetti WS584 with                ws584sw
 Swedish/Finnish keyboard
 Olivetti WS584 with UK keyboard    ws584uk
 Olivetti WS584 with USA keyboard   ws584us
 Olivetti WS685                     ws685

Omron 8025AG omron omron
Onyx ot80 ot80  
Osborne 1   ozzie
Page Concept 100   oc100
PC emulating a terminal   pc
Pegasus Work Station Terminal Emulator   megatek
Perkin Elmer 1100 fox fox
Perkin Elmer 1200 owl owl
Perkin Elmer 1251   pe1251
Perkin Elmer 550 pe550 bantam
Perkin Elmer 7000 series color monitor   pe7000c
Perkin Elmer 7000 series monochrome monitor   pe7000m
Pixel terminal pixel  
Plasma panel plasma plasma

 Omron 8025AG                     omron    omron
 Onyx ot80                        ot80
 Osborne 1                                 ozzie
 Page Concept 100                          oc100
 PC emulating a terminal                   pc
 Pegasus Work Station Terminal             megatek
 Perkin Elmer 1100                fox      fox
 Perkin Elmer 1200                owl      owl
 Perkin Elmer 1251                         pe1251
 Perkin Elmer 550                 pe550    bantam
 Perkin Elmer 7000 series color            pe7000c
 Perkin Elmer 7000 series                  pe7000m
 monochrome monitor
 Pixel terminal                   pixel
 Plasma panel                     plasma   plasma

pseudo-terminal (4.xBSD)   pty
Qume QVT 101 and QVT 108 qvt101 qvt101
Qume QVT 101 PLUS product qvt101+ qvt101+
Qume QVT 101 with cursor set to blinking underline qvt101b  
Qume QVT 101 PLUS with protected mode/standout qvt101+so  
Qume QVT 102 qvt102 qvt102
Qume QVT 103 qvt103 qvt103
Qume QVT 103 132 columns   qvt103-w
Qume QVT 108 qvt108  
Qume QVT 109 qvt109  
Qume QVT 119 qvt119  
Qume QVT 119 and 119 PLUS   qvt119+
Qume QVT 119 and 119 PLUS 132 by 25   qvt119+-25-w

 pseudo-terminal (4.xBSD)                       pty
 Qume QVT 101 and QVT 108           qvt101      qvt101
 Qume QVT 101 PLUS product          qvt101+     qvt101+
 Qume QVT 101 with cursor set to    qvt101b
 blinking underline
 Qume QVT 101 PLUS with protected   qvt101+so
 Qume QVT 102                       qvt102      qvt102
 Qume QVT 103                       qvt103      qvt103
 Qume QVT 103 132 columns                       qvt103-w
 Qume QVT 108                       qvt108
 Qume QVT 109                       qvt109
 Qume QVT 119                       qvt119
 Qume QVT 119 and 119 PLUS                      qvt119+
 Qume QVT 119 and 119 PLUS 132 by               qvt119+-25-w

Qume QVT 119 and 119 PLUS in 132-column mode   qvt119+-w
Qume QVT 119 PLUS qvt119+  
Qume QVT 119 PLUS with 25 data lines   qvt119+-25
Qume QVT 201 qvt201  
Qume QVT 202 qvt202  
Qume QVT 203 PLUS qvt203 qvt203
Qume QVT 203 PLUS in 132 columns (with advanced video)   qvt203-w
Qume QVT 203 PLUS with 25 rows by 132 columns   qvt203-25-w
Qume QVT 203 PLUS with 25 rows by 80 columns   qvt203-25
Qume Sprint 5 qume5 qvt5
Radio Shack Model 100 m100 trs80-100
Radio Shack TRS-80 model I   trs80
Ramtek 6000   ramtek

 Qume QVT 119 and 119 PLUS in                  qvt119+-w
 132-column mode
 Qume QVT 119 PLUS                   qvt119+
 Qume QVT 119 PLUS with 25 data                qvt119+-25
 Qume QVT 201                        qvt201
 Qume QVT 202                        qvt202
 Qume QVT 203 PLUS                   qvt203    qvt203
 Qume QVT 203 PLUS in 132 columns              qvt203-w
 (with advanced video)
 Qume QVT 203 PLUS with 25 rows by             qvt203-25-w
 132 columns
 Qume QVT 203 PLUS with 25 rows by             qvt203-25
 80 columns
 Qume Sprint 5                       qume5     qvt5
 Radio Shack Model 100               m100      trs80-100
 Radio Shack TRS-80 model I                    trs80
 Ramtek 6000                                   ramtek

Regent 60 without arrow keys regent60na regent60-na
Rexon 303 terminal rx303  
Seiko 8620 sk8620  
Skinny ACT 5 act5s  
Slow Concept 100 c100s  
Slow reverse video Concept 100 c100rvs  
Softel terminal pc52  
Sol Terminal computer   sol2
Soroc 120 soroc soroc
Soroc 140   iq140
Southwest Technical Products CT82 swtp swtp
Sperry 1210, standard setup svt1210  
Sperry 1210/1220/PC in VT52 mode svt52  

 Regent 60 without arrow keys        regent60na   regent60-na
 Rexon 303 terminal                  rx303
 Seiko 8620                          sk8620
 Skinny ACT 5                        act5s
 Slow Concept 100                    c100s
 Slow reverse video Concept 100      c100rvs
 Softel terminal                     pc52
 Sol Terminal computer                            sol2
 Soroc 120                           soroc        soroc
 Soroc 140                                        iq140
 Southwest Technical Products CT82   swtp         swtp
 Sperry 1210, standard setup         svt1210
 Sperry 1210/1220/PC in VT52 mode    svt52

