
aioinfo -- print out asynchronous I/O statistics


aioinfo [ raw-device ]


aioinfo prints out information and internal statistics about AIO configuration and use. By default, it opens /dev/rroot to get a file descriptor for the AIO ioctl; if this is not accessible, or if support for AIO is not linked into the kernel, an alternate AIO disk partition name must be specified.

The following is sample output:

   total aio_info slots 		5
   active aio_info slots 		2
   number of memory locks		1
   total locked memory		65536
   total ureq structures 		120
   active ureq structures 		23
   free ureq structures		97
   cumulative ureq usage		51843
   maximum ureq usage		73
   total aio buf structures	120
   free aio buf structures		97
In this output, two processes are currently doing AIO. One has 65536 bytes of memory locked, the other does not have a memory lock. 23 AIO requests are currently pending. 51843 AIO requests have been issued since the machine was booted, and the maximum number of simultaneous pending AIO requests since boot was 73.


definitions for asynchronous I/O

permissions file to control how much memory can be locked by whom

command to lock physical memory for AIO transfers

See also

aio(F), aio(HW), aiolkinit(ADM), aiomemlock(F)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005