
aiomemlock -- asynchronous I/O memory lock permissions file


name amount


The Asynchronous I/O (AIO) facility allows a system administrator to specify certain privileged users who are allowed to lock a piece of physical memory for AIO usage. The aiomemlock file is read by the aiolkinit utility to set up the AIO locking permissions.

Each entry in aiomemlock specifies a user's login name and the total amount of memory which they may lock. Specifying a value of 0 (zero) for amount disables any locking for that user. If there is more than one entry for the same user, the second entry overrides the first.

Comment lines have a number sign (#) as the first character.

The super user can lock memory whether or not root has an entry in the aiomemlock file.


The following entry allows user lucy to lock slightly less than 4MB of memory. This is the maximum total shared among all processes running with the same UID as lucy.
   lucy	4000000


Memory locked by a user is removed from the general free memory pool. Allowing locks should be done with care; for example, locking 4MB on an 8MB system would severely degrade multiuser performance.


definitions for asynchronous I/O

permissions file to control how much memory can be locked by whom

command to lock physical memory for AIO transfers

command to print statistics on AIO usage

See also

aio(F), aio(HW), aioinfo(ADM), aiolkinit(ADM)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005