Sperry 1220, standard setup svt1220  
Sperry 1220/PC in VT100 mode svt100  
Sperry UTS30   uts30
SRI Agiles   agile
Sun Microsystems SUN-1 workstation console M< sun1
Sun Microsystems workstation console sun sun
Sun Microsystems workstation console with scrollable history M+  
Sun Microsystems workstation console without insert character M-  
Super Bee with insert character superbeeic  
Synertek KTM 3/80 tubeless terminal   synertek
Tab 132-rv   tab132-rv
Tab 132-w   tab132-w
Tab 132-w-rv   tab132-w-rv
Tab 132/15   tab132

 Sperry 1220, standard setup        svt1220
 Sperry 1220/PC in VT100 mode       svt100
 Sperry UTS30                                    uts30
 SRI Agiles                                      agile
 Sun Microsystems SUN-1             M<           sun1
 workstation console
 Sun Microsystems workstation       sun          sun
 Sun Microsystems workstation       M+
 console with scrollable history
 Sun Microsystems workstation       M-
 console without insert character
 Super Bee with insert character    superbeeic
 Synertek KTM 3/80 tubeless                      synertek
 Tab 132-rv                                      tab132-rv
 Tab 132-w                                       tab132-w
 Tab 132-w-rv                                    tab132-w-rv
 Tab 132/15                                      tab132

Tandy 200 td200 td200
Tandy deskmate terminal dmterm  
Tandy DT-100 terminal dt100 dt100
Tandy DT-100 terminal dt100w dt100w
Tandy DT-110 emulating ANSI dt110 dt110
Tandy DT-200 dt200  
Tandy Model 600 trs600 trs600
Tandy TRS-80 Model 100 trs100  
Tandy TRS-80 model 16 console trs16 trs16
Tandy TRS-80 PT-210 printing terminal pt210 pt210
Tec   tec
Tec 500   tec500
Tec Scope   tec400

 Tandy 200                       td200    td200
 Tandy deskmate terminal         dmterm
 Tandy DT-100 terminal           dt100    dt100
 Tandy DT-100 terminal           dt100w   dt100w
 Tandy DT-110 emulating ANSI     dt110    dt110
 Tandy DT-200                    dt200
 Tandy Model 600                 trs600   trs600
 Tandy TRS-80 Model 100          trs100
 Tandy TRS-80 model 16 console   trs16    trs16
 Tandy TRS-80 PT-210 printing    pt210    pt210
 Tec                                      tec
 Tec 500                                  tec500
 Tec Scope                                tec400

Tek 4015 emulating 30 line vt100   tek4105-30
Tek 4025 4025ex tek4025-ex
Tek 4025 17 line window 4025-17 tek4025-17
Tek 4025 17 line window in workspace 4025-17ws tek4025-17-ws
Tek 4112 in 5 line dialog area   tek4112-5
Tek 4112 in dialog area   tek4112-d
Tek series 500   t500
Tektronix 4012 tek tek
Tektronix 4013 tek4013 tek4013
Tektronix 4014 tek4014 tek4014
Tektronix 4014 small font tek4014sm tek4014-sm
Tektronix 4015 tek4015 tek4015
Tektronix 4015 small font tek4015sm tek4015-sm

 Tek 4015 emulating 30 line vt100               tek4105-30
 Tek 4025                           4025ex      tek4025-ex
 Tek 4025 17 line window            4025-17     tek4025-17
 Tek 4025 17 line window in         4025-17ws   tek4025-17-ws
 Tek 4112 in 5 line dialog area                 tek4112-5
 Tek 4112 in dialog area                        tek4112-d
 Tek series 500                                 t500
 Tektronix 4012                     tek         tek
 Tektronix 4013                     tek4013     tek4013
 Tektronix 4014                     tek4014     tek4014
 Tektronix 4014 small font          tek4014sm   tek4014-sm
 Tektronix 4015                     tek4015     tek4015
 Tektronix 4015 small font          tek4015sm   tek4015-sm

Tektronix 4023 tek4023 tek4023
Tektronix 4024/4025/4027 4025  
Tektronix 4105   tek4105
Tektronix 4107 tek4107 tek4107
Tektronix 4109   tek4107
Tektronix 4115   tek4115
Tektronix 4205   tek4205
Tektronix CT8500   ct8500
Teleray 1061 t1061 t1061
Teleray 1061 with fast PROMs t1061f t1061f
Teleray 16   ya
Teleray 3800 series t3800 t3800
Teletec Datascreen teletec teletec
Teletype 4420 4420  

 Tektronix 4023                 tek4023   tek4023
 Tektronix 4024/4025/4027       4025
 Tektronix 4105                           tek4105
 Tektronix 4107                 tek4107   tek4107
 Tektronix 4109                           tek4107
 Tektronix 4115                           tek4115
 Tektronix 4205                           tek4205
 Tektronix CT8500                         ct8500
 Teleray 1061                   t1061     t1061
 Teleray 1061 with fast PROMs   t1061f    t1061f
 Teleray 16                               ya
 Teleray 3800 series            t3800     t3800
 Teletec Datascreen             teletec   teletec
 Teletype 4420                  4420

Teletype 4424 4424  
Teletype 4424 in display function group ii 4424-2  
Teletype 5410 132 columns 5410132  
Teletype 5410 in 132-column mode 5410-w  
Teletype 5410 terminal 80 columns 5410  
Teletype 5410 terminal in 80-column mode 5410  
Teletype 5420 132 columns 5420132  
Teletype 5541 bct500  
Teletype Dataspeed 40/2 40  
Televideo 9065 tvi9065  
Televideo 9065 132 columns with 24 lines tvi9065w  
Televideo 910 PLUS tvi910+ tvi910+
Televideo 9220 132-col status line at bottom tvi9220w  

 Teletype 4424                       4424
 Teletype 4424 in display function   4424-2
 group ii
 Teletype 5410 132 columns           5410132
 Teletype 5410 in 132-column mode    5410-w
 Teletype 5410 terminal 80 columns   5410
 Teletype 5410 terminal in           5410
 80-column mode
 Teletype 5420 132 columns           5420132
 Teletype 5541                       bct500
 Teletype Dataspeed 40/2             40
 Televideo 9065                      tvi9065
 Televideo 9065 132 columns with     tvi9065w
 24 lines
 Televideo 910 PLUS                  tvi910+    tvi910+
 Televideo 9220 132-col status       tvi9220w
 line at bottom

Televideo 9220 status line at bottom tvi9220  
Televideo 925   tvi925
Televideo TVI 803   tvi803
Televideo TVI 9065   tvi9065
Televideo TVI 9065 with 2 pages tvi9065-2p  
Televideo TVI 9065 with 4 pages tvi9065-4p  
Televideo TVI 9065 with alt pages tvi9065-ap  
Televideo TVI 9065 without standout tvi9065ns  
Televideo TVI 910 tvi910 tvi910

 Televideo 9220 status line at       tvi9220
 Televideo 925                                    tvi925
 Televideo TVI 803                                tvi803
 Televideo TVI 9065                               tvi9065
 Televideo TVI 9065 with 2 pages     tvi9065-2p
 Televideo TVI 9065 with 4 pages     tvi9065-4p
 Televideo TVI 9065 with alt pages   tvi9065-ap
 Televideo TVI 9065 without          tvi9065ns
 Televideo TVI 910                   tvi910       tvi910

Televideo TVI 912 tvi912 tvi912
Televideo TVI 912 with 2 pages   tvi912-2p
Televideo TVI 912b 912b  
Televideo TVI 924 tvi924 tvi924
Televideo TVI 925 925  
Televideo TVI 925 with attribute byte workaround 925so  
Televideo TVI 950 tvi950 tvi950
Televideo TVI 950 reverse video   tvi950-rv
Televideo TVI 950 reverse video with 2 pages   tvi950-rv-2p
Televideo TVI 950 reverse video with 4 pages   tvi950-rv-4p
Televideo TVI 950 with 2 pages tvi950-2p tvi950-2p
Televideo TVI 950 with 4 pages tvi950-4p tvi950-4p
Televideo TVI 950 with alt pages tvi950-ap tvi950-ap
Televideo TVI 950 without standout tvi950ns tvi950-ns

 Televideo TVI 912                  tvi912      tvi912
 Televideo TVI 912 with 2 pages                 tvi912-2p
 Televideo TVI 912b                 912b
 Televideo TVI 924                  tvi924      tvi924
 Televideo TVI 925                  925
 Televideo TVI 925 with attribute   925so
 byte workaround
 Televideo TVI 950                  tvi950      tvi950
 Televideo TVI 950 reverse video                tvi950-rv
 Televideo TVI 950 reverse video                tvi950-rv-2p
 with 2 pages
 Televideo TVI 950 reverse video                tvi950-rv-4p
 with 4 pages
 Televideo TVI 950 with 2 pages     tvi950-2p   tvi950-2p
 Televideo TVI 950 with 4 pages     tvi950-4p   tvi950-4p
 Televideo TVI 950 with alt pages   tvi950-ap   tvi950-ap
 Televideo TVI 950 without          tvi950ns    tvi950-ns

Terak emulating Datamedia 1520 terak terak
Terminet 1200 1200  
Terminet 300 300  
Texas Instruments 916 VDT 8859/1 8 vt220 mode bit CTRL ti916-8 q2
Texas Instruments 916 VDT 8859/1 vt220 mode 7 bit CTRL ti916 q1
Texas Instruments 924 Emulator in the 924 Mode   em924
Texas Instruments 924 Emulator in the 931 Mode   em931-9
Texas Instruments 924 VDT 7 bit ti924  
Texas Instruments 924 VDT 7 bit 132-column mode   ti924-132
Texas Instruments 924 VDT 8 bit 132-column mode   ti924-8-132
Texas Instruments 924 VDT 8859/1 7 bit CTRL   ti924
Texas Instruments 924 VDT 8859/1 8 bit CTRL   ti924-8
Texas Instruments 926 VDT ti926  

 Terak emulating Datamedia 1520      terak     terak
 Terminet 1200                       1200
 Terminet 300                        300
 Texas Instruments 916 VDT 8859/1    ti916-8   q2
 8 vt220 mode bit CTRL
 Texas Instruments 916 VDT 8859/1    ti916     q1
 vt220 mode 7 bit CTRL
 Texas Instruments 924 Emulator in             em924
 the 924 Mode
 Texas Instruments 924 Emulator in             em931-9
 the 931 Mode
 Texas Instruments 924 VDT 7 bit     ti924
 Texas Instruments 924 VDT 7 bit               ti924-132
 132-column mode
 Texas Instruments 924 VDT 8 bit               ti924-8-132
 132-column mode
 Texas Instruments 924 VDT 8859/1              ti924
 7 bit CTRL
 Texas Instruments 924 VDT 8859/1              ti924-8
 8 bit CTRL
 Texas Instruments 926 VDT           ti926

Texas Instruments 926 VDT 8859/1 7 bit CTRL   ti926
Texas Instruments 926 VDT 8859/1 8 bit CTRL   ti926-8
Texas Instruments 928 (basic entry)   ti_ansi
Texas Instruments 928 VDT 7 bit ti928  
Texas Instruments 931 Emulator   em931
Texas Instruments 931 VDT ti931 ti931
Texas Instruments Omni 800   ti800
Texas Instruments Silent 700 ti ti700
Texas Instruments Silent 745 ti745 ti
Ttywilliams   ttywilliams
Tymshare Scan Set   scanset
Tymshare Scan Set in 40-column mode   scanset-n
Unknown dumb dumb

 Texas Instruments 926 VDT 8859/1           ti926
 7 bit CTRL
 Texas Instruments 926 VDT 8859/1           ti926-8
 8 bit CTRL
 Texas Instruments 928 (basic               ti_ansi
 Texas Instruments 928 VDT 7 bit    ti928
 Texas Instruments 931 Emulator             em931
 Texas Instruments 931 VDT          ti931   ti931
 Texas Instruments Omni 800                 ti800
 Texas Instruments Silent 700       ti      ti700
 Texas Instruments Silent 745       ti745   ti
 Ttywilliams                                ttywilliams
 Tymshare Scan Set                          scanset
 Tymshare Scan Set in 40-column             scanset-n
 Unknown                            dumb    dumb

Vanilla   vanilla
Version 1 teletype 5410 entry without function keys tty5410-nfk  
Vic Personal Computer   vic20
Visual 200 no function keys vi200f vi200-f
Visual 200 reverse video vi200rv vi200-rv
Visual 200 reverse video using insert char vi200rvic vi200-rv-ic
Visual 200 using insert char vi200ic vi200-ic
Visual 200 with function keys vi200 vi200
Visual 300 (old model)   ovi300
Visual 300 ANSI x3.64   vi300
Visual 300 no autowrap   vi300-aw
Visual 300 reverse video   vi300-rv
Visual 300 slow scroll   vi300-ss
Visual 50 adm3a mode with goodies   vi50

 Vanilla                                           vanilla
 Version 1 teletype 5410 entry       tty5410-nfk
 without function keys
 Vic Personal Computer                             vic20
 Visual 200 no function keys         vi200f        vi200-f
 Visual 200 reverse video            vi200rv       vi200-rv
 Visual 200 reverse video using      vi200rvic     vi200-rv-ic
 insert char
 Visual 200 using insert char        vi200ic       vi200-ic
 Visual 200 with function keys       vi200         vi200
 Visual 300 (old model)                            ovi300
 Visual 300 ANSI x3.64                             vi300
 Visual 300 no autowrap                            vi300-aw
 Visual 300 reverse video                          vi300-rv
 Visual 300 slow scroll                            vi300-ss
 Visual 50 adm3a mode with goodies                 vi50

Visual 50 emulation of DEC VT52 v50  
Visual 50 in ADDS viewpoint emulation vi50 vi50
Visual 55 emulation of DEC VT52 (called V55) v55  
Visual 55 using ADDS emulation vi55  
Visual 550 ANSI x3.64   vi550
Visual 613 vis613  
Volker-Craig 303   vc303
Volker-Craig 303a   vc303-a
Volker-Craig 404   vc404
Volker-Craig 404 without arrow keys   vc404-na
Volker-Craig 404 with standout mode   vc404-s
Volker-Craig 404 with standout mode and no arrow keys   vc404-s-na
Volker-Craig 415   vc415

 Visual 50 emulation of DEC VT52   v50
 Visual 50 in ADDS viewpoint       vi50     vi50
 Visual 55 emulation of DEC VT52   v55
 (called V55)
 Visual 55 using ADDS emulation    vi55
 Visual 550 ANSI x3.64                      vi550
 Visual 613                        vis613
 Volker-Craig 303                           vc303
 Volker-Craig 303a                          vc303-a
 Volker-Craig 404                           vc404
 Volker-Craig 404 without arrow             vc404-na
 Volker-Craig 404 with standout             vc404-s
 Volker-Craig 404 with standout             vc404-s-na
 mode and no arrow keys
 Volker-Craig 415                           vc415

Wang 2110 Asynchronous Data Entry Terminal 80 column w2110A  
Wyse 100 wy100 wy100
Wyse 120 132-column wy120w wy120w
Wyse 120 132-column 25-lines wy120w-25 wy120w-25
Wyse 120 132-column for EPC keyboard   wy120-w-epc
Wyse 120 80-column 25-lines wy120-25 wy120-25
Wyse 120 for EPC keyboard   wy120-epc
Wyse 120 with ANSI key values wy120ak wy120ak
Wyse 120 with visible bell wy120-vb  
Wyse 120 with visible bell for EPC keyboard   wy120-vb-epc
Wyse 120-wvb wy120-wvb  
Wyse 120/150   wy120
Wyse 120/150   wy120-pc

 Wang 2110 Asynchronous Data Entry   w2110A
 Terminal 80 column
 Wyse 100                            wy100       wy100
 Wyse 120 132-column                 wy120w      wy120w
 Wyse 120 132-column 25-lines        wy120w-25   wy120w-25
 Wyse 120 132-column for EPC                     wy120-w-epc
 Wyse 120 80-column 25-lines         wy120-25    wy120-25
 Wyse 120 for EPC keyboard                       wy120-epc
 Wyse 120 with ANSI key values       wy120ak     wy120ak
 Wyse 120 with visible bell          wy120-vb
 Wyse 120 with visible bell for                  wy120-vb-epc
 EPC keyboard
 Wyse 120-wvb                        wy120-wvb
 Wyse 120/150                                    wy120
 Wyse 120/150                                    wy120-pc

Wyse 120/150   wy150-pc
Wyse 120/150 132-column visible bell   wy120w-vb
Wyse 120/150 with visible bell   wy120-vb
Wyse 150 wy150 wy150
Wyse 150 132-column wy150w wy150w
Wyse 150 132-column 25-lines wy150w-25 wy150w-25
Wyse 150 132-column for EPC keyboard   wy150-w-epc
Wyse 150 132-column visible bell   wy150w-vb
Wyse 150 80-column 25-lines wy150-25 wy150-25
Wyse 150 for EPC keyboard   wy150-epc
Wyse 150 with ANSI key values wy150ak wy150ak
Wyse 150 with visible bell wy150-vb wy150-vb
Wyse 150 with visible bell for EPC keyboard   wy150-vb-epc
Wyse 150-wvb wy150-wvb  

 Wyse 120/150                                   wy150-pc
 Wyse 120/150 132-column visible                wy120w-vb
 Wyse 120/150 with visible bell                 wy120-vb
 Wyse 150                           wy150       wy150
 Wyse 150 132-column                wy150w      wy150w
 Wyse 150 132-column 25-lines       wy150w-25   wy150w-25
 Wyse 150 132-column for EPC                    wy150-w-epc
 Wyse 150 132-column visible bell               wy150w-vb
 Wyse 150 80-column 25-lines        wy150-25    wy150-25
 Wyse 150 for EPC keyboard                      wy150-epc
 Wyse 150 with ANSI key values      wy150ak     wy150ak
 Wyse 150 with visible bell         wy150-vb    wy150-vb
 Wyse 150 with visible bell for                 wy150-vb-epc
 EPC keyboard
 Wyse 150-wvb                       wy150-wvb

Wyse 160 wy160 wy160
Wyse 160 132-column wy160-w wy160w
Wyse 160 132-column 25-lines wy160-25-w wy160w-25
Wyse 160 132-column 42-lines wy160-42-w wy160-42-w
Wyse 160 132-column 43-lines wy160-43-w wy160-43-w
Wyse 160 132-column visible bell wy160-w-vb wy160-w-vb
Wyse 160 80-column 25-lines wy160-25 wy160-25
Wyse 160 80-column 42-lines wy160-42 wy160-42
Wyse 160 80-column 43-lines wy160-43 wy160-43
Wyse 160 economy mode with 2 pages of memory   wy160-2p
Wyse 160 Tektronix 4010/4014 emulator   wy160-tek
Wyse 160 with ANSI key values   wy160ak
Wyse 160 with visible bell wy160-vb wy160-vb

 Wyse 160                           wy160        wy160
 Wyse 160 132-column                wy160-w      wy160w
 Wyse 160 132-column 25-lines       wy160-25-w   wy160w-25
 Wyse 160 132-column 42-lines       wy160-42-w   wy160-42-w
 Wyse 160 132-column 43-lines       wy160-43-w   wy160-43-w
 Wyse 160 132-column visible bell   wy160-w-vb   wy160-w-vb
 Wyse 160 80-column 25-lines        wy160-25     wy160-25
 Wyse 160 80-column 42-lines        wy160-42     wy160-42
 Wyse 160 80-column 43-lines        wy160-43     wy160-43
 Wyse 160 economy mode with 2                    wy160-2p
 pages of memory
 Wyse 160 Tektronix 4010/4014                    wy160-tek
 Wyse 160 with ANSI key values                   wy160ak
 Wyse 160 with visible bell         wy160-vb     wy160-vb

Wyse 160n 80x24   wyse160n
Wyse 185 wy185 wy185
Wyse 185 in 132-column mode wy185-w wy185-w
Wyse 185 with 24 data lines wy185-24 wy185-24
Wyse 185 with visible bell wy185-vb wy185-vb
Wyse 185 with visible bell 132-columns wy185-wvb wy185-wvb
Wyse 285 wy285 wy285
Wyse 285 in 132-column mode   wy285-epc-w
Wyse 285 in 132-column mode wy285-w wy285-w
Wyse 285 with 24 data lines   wy285-24
Wyse 285 with 24 data lines wy285-24 wy285-epc-24
Wyse 285 with 36 data lines   wy285-36
Wyse 285 with 36 data lines   wy285-36pc

 Wyse 160n 80x24                           wyse160n
 Wyse 185                      wy185       wy185
 Wyse 185 in 132-column mode   wy185-w     wy185-w
 Wyse 185 with 24 data lines   wy185-24    wy185-24
 Wyse 185 with visible bell    wy185-vb    wy185-vb
 Wyse 185 with visible bell    wy185-wvb   wy185-wvb
 Wyse 285                      wy285       wy285
 Wyse 285 in 132-column mode               wy285-epc-w
 Wyse 285 in 132-column mode   wy285-w     wy285-w
 Wyse 285 with 24 data lines               wy285-24
 Wyse 285 with 24 data lines   wy285-24    wy285-epc-24
 Wyse 285 with 36 data lines               wy285-36
 Wyse 285 with 36 data lines               wy285-36pc

Wyse 285 with 36 data lines   wy285-36w
Wyse 285 with 36 data lines   wy285-36wpc
Wyse 285 with 48 data lines   wy285-48
Wyse 285 with 48 data lines   wy285-48pc
Wyse 285 with 48 data lines   wy285-48w
Wyse 285 with 48 data lines   wy285-48wpc
Wyse 285 with EPC keyboard   wy285-epc
Wyse 285 with visible bell   wy285-epc-vb
Wyse 285 with visible bell wy285-vb wy285-vb
Wyse 285 with visible bell 132-columns   wy285-epc-wvb
Wyse 285 with visible bell 132-columns wy285-wvb wy285-wvb
Wyse 30 wy30 wy30
Wyse 30 (old model)   wy30-o
Wyse 30 Plus   wy30p

 Wyse 285 with 36 data lines               wy285-36w
 Wyse 285 with 36 data lines               wy285-36wpc
 Wyse 285 with 48 data lines               wy285-48
 Wyse 285 with 48 data lines               wy285-48pc
 Wyse 285 with 48 data lines               wy285-48w
 Wyse 285 with 48 data lines               wy285-48wpc
 Wyse 285 with EPC keyboard                wy285-epc
 Wyse 285 with visible bell                wy285-epc-vb
 Wyse 285 with visible bell    wy285-vb    wy285-vb
 Wyse 285 with visible bell                wy285-epc-wvb
 Wyse 285 with visible bell    wy285-wvb   wy285-wvb
 Wyse 30                       wy30        wy30
 Wyse 30 (old model)                       wy30-o
 Wyse 30 Plus                              wy30p

Wyse 30 Plus with magic cookies   wy30p-mc
Wyse 30 Plus with visible bell   wy30p-vb
Wyse 30 with magic cookies   wy30-mc
Wyse 30 without attributes suitable for sysadmsh   wy30-sysadm
Wyse 30 without automargins   wy30n
Wyse 30 with visible bell wy30-vb wy30-vb
Wyse 325 wy325  
Wyse 325 132-column wy325-w wy325-w
Wyse 325 132-column 25-lines wy325-25-w wy325-25-w
Wyse 325 132-column 42-lines wy325-42-w wy325-42-w
Wyse 325 132-column 43-lines wy325-43-w wy325-43-w
Wyse 325 132-column visible bell wy325-w-vb wy325-w-vb
Wyse 325 80-column 25-lines wy325-25 wy325-25

 Wyse 30 Plus with magic cookies                 wy30p-mc
 Wyse 30 Plus with visible bell                  wy30p-vb
 Wyse 30 with magic cookies                      wy30-mc
 Wyse 30 without attributes                      wy30-sysadm
 suitable for sysadmsh
 Wyse 30 without automargins                     wy30n
 Wyse 30 with visible bell          wy30-vb      wy30-vb
 Wyse 325                           wy325
 Wyse 325 132-column                wy325-w      wy325-w
 Wyse 325 132-column 25-lines       wy325-25-w   wy325-25-w
 Wyse 325 132-column 42-lines       wy325-42-w   wy325-42-w
 Wyse 325 132-column 43-lines       wy325-43-w   wy325-43-w
 Wyse 325 132-column visible bell   wy325-w-vb   wy325-w-vb
 Wyse 325 80-column 25-lines        wy325-25     wy325-25

Wyse 325 80-column 42-lines wy325-42 wy325-42
Wyse 325 80-column 43-lines wy325-43 wy325-43
Wyse 325 in wy325 mode with ANSI arrow keys   wy325ak
Wyse 325 with visible bell wy325-vb wy325-vb
Wyse 325 with 80 column/24 line screen in wy325 mode   wy325
Wyse 325 with 80 column/24 line with EPC keyboard   wy325-epc
Wyse 350 132-column   wy350-w
Wyse 350 132-column color terminal emulating wy50 wy350w  
Wyse 350 132-column visible bell wy350-wvb wy350-wvb
Wyse 350 80-column color terminal emulating wy50 wy350  
Wyse 350 with color   wy350-C
Wyse 350 with visible bell wy350-vb wy350-vb
Wyse 350 without color   wy350

 Wyse 325 80-column 42-lines         wy325-42    wy325-42
 Wyse 325 80-column 43-lines         wy325-43    wy325-43
 Wyse 325 in wy325 mode with ANSI                wy325ak
 arrow keys
 Wyse 325 with visible bell          wy325-vb    wy325-vb
 Wyse 325 with 80 column/24 line                 wy325
 screen in wy325 mode
 Wyse 325 with 80 column/24 line                 wy325-epc
 with EPC keyboard
 Wyse 350 132-column                             wy350-w
 Wyse 350 132-column color           wy350w
 terminal emulating wy50
 Wyse 350 132-column visible bell    wy350-wvb   wy350-wvb
 Wyse 350 80-column color terminal   wy350
 emulating wy50
 Wyse 350 with color                             wy350-C
 Wyse 350 with visible bell          wy350-vb    wy350-vb
 Wyse 350 without color                          wy350

Wyse 370   wy370
Wyse 370 in 132-column mode wy370-w wy370-w
Wyse 370 reverse video   wy370-rv
Wyse 370 Tektronix 4010/4014 emulator   wy370-tek
Wyse 370 with 101-key keyboard   wy370-101k
Wyse 370 with 102-key EPC keyboard   wy370-EPC
Wyse 370 with 105-key keyboard   wy370-105k
Wyse 370 with visible bell   wy370-vb
Wyse 370 with visible bell 132-columns   wy370-wvb
Wyse 370 without function keys   wy370-nk
Wyse 50 132-column wy50w wy50-w
Wyse 50 132-column visible bell wy50-wvb wy50-wvb
Wyse 50 with 80-column screen wy50 wy50
Wyse 50 with 80-column screen, no automargin wy50n  

 Wyse 370                                       wy370
 Wyse 370 in 132-column mode         wy370-w    wy370-w
 Wyse 370 reverse video                         wy370-rv
 Wyse 370 Tektronix 4010/4014                   wy370-tek
 Wyse 370 with 101-key keyboard                 wy370-101k
 Wyse 370 with 102-key EPC                      wy370-EPC
 Wyse 370 with 105-key keyboard                 wy370-105k
 Wyse 370 with visible bell                     wy370-vb
 Wyse 370 with visible bell                     wy370-wvb
 Wyse 370 without function keys                 wy370-nk
 Wyse 50 132-column                  wy50w      wy50-w
 Wyse 50 132-column visible bell     wy50-wvb   wy50-wvb
 Wyse 50 with 80-column screen       wy50       wy50
 Wyse 50 with 80-column screen, no   wy50n

Wyse 50 with magic cookies   wy50-mc
Wyse 50 with visible bell wy50vb wy50-vb
Wyse 520 wy520 wy520
Wyse 520 in 132-column mode wy520-epc-w wy520-epc-w
Wyse 520 in 132-column mode wy520-w wy520-w
Wyse 520 with 24 data lines wy520-24 wy520-24
Wyse 520 with 24 data lines wy520-epc-2 wy520-epc-24
Wyse 520 with 36 data lines wy520-36 wy520-36
Wyse 520 with 36 data lines wy520-36pc wy520-36pc
Wyse 520 with 36 data lines wy520-36w wy520-36w
Wyse 520 with 36 data lines wy520-36wpc wy520-36wpc
Wyse 520 with 48 data lines wy520-48 wy520-48
Wyse 520 with 48 data lines wy520-48pc wy520-48pc

 Wyse 50 with magic cookies                  wy50-mc
 Wyse 50 with visible bell     wy50vb        wy50-vb
 Wyse 520                      wy520         wy520
 Wyse 520 in 132-column mode   wy520-epc-w   wy520-epc-w
 Wyse 520 in 132-column mode   wy520-w       wy520-w
 Wyse 520 with 24 data lines   wy520-24      wy520-24
 Wyse 520 with 24 data lines   wy520-epc-2   wy520-epc-24
 Wyse 520 with 36 data lines   wy520-36      wy520-36
 Wyse 520 with 36 data lines   wy520-36pc    wy520-36pc
 Wyse 520 with 36 data lines   wy520-36w     wy520-36w
 Wyse 520 with 36 data lines   wy520-36wpc   wy520-36wpc
 Wyse 520 with 48 data lines   wy520-48      wy520-48
 Wyse 520 with 48 data lines   wy520-48pc    wy520-48pc

Wyse 520 with 48 data lines wy520-48w wy520-48w
Wyse 520 with 48 data lines wy520-48wpc wy520-48wpc
Wyse 520 with EPC keyboard wy520-epc wy520-epc
Wyse 520 with visible bell wy520-epc-vb wy520-epc-vb
Wyse 520 with visible bell wy520-vb wy520-vb
Wyse 520 with visible bell 132-columns wy520-epc-wvb wy520-epc-wvb
Wyse 520 with visible bell 132-columns wy520-wvb wy520-wvb
Wyse 55 wy55 wy55
Wyse 55 132-column wy55-w wy55-w
Wyse 55 132-column visible bell wy55-wvb wy55-wvb
Wyse 55 with visible bell wy55-vb wy55-vb
Wyse 55 with magic cookies wy55-mc wy55-mc
Wyse 60 132-column   wy60w

 Wyse 520 with 48 data lines       wy520-48w       wy520-48w
 Wyse 520 with 48 data lines       wy520-48wpc     wy520-48wpc
 Wyse 520 with EPC keyboard        wy520-epc       wy520-epc
 Wyse 520 with visible bell        wy520-epc-vb    wy520-epc-vb
 Wyse 520 with visible bell        wy520-vb        wy520-vb
 Wyse 520 with visible bell        wy520-epc-wvb   wy520-epc-wvb
 Wyse 520 with visible bell        wy520-wvb       wy520-wvb
 Wyse 55                           wy55            wy55
 Wyse 55 132-column                wy55-w          wy55-w
 Wyse 55 132-column visible bell   wy55-wvb        wy55-wvb
 Wyse 55 with visible bell         wy55-vb         wy55-vb
 Wyse 55 with magic cookies        wy55-mc         wy55-mc
 Wyse 60 132-column                                wy60w

Wyse 60 132-column 25-lines wy60w-25 wy60w-25
Wyse 60 132-column 42-lines wy60w-42 wy60w-42
Wyse 60 132-column 43-lines wy60w-43 wy60w-43
Wyse 60 132-column visible bell wy60w-vb wy60w-vb
Wyse 60 80-column 25-lines wy60-25 wy60-25
Wyse 60 80-column 42-lines wy60-42 wy60-42
Wyse 60 80-column 43-lines wy60-43 wy60-43
Wyse 60 economy mode with 2 pages of memory   wy60-2p
Wyse 60 for Visual Tcl or vTcl   wy60_vtcl
Wyse 60 in PC TERM scancode mode   wy60-pc
Wyse 60 in wy60 mode with ANSI arrow keys wy60ak wy60ak
Wyse 60 with 132 column/24 line screen in wy60 mode wy60w  
Wyse 60 with 80 column/24 line screen in wy60 mode wy60 wy60
Wyse 60 with 80 column/43 line screen in wy50+ mode wy50l  

 Wyse 60 132-column 25-lines         wy60w-25   wy60w-25
 Wyse 60 132-column 42-lines         wy60w-42   wy60w-42
 Wyse 60 132-column 43-lines         wy60w-43   wy60w-43
 Wyse 60 132-column visible bell     wy60w-vb   wy60w-vb
 Wyse 60 80-column 25-lines          wy60-25    wy60-25
 Wyse 60 80-column 42-lines          wy60-42    wy60-42
 Wyse 60 80-column 43-lines          wy60-43    wy60-43
 Wyse 60 economy mode with 2 pages              wy60-2p
 of memory
 Wyse 60 for Visual Tcl or vTcl                 wy60_vtcl
 Wyse 60 in PC TERM scancode mode               wy60-pc
 Wyse 60 in wy60 mode with ANSI      wy60ak     wy60ak
 arrow keys
 Wyse 60 with 132 column/24 line     wy60w
 screen in wy60 mode
 Wyse 60 with 80 column/24 line      wy60       wy60
 screen in wy60 mode
 Wyse 60 with 80 column/43 line      wy50l
 screen in wy50+ mode

Wyse 60 with visible bell wy60-vb wy60-vb
Wyse 60n 80x24   wyse60n
Wyse 65 in VT200 emulation mode and pc code to OFF wy65_npc  
Wyse 65 in VT200 emulation mode and pc code to ON wy65  
Wyse 75 wy75 wy75
Wyse 75 in 132-column mode wy75w wy75-w
Wyse 75 with 132-column lines in vi editor mode wy75x  
Wyse 75 with applications and cursor-keypad modes wy75ap  
Wyse 75 with magic cookies wy75-mc wy75-mc
Wyse 75 with visible bell wy75-vb wy75-vb
Wyse 75 with visible bell 132 columns wy75-wvb wy75-wvb
Wyse 85 wy85 wy85
Wyse 85 in 132-column mode wy85w wy85-w

 Wyse 60 with visible bell          wy60-vb    wy60-vb
 Wyse 60n 80x24                                wyse60n
 Wyse 65 in VT200 emulation mode    wy65_npc
 and pc code to OFF
 Wyse 65 in VT200 emulation mode    wy65
 and pc code to ON
 Wyse 75                            wy75       wy75
 Wyse 75 in 132-column mode         wy75w      wy75-w
 Wyse 75 with 132-column lines in   wy75x
 vi editor mode
 Wyse 75 with applications and      wy75ap
 cursor-keypad modes
 Wyse 75 with magic cookies         wy75-mc    wy75-mc
 Wyse 75 with visible bell          wy75-vb    wy75-vb
 Wyse 75 with visible bell 132      wy75-wvb   wy75-wvb
 Wyse 85                            wy85       wy85
 Wyse 85 in 132-column mode         wy85w      wy85-w

Wyse 85 in 80-column mode, vt100 emulation wy85  
Wyse 85 with visible bell wy85-vb wy85-vb
Wyse 85 with visible bell 132-columns wy85-wvb wy85-wvb
Wyse 85 without xon/xoff   wy85-nx
Wyse 99gt wy99gt wy99gt
Wyse 99gt 132-column wy99gt-w wy99gt-w
Wyse 99gt 132-column 25-lines wy99gt-25-w wy99gt-25-w
Wyse 99gt 132-column visible bell wy99gt-w-vb wy99gt-w-vb
Wyse 99gt 80-column 25-lines wy99gt-25 wy99gt-25
Wyse 99gt Tektronix 4010/4014 emulator   wy99gt-tek
Wyse 99gt visible bell wy99gt-vb wy99gt-vb
Wyse 99gt with 2 pages of memory   wy99gt-2p
Xerox 1720   x1720

 Wyse 85 in 80-column mode, vt100    wy85
 Wyse 85 with visible bell           wy85-vb       wy85-vb
 Wyse 85 with visible bell           wy85-wvb      wy85-wvb
 Wyse 85 without xon/xoff                          wy85-nx
 Wyse 99gt                           wy99gt        wy99gt
 Wyse 99gt 132-column                wy99gt-w      wy99gt-w
 Wyse 99gt 132-column 25-lines       wy99gt-25-w   wy99gt-25-w
 Wyse 99gt 132-column visible bell   wy99gt-w-vb   wy99gt-w-vb
 Wyse 99gt 80-column 25-lines        wy99gt-25     wy99gt-25
 Wyse 99gt Tektronix 4010/4014                     wy99gt-tek
 Wyse 99gt visible bell              wy99gt-vb     wy99gt-vb
 Wyse 99gt with 2 pages of memory                  wy99gt-2p
 Xerox 1720                                        x1720

Xerox 1720 x1720  
Xerox 820   x820
Xitex SCT-100 xitex xitex
Xterm terminal emulator xterm xterm
Zenith Z-29 z29  
Zenith Z-39 z39  

 Xerox 1720                x1720
 Xerox 820                         x820
 Xitex SCT-100             xitex   xitex
 Xterm terminal emulator   xterm   xterm
 Zenith Z-29               z29
 Zenith Z-39               z39

Zentec 30 zen30 zen30
Zentec 40 zen40  
Zentec 50 zen50  
Zentec Zephyr220 in VT100 mode zephyr  
Zentec Zephyr220 in VT100 mode without automargins zephyrnam  
Zilog VTZ 2/10 vtz  

 Zentec 30                        zen30       zen30
 Zentec 40                        zen40
 Zentec 50                        zen50
 Zentec Zephyr220 in VT100 mode   zephyr
 Zentec Zephyr220 in VT100 mode   zephyrnam
 without automargins
 Zilog VTZ 2/10                   vtz

See also

captoinfo(ADM), environ(M), infocmp(ADM), term(M), termcap(F), terminfo(F), terminfo(M), tic(C), tput(C), tset(C)

SCO Hardware Compatibility Handbook

© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005